Leonid Vladimirovich Sherwood

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Leonid Vladimirovich Sherwood ( Russian Леонид Владимирович Шервуд * April 16 . Jul / 28. April  1871 greg. In Moscow ; † 23. August 1954 in Leningrad ) was a Russian sculptor and university lecturer .


Sherwood, the youngest son of the architect and sculptor Vladimir Ossipowitsch Sherwood and the younger brother of the architects Sergei Vladimirovich Sherwood and Vladimir Vladimirovich Sherwood , studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, painting with Vladimir Yegorovich Makovsky Ivanovich and sculpture with Sergei Ivanovich from 1886–1891 . He then continued his studies in St. Petersburg at the Imperial Academy of Arts in the studio of Vladimir Alexandrowitsch Beklemischews , which he completed in 1898 with the gold medal for his sculpture group The Khan and the Slave and a two-year scholarship from the Academy. With the scholarship he went to Paris in 1899 and studied at the Académie Julian and in the studios of Auguste Rodin and Antoine Bourdelle . There he was enthusiastic about the work of Rodin and Paolo Troubetzkoy .

After his return to St. Petersburg in 1900, Sherwood gave drawing lessons at the academy. His first work was a plaster bust of Pushkin (1900–1902) for the workers' reading room behind the Neva Gate. In 1904 he created the bronze - granite grave monument for Gleb Iwanowitsch Uspenski in the St. Petersburg Wolkowo Cemetery , in 1906 the SM Wassilew monument in the St. Petersburg Novodevichy cemetery and in 1907 the bronze-granite monument for Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Michailowski at the Volkovo Cemetery. In 1912 he headed the project for the construction of the Swallow's Nest Castle on the south coast of the Crimea . In 1913 he created the bronze-granite memorial for Stepan Ossipowitsch Makarow on the central Jakornaya Ploshchad in Kronstadt . In 1914, the granite- marble memorial for AW Tischtschenko followed in St. Petersburg's Smolensk Cemetery. 1910–1917 he worked on Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Wrubels monument, which only grew to a plaster draft and is in the Russian Museum .

After the October Revolution , Sherwood let himself be won over to the realization of Lenin's program of monumental propaganda . The first work in this program was Sherwood's bust of the philosopher Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev . Plaster casts were placed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The St. Petersburg plaster bust fell from its base during a spring storm in 1919 and broke, so that the bronze casting was no longer possible there. The Moscow Radishchev Monument was inaugurated on Triumfalnaya Ploshchad in October 1918 and, when the square was redesigned in the mid-1930s, it was converted into the Moscow Architecture Museum founded in 1934 (later named after the founder and first director Alexei Viktorovich Shtusev ). 1918-1919 he created an Alexander Iwanowitsch heart monument, which has not survived. The plaster portrait of Pyotr Lazarevich Voikov from 1927 is in the Russian Museum, while Stalin's bronze portrait from 1927 can be found in the Museum of Political History in St. Petersburg. In 1933 he created the guard in plaster, which became a prime example of a social realism sculpture. It originally stood in front of the entrance to the park of the Central House of the Red Army and is now in the Tretyakov Gallery . In 1936 the Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov monument was inaugurated on the grounds of the Peter the Great Hospital in Leningrad .

In addition to his sculptural work, Sherwood taught at the former St. Petersburg Academy of Arts from 1918. The sculptor Sarra Dmitrijewna Lebedewa was one of his students . In 1937 his memoirs appeared. In 1952 there was an anniversary exhibition with Sherwood's works.

Sherwood was buried in Leningrad's Volkovo Cemetery at the Letters Bridge. He was married to Olga Modestowna Hackel and had nine children. In 1968, to mark the anniversary of the Red Army, a postage stamp from the USSR Post Office featured Sherwood's guard in front of the DneproGES dam .



Web links

Commons : Leonid Wladimirowitsch Sherwood  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Шервуды в России (accessed December 13, 2017).
  2. Article Sherwood Leonid Vladimirovich in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian) http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DSherwood%20Leonid%20Wladimirowitsch~2b%3DSherwood%20Leonid%20Wladimirowitsch.
  3. a b c d e Энциклопедия русских художников: ШЕРВУД Леонид Владимирович (accessed December 27, 2017).
  4. ^ John Millner: A Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Artists, 1420-1970 . Antique Collectors' Club, 1993, ISBN 978-1-85149-182-7 .
  5. ТИЩЕНКО Андрей Вячеславович (accessed December 27, 2017).
  6. ^ Thomas Möbius: Russian social utopias from Peter I to Stalin . LIT Verlag, Münster 2015, p. 82 .
  7. Путь скульптора . Искусство, Leningrad, Moscow 1937.