Konstantin Pawlowitsch Polenow

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Konstantin Pavlovich Polenow ( Russian Константин Павлович Поленов ; born July 25 . Jul / 6. August  1835 greg. On the family Pawlowskoje in Ujesd Kineschma , † January 13 . Jul / 26. January  1908 . Greg in Yekaterinburg ) was a Russian Metallurg and inventor .


Polenow was the second youngest of 5 children of a noble family in the Kostroma governorate , which owned several villages in the Ujesd Kineschma and Ujesd Ljubim in the Yaroslavl governorate . He graduated from the Kostroma boys' grammar school with distinction. This was followed by studies at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University , from which he graduated in 1856 with the great gold medal. He finished further training at the Nikolai Academy of the General Staff in St. Petersburg in 1858 to work at the Pulkovo Observatory because he wanted to become an astronomer .

After completing his studies, Polenow married his fellow student Marija Alexandrovna Bykowa. This apparently led to difficulties with his family, because when his son Boris was born in August 1859 and he was supposed to support his wife's sister, he was forced to give up his work at the Pulkovo observatory and accept Pavel Pavlovich Demidov's offer to to work as a mechanics teacher at the Technical University in Nizhny Tagil in the Urals . The meeting with Vladimir Karlowitsch Raschet , the manager of the Nizhny Tagiler mountain district of the industrialist Anatole Demidoff di San Donato , led to Polenov becoming the administrator of the Wissimo-Shaitanski steelworks near Yekaterinburg. There he met the family of the priest Narkis Matwejewitsch Mamin, whose son Dmitri then became a writer .

In 1864, Polenov became the manager of the Nizhnyaya Salda steelworks , where he worked for 38 years. In the same year he proposed the production of solidified railway tracks , which was then realized. From 1875 to 1876 he developed a special Bessemer process for low-silicon pig iron (so-called Russian Bessemer process), which was then implemented. For the first time in Russia he put the 1882 Cowper - Winderhitzer one and precise cutting hot rails using a photometer . Polenow was convinced that inventions and knowledge in general do not belong to the inventors, but to all of humanity, and did not make the processes in the factory a trade secret. One of his students was Wladimir Efimowitsch Grum-Grschimailo .

Long before Pawel Nikolajewitsch Jablotschkow , Polenow invented electric lighting , which was switched on in the evening in the Salda office in the 1870s . With the help of electric lighting, he used the magic lantern to present non-transparent images. The melodrome he invented and constantly improved was a harmonium with special notes for musical performances by untrained people.

At the insistence of Polenov, the first two-class school for the children of workers in the Perm governorate was opened in Nizhnyaya Salda in 1880 . On the upper floor of Polenow's house, a large room was made available for amateur performances of plays. On Polenov's initiative, a small credit cooperative for arable farming was set up at the Nizhnyaya Salda iron and steel works. For many years, Polenov was a member of the Zemstvo Verkhoturye and was elected several times in the Governorate Semstvo. For three years he was chairman of the Verkhoturye Ujezd Assembly. He was elected honorary peace judge many times . In 1903 he retired in Yekaterinburg. He remained a rationalist , positivist and enemy of every kind of theology , metaphysics and mysticism .

Individual evidence

  1. Большая российская энциклопедия: ПОЛЕ́НОВ Константин Павлович (accessed June 1, 2019).
  2. a b c d Памяти Константина Павловича Поленова. типо-лит. Губ. правл., Perm 1908 ( rsl.ru [accessed June 1, 2019]).
  3. a b c Рафиенко Л. С .: Уральские Поленовы . In: Московский журнал . No. 9 , 2014, p. 2–19 ( mosjour.ru [accessed May 31, 2019]).
  4. a b c d e МЕЗЕНИН Н .: Творец металла . In: Тагильский рабочий . January 27, 1984 ( historyntagil.ru [accessed June 1, 2019]).
  5. Prokopi Alexandrovich Dilaktorski : Рашет, Владимир Карлович . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 15 , 1910, pp. 520-521 ( Wikisource [accessed June 2, 2019]).