Works of art in the house of the state parliament and in the house of the representatives of Baden-Württemberg

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The works of art in the House of the State Parliament and in the House of Representatives of Baden-Württemberg have been a selection of works of art created by thirteen artists since the establishment of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg in 1961, in the building complex House of the State Parliament and House of Representatives in Stuttgart, which are connected by a pedestrian tunnel . Seven artists have placed their works of art in the house of the state parliament. An artist designed the underground corridor between the two houses and five artists have worked in the House of Representatives, which was built in 1987.

History and location

Henry Moore's sculpture "Draped Reclining Woman" found a new place in front of the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart .

The square house in the Upper Castle Garden was designed by Horst Linde . On June 6, 1961, the building of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg was inaugurated in the presence of Federal President Heinrich Lübke and Prime Minister Kurt Georg Kiesinger . It took 26 years until the House of Representatives on the other side of Konrad-Adenauer-Straße was opened in 1987. The two buildings are connected by a pedestrian tunnel. As early as the summer of 1960, the building commission and the art advisory board were discussing the question of which works of art could be used to decorate the house of the state parliament. Competitions were also announced for this purpose.

The sculpture by Henry Moore , popularly known as Die Liegende , the Seated Man and the Great Great Mother by Alfred Lörcher were three works of art that did not keep their original place in the area of ​​the two houses. Over the years, following criticism from the population, which even found expression in angry protests - expressed in letters to the editor of the Stuttgarter Zeitung or the Stuttgarter Nachrichten - they were implemented, outsourced and praised within Stuttgart. Henry Moore's reclining woman has now found a place in front of the entrance to the New State Gallery .

Contrary to the prognoses, the initially controversial rider of Marini was no longer moved or praised to another location.

Posidonia slate wall

The first work of art executed in the house of the state parliament is the Posidonia slate wall . The gray-blue slate wall is on the ground floor of the state parliament building and is 180 million years old. Their place of discovery was Holzmaden . The wall was built by the Stuttgart academy professor Otto Baum . The natural history supervision was taken over by Bernhard Hauff Jr., a descendant of Bernhard Hauff.

Otto H. Hajek

On 9 November 2004, the 15th anniversary of the Berlin Wall, in 1980 created was triptych by Otto Herbert Hajek paraphrases the national colors passed in the parliament solemnly to the public. The paraphrases are made of gold and acrylic, are 250 × 570 cm in size and are on loan from the federal government to the state of Baden-Württemberg .

The painting hung in a solo exhibition in Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome until 1980 . The then Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt saw it there and bought it for federal property. It hung there in the NATO hall until the Federal Chancellery moved to Berlin. Hajek painter, sculptor and square designer was a versatile artist. In a triad of black, red and gold , he sets a special color accent on each of the three panels.

Portrait busts

In the immediate vicinity of Hajek's paraphrases, nine portrait busts of former state parliament presidents were placed. The former President of the State of Württemberg, Eugen Bolz , who was executed by the Nazis in Berlin-Plötzensee , was given the place of honor .

Nine busts of former state parliament presidents stand on travertine plinths on the ground floor of the state parliament building. In 2004 it was decided to give up the bust tradition and to commemorate the deceased state parliament presidents with portrait photographs.

Large coat of arms

The great national coat of arms

The large state coat of arms adorns the plenary hall of the state parliament and dates from 1961. It is 150 × 200 cm in size and made of copper and gold leaf. The design comes from Walter Brudi and was executed by Hermann Stadelmaier, an experienced silversmith from Schwäbisch Gmünd . It hangs on a light, low-contour oak wall as a contrast. The coat of arms is a symbol of the unity of a colorfully mixed country of former spiritual and secular territories of the Holy Roman Empire, an essential part of the Duchy of Swabia . The three Hohenstaufen lions stand in the golden shield. On the shield rests a crown with plaques of the historical coats of arms of Franconia , Hohenzollern , Baden , Württemberg , Electoral Palatinate and Upper Austria . The shield is held on the right by the golden stag from Württemberg and on the left by the griffin from Baden.

The flexible copper rods are usually used in lightning rod construction.

Jean Lurçat

In the house of the state parliament, on the main floor opposite the room of the state parliament president, there is a tapestry called Apollinaire by Jean Lurçat from 1960/61. It is 300 × 210 cm in size and was made by Goubely-Gatien from Aubuisson. Lurçat, an artist close to Picasso, wanted to re-establish tapestry as an independent art movement.

The sun as the main motif in Lurçat's pictures can also be seen here. Lurçat saw human coexistence threatened in times of the Cold War . Under the sign of the sun, the carpet develops a mysterious, Apollinaire-related dialogue between Genesis and Paradise.

Ingeborg Schäffler-Wolf

Two pictures by Ingeborg Schäffler-Wolf executed in silk weaving and steel are on the main floor in the visitor's niche of the Johann-Jakob-Moser Hall of the House of the State Parliament. One is entitled "When to see the field on a holiday" and "A farmer goes in the morning when ..." The works date from 1989/90. The first lines of a poem fragment by Hölderlin are the titles of the works. The artist had already made herself known through works in the entrance hall of the Institute for Sanitary Engineering of the University of Stuttgart and the celebration hall of the Pragfriedhof . Yellow-green fields break through abstract island landscapes in nuanced white, beige and cream tones and isolated black areas.

