List of architectural monuments in Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld

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Bad Koenigshofen.svg
List of architectural monuments in Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld:

Ensembles: Bad Königshofen old town in Grabfeld

City fortifications

Closed rows of farms: Elisabethastraße and Brauhausstraße  • Kellereistraße and Wallstraße  • Schottstraße and Zeughausstraße

Core town Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld  • Althausen  • Aub  • Eyershausen  • Gabolshausen  • Göckesmühle  • Haumühle (Ipthausen)  • Ipthausen  • Merkershausen  • Untereßfeld  • Winkels

Disused monuments  • Former monuments

The monuments of the Lower Franconian town of Bad Königshofen in the Grabfeld are listed on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority. This list reflects the update status of November 30, 2019 and contains 206 monuments.


Ensemble old town Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld

The old town of Bad Königshofen from the air

Königshofen is a town that was founded in Henzeberg in the 13th and 14th centuries. Century. The Carolingian royal court, which gave it its name, was located further to the west. The urban layout stands out due to its geometric clarity. The building blocks are distributed like a chessboard within a rectangular outline. Four parallel streets run through the place lengthways. The cross streets only have a connecting meaning. The centerpiece is the spacious, rectangular market square , the center of the cross of the thoroughfares. The main street (Hindenburg- and Martin-Reinhard-Straße), which lies in the longitudinal axis, experiences a bend at the market square: Coming from the west it joins the southern edge of the street, but continues to the east along the northern wall of the market square. This street is the only one with main development on both sides. The parallel streets show front buildings on one side only, while on the other they are accompanied by barns and back buildings. The plots stretch as narrow, deep strips from one street to the other and have a constant depth of the front building, connecting wing and rear building. The farm buildings and the courtyard are accessed without exception through the rear parallel street. The city has a clear rural character. The Würzburg official palace was originally located in the northeast corner . The church district is located in the western part of the city, between the market and the city fortifications. The church stands on a square surrounded by rows of houses and emphasizes its prominent importance in it and in connection with the rectory, school and former hospital. Apart from the late Gothic parish church and some buildings from the Julius period , the town is today shaped in its buildings by the 18th and 19th centuries. Major fires have largely destroyed the older building fabric. The northern side of Martin-Reinhard-Straße shows a closed row of two-story eaves side houses from the 18th century with mostly plastered half-timbered upper floors. Row of houses from the first half and the middle of the 19th century with a Biedermeier and late Biedermeier character occupy a large space in the cityscape. The outer streets in particular (Elisabetha, Kellerei- and Schottstraße) are characterized by uniform rows of large farmsteads with two-storey stone buildings. The market square is surrounded by town houses from the 18th and 19th centuries. The town hall from the Julius era, which was redesigned in the 18th century, is dominant on its south side. The late Gothic tower of the parish church has a decisive effect on the square. As the northeasternmost base of the Würzburg bishopric, Königshofen was always developed like a fortress. The simple wall with a moat was extended to include porches from the end of the 16th century . In the first half of the 18th century, the fortification belt was given a Vauban design under the direction of Balthasar Neumann . The wide green belt surrounding the city is reminiscent of these systems, which were torn down in the 19th century. Enclosure: Jahnpromenade to Zeughausstraße, rear southern property boundaries of Zeughausstraße along the course of the brook to Bamberger Straße, rear southern property boundaries of Brauhausstraße along the course of the brook to Südwesteckbastion., Western fortress border from Südwesteckbastion to Hindenburgstraße and continuation between Hindenburgstraße 26 and 30 to Juliuspromenade, course of Juliuspromenade. along Sparkassenstraße to the corner of Wallstraße, the course of Wallstraße to the west, eastern property boundaries in front of Kellereistraße 61, from Schnellerstraße including eastern Ravelin to Juliuspromenade. File number: E-6-73-141-1.

City fortifications

Remains of the 17th-18th centuries are preserved. The fortress belt laid out in the 19th century:, Fills of the former four corner bastions, in the southeast:

  • the lining wall of a former ravelin, at the eastern exit of the city with cellars, casemates and corridors ( location )
  • the pillar of the outer north gate, 2nd half of the 18th century, in the area of ​​the old brickworks ( location )
  • Fills of the southeast corner bastion with lining wall and vaults ( location )
  • Fills of the northeast corner bastion ( location )
  • Ditch and embankment of the northwest corner bastion ( location )
  • Digging and embankment of the southwest corner bastion ( location )

File number: D-6-73-141-7.

Closed rows of farms

In the old town of Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld there are three closed streets of farms.

Elisabethastraße and Brauhausstraße

Located on the southwest edge of the old town ( location ). Uniform, closed row of farmsteads with single and double residential houses on Elisabethstrasse and farm buildings on Brauhausstrasse, the residential buildings varied by slight projections and recesses, two-storey eaves side houses, stone buildings with arched windows, auxiliary buildings with massive ground floor and upper floor in half-timbered, after fire in 1845. No. 1–5 are now part of the Elisabetha Hospital (cf. Rathausstrasse 10). Enclosure: Rathausstraße 10, Elisabethastraße 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. File number: D-6-73-141-12.

