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coat of arms
Lagosanto (Italy)
Country Italy
region Emilia-Romagna
province Ferrara  (FE)
Coordinates 44 ° 46 '  N , 12 ° 8'  E Coordinates: 44 ° 46 '0 "  N , 12 ° 8' 0"  E
height m slm
surface 34 km²
Residents 4,785 (Dec 31, 2019)
Population density 141 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 44023
prefix 0533
ISTAT number 038011
Popular name laghesi
Patron saint San Venanzio
Website Lagosanto

Lagosanto is a city of 4,785 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019) in the province of Ferrara in northeastern Italy.

Geographical location

Lagosanto is halfway between the two cities of Codigoro in the north and Comacchio in the south. Neighboring towns are the villages of Marozzo and Vaccolino in the northwest and in the northeast and Volania in the south. The distance from Comacchio and Codigoro is 9 kilometers each; the provincial capital Ferrara is 45 kilometers away.


The place Lagosanto emerged in the 10th century on what was originally a very narrow strip of land between the lagoons of Comacchio ( Valli di Comacchio ) and those of Volano ( Valli di Volano ). On the strip of land there was a small inland lake ( Lago ), where the coenobite San Appiano lived. This was the reason for choosing the place name Lagosanto (Holy Lake).

As a result of the drainage campaigns in the lagoons of Comacchio and Volano in the 19th and 20th centuries, the water in the lagoons receded and the area of ​​the lagoons shrank by around 50% (the originally 18,000 hectare lagoons of Comacchio are now only an area of ​​?? approx. 9,000 hectares). This increased the usable land mass around the place quite considerably. With the agricultural acreage gained, there was also an economic boom. In addition to various field crops, grapes are harvested in the region, which are then pressed into the Cuvée Bosco Eliceo . The place was for a time the subject of a dispute between Comacchio and Ferrara.

Lagosanto is now a modern housing estate and has a large, modern hospital.


  • Marozzo Drainage Works - one of the oldest and most important drainage systems in the province of Ferrara.


  • Maurizio Paiola: La Casette the Magnavacca - una Delizia Estense ritrovate ; Grafis Ddizioni, Casalecchio (BO) 1995, ISBN 88-8081-041-3 , page 33.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.