Marino Marini

In the foyer of the main floor is the horse and rider , called the sculpture of the Milanese artist Marino Marini in the dimension 209 × 120 × 198 was cm bronze erected on June 6, 1961. The artist once told that the fear of nuclear war horse and Influence riders. There was a riding school next to his former studio in Monza , which inspired the artist for this picture. It differs from the imperial equestrian statues of earlier epochs and was not undisputed in the art commission and the building committee. The horse gives the viewer the impression of becoming more and more restless, and the rider seems more and more unable to control the horse.

Robert Schad

Robert Schad, who was born in Ravensburg, was responsible for connecting the connecting tunnel between the House of the State Parliament and the House of Representatives with 45 structural steel, 136 m long. On December 8, 1986, several tons of steel were delivered to the house of the state parliament for the artist. He named the work of art Stuttgarter Weg . The artist welded 45 structural steel together on the 136 m long underground tunnel that connects the house of the state parliament with the house of the representatives. Every step of the long journey opens up a new perspective - depending on which path you walk through or which perspective you take.

Franz Bernhard

In the House of Representatives in the entrance hall there are two works of art from 1987 by Franz Bernhard . One is called a shovel bust and is made of wood and iron and has a dimension of 300 × 270 × 39 cm. The other wall sculpture is called the shovel figure and measures 538 × 300 × 18 cm and is also made of wood and iron. The shovel bust and the shovel figure are monumental works placed on the wall. The blade bust provides a powerful in the ground rammed spade . The figure is a blade hanging on the wall blade . Primitive, archaic, contemporary and powerful art.

Emil Wachter

The painter, glass painter, graphic artist, sculptor and studied theologian Emil Wachter created a glass triptych called Freedom and Chaos in the rooms of the CDU parliamentary group in 1986 on the 3rd floor of the House of Representatives.

  • The artist explained that there are three questions at the center of his work. Freedom for what? In the picture a phoenix rises from conflagrations. In the banner of the phoenix it appears: He who defeats himself is free.
  • Resistance against what? Under the date July 20, 1944, the signet of the White Rose appears in a concentric circle in which important persons of the German resistance can be seen.
  • What to where? Misunderstood Freedom, materialism , egoism, the destruction of nature, the disintegration of the family and the problem of migration are the focus of the third picture

Also on the third floor on the front wall of the CDU parliamentary group hangs another triptych by Emil Wachter with the name Bodensee from 1984/85 in oil on hardboard and measuring 100 × 100 cm; 200 × 100 cm, 100 × 100 cm. A play of light, clouds and water with a lot of blue color. A natural spectacle and monochrome in blue that can provide calming impressions during sometimes hectic political group meetings.

Also on the third floor in the visitor niche of the foyer you can find Wachter's black and white pictures of forest and dance . Both wash ink drawings, each 100 × 70 cm in size. Dance pays homage to Marcia Haydee, who works near the house . Both drawings are from 1984/85.

Jürgen Mack

For the second floor and the rooms of the SPD parliamentary group, Jürgen Mack was two works made of aluminum and lead. The first work is called Wall Relief I and is from 1987, 76.5 × 300 × 12 cm in size. Wall relief II, also made of aluminum and lead, has the same dimensions. With the two works, the photographer, painter and object artist entered new artistic territory. Flat shapes, carefully balanced against each other, form a concentrated structure of geometric hollow bodies in practical box and cuboid form. The equivalent juxtaposition results in a formally strict, but in no way repellent, pictorial order.

Otto Mindhoff

In the meeting room of the SPD parliamentary group, Otto Mindhoff is represented with the Technotop and Homotop works in acrylic on plywood. The pictures are vaguely reminiscent of Fernand Léger . Technotop has the dimensions 380 × 614 cm. Homotop has the dimensions 374 × 565 cm. Mindhoff's picture panoramas are neither hostile to technology nor believe in progress. They are neutral statements of the inexorably technological environment.

Per Kirkeby

On the first floor in the foyer shared by the Greens and the FDP parliamentary group , Per Kirkeby is represented with a cycle of seven paintings in oil on canvas 220 × 90 cm called oT from 1987. Kirkeby describes his work as layer painting. He would paint, then wait for time to pass, and so sometimes it would take a year to complete a picture. Earthy, heavy colors determine his pictures. But blue values ​​and a seasonal selection of greens can also be seen in the abstract works.

Another work by Kirkeby can be found on the terrace of the House of Representatives. The sculpture is called the front wall and was erected in 1986/87. It is made of solid brick 12.80 × 3.49 × 3.11 m. A jury decided with 12: 4 votes in favor of the work of art and the ultimately decisive building committee also approved the monumental brick tower.


  • Rita E. Täuber, Art in the Landtag , Stuttgart 2008

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