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Waterfall in the Lisora ​​gorge near Beredino

Waterfall in the Lisora ​​gorge near Beredino

Water code CH : 4525
location Switzerland
River system Po
Drain over Tresa  → Lake Maggiore  → Ticino  → Po  → Adria
source on the slope of Nòcor in Astano
46 ° 0 ′ 53 ″  N , 8 ° 48 ′ 3 ″  E
Source height 681  m above sea level M.
muzzle between Molinazzo di Monteggio and Madonna del Piano in the Tresa coordinates: 45 ° 59 ′ 16 ″  N , 8 ° 49 ′ 33 ″  E ; CH1903:  707 494  /  93852 45 ° 59 '16 "  N , 8 ° 49' 33"  O
Mouth height 257  m above sea level M.
Height difference 424 m
Bottom slope 73 ‰
length 5.8 km
Catchment area 8.56 km²
A Eo : 8.56 km²
340 l / s
39.7 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Riale, Froda, Garavée
Flowing lakes Laghetto
Communities Astano , Curio , Bedigliora , Sessa , Croglio , Monteggio

The Lisora is a 5.8 kilometers long right tributary of the Tresa in the Swiss canton of Ticino . It drains part of the Malcantone .


The stream rises at 681  m above sea level. M. on the wooded slope Nòcor , below the district of Erbagni in the municipality of Astano , at the foot of Monte Clivio , in the immediate vicinity of the Swiss-Italian border . In the headwaters, it takes in further streams early on, one of which drains the raised bog of national importance near Erbagni. It then flows into the Cimavalle valley , where it joins another stream and is 600  m above sea level. M. the lake Laghetto flows through, the level of which is regulated with a contactor . In the Pianche valley, it flows south past the center of Astano , crosses under the cantonal road between Astano and Sessa at the Bolle district and plunges into the depths north of the camping site al Parco d'Oro as the “Cascata dei Mörinitt” (also called “La superba”) waterfall.

It then runs for around 2.5 kilometers in a deep, poorly accessible gorge, which in the lower part is called Ra Vall da Rónch . In doing so, it takes in the Riale , Froda and Garavée creeks , which drain Monte Rogòria, and passes many natural falls. After initially passing through the territory of the municipality of Astano, in the gorge it forms the border between the municipalities of Astano, Curio , Bedigliora , Sessa, Croglio and Monteggio .

The gorge ends at the Lisora district of the same name in the municipality of Monteggio, where the Lisora ​​rises at around 280  m above sea level. M. reached the bottom of the Tresa valley . There it runs over the area of ​​the municipality of Croglio, after crossing under the main road 398 between Molinazzo di Monteggio and Madonna del Piano at 257  m above sea level. M. to flow into the Tresa.


At the confluence of the Garavée in the Lisora, a mill with two mill canals and two to three overshot waterwheels was in operation from the 18th century until around 1930 . The building has been falling apart since the middle of the 20th century. The ruins and the moss-covered millstones are still there.

In Astano and the neighboring district of La Costa in the municipality of Sessa, the Lisora ​​flows through an area in which gold was mined until the early 1960s. The overburden from the former mines was also dumped into the Lisora. Since the rock in this area also has a natural gold content outside the mines, the Lisora carries washing gold . It is therefore a popular target for gold panners .

In the 1960s, the Lisora was in Cimavalle above the Laghettos culverts . This strong intervention in the ecomorphology was largely reversed in the years 2011–2012 as part of a renaturation project .

Web links

Commons : Lisora  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Geoserver of the Swiss Federal Administration ( information )
  2. Federal Office for the Environment : Modeled mean annual runoff. In: Topographical catchment areas of Swiss waters: sub-catchment areas 2 km². Retrieved April 18, 2018 .
  3. ^ Bernardino Croci Maspoli: Malcantone. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  4. ^ A b Santino Trezzini: Cronistoria di Astano. Consiglio Parrocchiale Astano, Astano 2010, p. 107.
  5. Pierre Brunner: The Tresa as an outflow of Lake Lugano. Geomorphological study. In: Communications from the Geographical-Ethnographic Society Zurich. Volume 30, 1929-1930, pp. 54-68.
  6. ^ A b Association of Swiss Mill Friends : Mulini Beredino, Sessa . In: Inventory of Swiss mills . Retrieved April 19, 2018.
  7. Giuseppe Pipino: L'aurifodina di Bombinasco nel Canton Ticino. on the ArcheoMedia website . Retrieved April 22, 2018 (PDF; 754 KB)
  8. ^ Louis Rychner, Oscar Möllinger, Fritz Müllhaupt, Louis Falquet, Eidgenössische Landestopographie , Istituto geografico militare : Agno. (= Topographical Atlas of Switzerland . Sheet 540bis). Federal Topography, Bern 1945.
  9. ^ Federal topography: Lugano. (= National map of Switzerland . Sheet 1353). Federal Topography, Bern 1953.
  10. Pascal Arthur Gonet: Gold prospector in Switzerland. An adventure that is still possible today. Benteli Verlag, Bern 1978, ISBN 3-7165-0266-9 , p. 46.
  11. ^ Peter Pfander: Gold deposits in Switzerland. In: Peter Pfander, Victor Jans (ed.): Gold in Switzerland. In search of the noble metal. 5th edition. Ott Verlag, Thun 2013, ISBN 978-3-7225-0130-7 , p. 10.
  12. ^ Teodoro Amadò: Appunti su Astano. Part 2. In: Almanacco Malcantonese e Valle del Vedeggio. Edizioni Bernasconi, Agno 2003, pp. 81-82.
  13. Riapertura e valorizzazione Riale Lisora (Astano) on the website of EcoControl SA. Retrieved April 22, 2018 (PDF; 406 KB)
  14. Riapertura e valorizzazione riale Lisora on the Alleanza Territorio e Biodiversità website. Retrieved April 22, 2018 (PDF; 626 KB)