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Leopoldskron ( census district ) Leopoldskron
cadastral municipality
Leopoldskron (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state Salzburg  (S), Salzburg
Pole. local community Salzburg
Locality Salzburg
Coordinates 47 ° 47 '11 "  N , 13 ° 1' 50"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 47 '11 "  N , 13 ° 1' 50"  E
f3 f0
Residents of the stat. An H. 8281 (2009)
Area  d. KG 8.6935dep1
Statistical identification
Cadastral parish number 56527
Counting district / district Leopoldskron [/ Moos] (50 101 26 [1–6])
Stt. Leopoldskroner Moos and parts of Gneiss and Riedenburg
Source: STAT : Ortverzeichnis ; BEV : GEONAM ; SAGIS


Leopoldskron is the name of a cadastral municipality in the city of Salzburg .


The cadastral community extends roughly between the Almkanal in the north, the Tauern Autobahn in the south, the Glan in the west and the Wildmoosgraben next to the Almkanal in the east. The historical center is Leopoldskron Castle , named after Leopold Anton Eleutherius Freiherr von Firmian (1679–1744, Prince Archbishop since 1727).

The cadastral municipality covers 8.7 square kilometers, as a census district of the official statistics it has about 8,000 inhabitants and includes about 2,300 buildings.

In today's city structure of Salzburg , which reproduces the situation of the modern cityscape, the cadastral community largely coincides with Leopoldskroner Moos , historical moor settlement area (incorporated in 1939) along Moosstrasse to the city limits near Grödig , the census district also includes adjacent areas of gneiss . The castle and pond are located in the Riedenburg district - the Leopoldskroner Weiher district, or the counting district 22 Mönchsberg / Inneres Nonntal / Leopoldskron .

View from Untersberg (via Untersbergbahn mountain station) to Salzburg: KG Leopoldskron runs between the gently winding green lines of Glan (left) and Almkanal (right) through the Gneis district, in front of Mönchsberg and Festungsberg you can see the Leopoldskron castle and pond, centered Moostraße to the Riedenburg district


The cadastral community Leopoldskron was only statistically recorded independently - although not necessarily with exactly the same boundary - after the end of the Prince Archbishopric of Salzburg in 1803 (establishment of the Electorate of Salzburg ).

Population and building status
Hzt. Sbg. / Salzachkr. ( Kgr.Bay . / Österr. OdE ) Kronland Salzburg ( Kthm. Österr. / Österr.-Ugrn. ) Austria, 1st rep. Austria, 2nd rep.
1811 1817 1843 1846 1851 1869 1880 1890 1900 1910 1923 1934 1961 (PStA / OVZ) 1971 1981 1991 2001 2007 2008 2009
64 74 100 103  - 123 141 146 174 178 172 214 541/574 1328 1780 2029 2290  -  -  -
394 400 562 602 660 626 762 893 1122 1133 1191 1493 2828/3352 5760 7477 7801 8053 8384 8375 8281

Culture and sights

Web links

Individual evidence

  • Werner Thuswaldner, Karl Harb, Günter Hit: Salzburg . German paperback publisher, 1986.
  1. a b in the OVZ Leopoldskron , at Mag.Sbg. Leopoldskron / Moos Statistical census districts and census districts
  2. ^ Kurt Klein  (edit.): Historical local dictionary . Statistical documentation on population and settlement history. Ed .: Vienna Institute of Demography [VID] d. Austrian Academy of Sciences . Salzburg , Leopoldskron KG , S.  16 ( online document , explanations . Suppl . ; both PDF - oD [updated]). Special references:  1811: Counting of the Bavarian administration of the Salzach district. In: Franz Xaver Weilmeyr: Topographisches Lexikon vom Salzach-Kreis. 1812. · 1817, 1843, 1846: Results of the military conscription (native population). In: Salzburger Landesarchiv (SLA): District Office. Fasz. 889, M II / 2. · 1851: Results of the military conscription (native population). In: State Law and Government Gazette for the Crown Land of Salzburg. 43rd piece, 1851. · 1869: Statistical Central Commission : local repertories of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Austrian Imperial Council. 1871 ff. · 1880, 1890: Statistical Central Commission: Special local repertories of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Austrian Imperial Council. 1883 resp. 1892 ff. 1900: Central Statistical Commission: Community lexicon of the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrat . 1903 ff. 1910: Statistical Central Commission: Special Repertories. 1915 ff. · 1934: Federal Statistical Office (edit.): Results of the census. 1935. · 1961 (OVZ) and later: Austrian Central Statistical Office: Ortverzeichnis . (Results of the census). · 1961 (PStA): civil status survey, statistical yearbook of the city of Salzburg.