State and municipal council constituency Ottakring

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Ottakring constituency
Landtag and municipal council electoral districts Vienna.svg
Country Austria
state Vienna
Number of mandates 5
Eligible voters 58,962 (2005)
voter turnout 59.86%
Election date October 23, 2005

The Ottakring constituency is a constituency in Vienna that includes the Ottakring district of Vienna . In the 2005 state and local council elections , 58,962 people were eligible to vote in the Ottakring constituency, with the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) emerging as the strongest party with 51.48%. The SPÖ achieved three of the five possible basic mandates and was the only party in the constituency to receive a basic mandate.

Election results

State and local council elections in the Ottakring constituency
Election date GM SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ GREEN LIF Others
October 8, 1978 Votes (%) 64.73 27.78 5.89 - - 1.61
Basic mandates 4th 1 0 0 0 0
April 24, 1983 Votes (%) 61.16 30.09 5.13 2.55 - 1.07
Basic mandates 4th 2 0 0 0 0
November 18, 1987 Votes (%) 60.71 23.70 9.48 3.81 - 2.31
Basic mandates 4th 1 0 0 0 0
November 10, 1991 Votes (%) 50.44 14.44 24.85 8.08 - 2.19
Basic mandates 3 1 1 0 0 0
October 13, 1996 Votes (%) 41.68 12.41 30.30 7.50 6.56 1.55
Basic mandates 2 0 1 0 0 0
March 25, 2001 Votes (%) 49.97 13.38 20.87 12.14 2.94 0.70
5 Basic mandates 2 0 1 0 0 0
October 23, 2005 Votes (%) 51.48 15.84 15.82 14.35 - 2.51
5 Basic mandates 3 0 0 0 - 0
October 10, 2010 Votes (%)
Basic mandates
October 11, 2015 Votes (%)
Basic mandates
2020 Votes (%)
Basic mandates

Individual evidence

  1. a b c State of Vienna election result of the 2005 state elections
  2. ^ State of Vienna election result of the 2005 state elections in the Ottakring constituency
  3. Election statistics. The elections in the federal states since 1945. pp. 436–469 or Land of Vienna election results in state and municipal council elections
  4. Number of basic mandates in the Ottakring constituency
  5. 1983 ALW


  • Liaison office of the federal states at the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government (ed.): Election statistics. The elections in the federal states since 1945. National Council and state parliaments. 8th edition, Vienna 1994.

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