Lauca National Park

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Lauca National Park
View of the Parinacota volcano
View of the Parinacota volcano
Lauca National Park (Chile)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 18 ° 14 ′ 40 ″  S , 69 ° 21 ′ 14 ″  W
Location: Arica y Parinacota , Chile
Surface: 1,370 km²
Founding: 1965
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The Lauca National Park (span. Parque Nacional Lauca ) is the northernmost national park in Chile and biosphere reserve of UNESCO .


It begins about 12 km east of the town of Putre in the Región de Arica y Parinacota , Provincia de Arica , close to the border with Bolivia and covers around 1300 square kilometers. The administrative headquarters are in Parinacota .


During the day it is relatively pleasant at 5–20 ° C, whereas the nights are often very cold (down to −15 ° C). In the highlands there is dry grassland, but also more humid areas. The extreme altitude of the park and the thin mountain air can cause physical complaints for park visitors.


The national park is shaped by the Andes mountain range. Huge mountains and volcanoes with up to 6300 m surround the park. The many volcanoes, mostly six-thousanders, are striking.

Lake Chungará is located near the volcanoes at an altitude of 4520 m. The approximately 21 km² lake is one of the highest lakes in the world. In Jurasi you can visit the hot springs and learn about the culture of the indigenous people in the village of Parinacota . Other attractions include climbing and fishing tours. The park is managed by CONAF , the Chilean forest authority. From the Laguna Parinacota, water is discharged through a channel towards the dry coastal region. The main rivers are the Río Lauca and the Río Lluta .


The national park offers a rich fauna, including z. B. also guanacos , vicuñas and fork deer . In addition, around 140 different bird species live in the park, which is located at altitudes between 4000 and over 6000 m. Andean condors , pumas, and vizcachas are other residents of the park.

In the south of the adjacent protected area Reserva nacional Las Vicuñas (another 2000 square kilometers) lies the large salt lake Salar de Surire at 4245 m with its thermal springs . Here you can watch flamingos , vicuñas and llamas . The Monumento Natural Salar de Surire was established in 1983 and covers around 175 km².



  1. Philip W. Rundel, Beatriz Palma: Preserving the Unique Puna Ecosystems of the Andean Altiplano: A Descriptive Account of Lauca National Park, Chile . In: Mountain Research and Development . 20, No. 3, August 2000, pp. 262-271. doi : 10.1659 / 0276-4741 (2000) 020 [0262: PTUPEO] 2.0.CO; 2 . Retrieved September 24, 2007.

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Commons : Lauca National Park  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files