Kurt Radeke

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Kurt Radeke (born April 27, 1924 in Pasewalk ; † February 9, 2017 ) was a German actor and voice actor .


Kurt Radeke graduated from the State Drama School in Berlin from 1951 to 1954 . After his training, he got his first engagement at the Stadttheater Eisenach from 1954 to 1956 . He switched to the city ​​theater in Greifswald , where he worked with the director Adolf Dresen until 1965. In the following years he made a great leap forward in his career. He went to the Mecklenburg State Theater in Schwerin and was engaged as a permanent member of the ensemble at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin until 1989 .

His important theater roles include Friedrich the Great in Die Preußen by Klaus Hammel and the servant in Stella by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe .

Filmography (selection)

Theater (selection)

Radio plays

  • 1969: Friedrich Schiller : The Fiesco Conspiracy in Genoa (Romano) - Director: Peter Groeger (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR )
  • 1969: Bernhard Thieme : Protocol about a contemporary (Frenzel) - Director: Fritz Göhler (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Werner Gawande : The termination (Heinz Kubisch) - Director: Joachim Staritz (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Author collective: Conversations on a long day - Director: Detlef Kurzweg (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1970: Armand Lanoux : The Guardian of the Bees - Director: Fritz Göhler (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1973: Linda Teßmer : Am schwarzen Mann (host) - Director: Joachim Staritz (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1974: Giorgio Bandini : The Lost Warrior (Traveler) - Director: Peter Groeger (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1983: August Strindberg : A Dream Game - Director: Peter Groeger (Fairy Tales for Adults - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1985: Franz Fühmann : The Blue Light - Director: Barbara Plensat (Fantasy, fairy tale for adults - Broadcasting of the GDR)
  • 1986: Georg Büchner : Woyzeck (old man) - Director: Joachim Staritz (radio play - Broadcasting of the GDR)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Actor Kurt Radeke passed away. In: young world . LPG young world e. G., February 24, 2017, accessed February 24, 2017 .
  2. According to unconfirmed information from his family, his death date is said to be February 8, 2017 . His place of death remains unknown.