Neuwied District Court

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Neuwied District Court
Neuwied District Court

The district court Neuwied was a Prussian district court based in Neuwied .


In 1849 the Neuwied District Court was formed in Neuwied . It was subordinate to the Ehrenbreitstein Justice Senate (together with the Wetzlar District Court and the Altenkirchen District Court ) . Neuwied was also the seat of the Neuwied jury court , which was responsible for all three district courts.

With the German Courts Constitution Act of January 27, 1877, which came into force on October 1, 1879 , the existing Neuwied District Court was repealed and the Neuwied District Court was created. It was subordinate to the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main .

The following local courts were subordinate to this:

District Court Seat
Altenkirchen District Court Altenkirchen
District court Asbach Asbach
District court Daaden Daaden
District court Dierdorf Dierdorf
Ehrenbreitstein District Court Ehrenbreitstein
District court Hachenburg Hachenburg
District court Höhr-Grenzhausen Höhr-Grenzhausen
District Court of Churches Churches
Linz District Court Linz
Montabaur District Court Montabaur
Neuwied District Court Neuwied
Selters District Court Selters
Wallmerod District Court Wallmerod
District court knowledge Knowledge

With the Prussian law of June 23, 1933, the Neuwied district court was repealed. The district courts of Hachenberg, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Montabaur, Selters and Wallmerod came to the judicial district of the regional court Limburg .


The district court was from 1878 to 1933 was housed in the building of the district court Neuwied.



  • Karl-Hans Fischer: Justice in Neuwied: the development of the legal and judicial system in Neuwied ; Neuwied: Kehrein, 2006, ISBN 978-3-934125-08-7
  • Georg Schmidt von Rhein: On the history of court organization in the regional court district Limburg ; Nassauische Annalen , Vol. 99, 1988, pp. 75-87

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on the establishment of local courts of July 26, 1878 (PrGS 1878), pp. 275, 282

Coordinates: 50 ° 25 ′ 41.1 ″  N , 7 ° 27 ′ 53.3 ″  E