Kellereistraße and Wallstraße

Located on the north-west edge of the city ( location ). Uniform, closed row of large farmsteads, two-storey eaves-standing residential buildings, mostly with a gable roof (No. 19 hipped roof, No. 21 half-hipped roof, No. 31 with a mansard roof) and a front made of sandstone blocks (partly plastered), with pilaster strips, cornices and some arched gate entrances Wallstraße two-storey rear building, gable roof buildings partly in quarry stone, partly in half-timbered, rebuilt after fire in 1825. Enclosure: Wallstraße 2, Kellereistraße 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 31. File number: D-6-73-141-18.

Schottstrasse and Zeughausstrasse

Located on the southeast edge of the old town ( location ). Uniform, closed row of farmsteads with back buildings to Zeughausstraße, two-storey eaves-standing houses in ashlar with saddle roof, two-storey back buildings z. T. in stone, Eckhof No. 18 hipped roof buildings with courtyard wall in stone, z. Partly with brick upper floor, after 1849. Enclosure : Schottstraße 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Zeughausstraße 11, 13. File number: D-6-73-141-70.

Architectural monuments according to districts

Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld

location object description File no. image
Adam-Pfeuffer-Straße 76, corner of Raiffeisen / Adam-Pfeuffer-Straße
( location )
Wayside shrine Curved base with pillar, top with reliefs of St. Anthony and Elisabeth, sandstone, 1931 D-6-73-141-8 BW
Am Kirchleinsweg, Kirchleinsweg
( location )
Wayside shrine With reliefs of the crucifixion group and the Immaculate, sandstone, baroque, 17th century D-6-73-141-26 BW
Am Kirchleinsweg, Kirchleinsweg, Mittelrainweg
( location )
Wayside shrine With reliefs of the mercy seat between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Paul, as well as Mary, sandstone, early baroque, 17th century D-6-73-141-27 BW
Near Bahnhofstrasse, in the grate plant
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War memorial For the fallen of the two world wars, with a reclining lion sculpture, erected around 1920, expanded after 1945 D-6-73-141-80 War memorial
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Near Bahnhofstrasse
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Memorial stone for Johann Wilhelm Rost Natural stone with slate inscription plaque, probably 1920s; in the grate plant D-6-73-141-81 Memorial stone for Johann Wilhelm Rost
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Bamberger Straße 14
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Holy House Round arch canopy with relief of the Trinity, sandstone, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-9 BW
Bamberger Straße 18, 20
( location )
Wayside shrine Rich rocaille forms on a curved base, with reliefs of the crucifixion group, Peter and Paul, and donor inscription on the reverse, sandstone, 1769 D-6-73-141-10 BW
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Cross tug Sculpture on a column, sandstone, late baroque, inscribed "1745" D-6-73-141-78 BW
Northwest of the village, towards Brachberg
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So-called Trinity shrine Column shrine, top with relief of the Trinity, on the reverse Christ, sandstone, inscribed "1941" D-6-73-141-79 BW
Elisabethastraße 1, Rathausstraße 10
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Elisabetha Hospital Wide-spread three-storey stone building with hipped roof in corner position, 1851–53; today part of Elisabethastraße 1-5 (see there) D-6-73-141-66 Elisabetha Hospital
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Elisabethastraße 29
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Former arsenal Broad, two-storey hipped roof building in quarry stone, roof structure 1594 (d), rebuilt after 1798 D-6-73-141-13 Former arsenal
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Festungsstraße 9
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So-called white cross Sandstone crucifix on a curved base, late baroque, around 1750 D-6-73-141-14 BW
Near Großeibstädter Straße
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graveyard With a wall and monumental tombs from the 19th century D-6-73-141-16 graveyard
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Near Großeibstädter Straße
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Cemetery cross Sandstone, 1744 D-6-73-141-16 Cemetery cross
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Near Großeibstädter Straße
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War memorial chapel Natural stone building with Christ the Redeemer, around 1950 D-6-73-141-16 War memorial chapel
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Near Großeibstädter Straße
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Way of the Cross Sandstone with stucco reliefs, around 1950 D-6-73-141-16 Way of the Cross
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Hindenburgstrasse 1
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Residential and commercial building Narrow two-story plastered half-timbered house with a crooked hip roof, 18th century with an older core D-6-73-141-213 Residential and commercial building
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Hindenburgstrasse 3
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey gable-independent building with half hipped, grooved sandstone cuboid ground floor, plastered timber-framed upper storey, end of the 18th century D-6-73-141-212 Residential and commercial building
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Hindenburgstraße 19, at the rear of the building
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Inscription plaque In the form of an aedicula with the coat of arms of Maria Bildhausen's abbot Valentin Reinhard, sandstone, 1573 D-6-73-141-1 BW
Hindenburgstrasse 39
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Former post office Two-storey solid building with a half-hipped roof, plastered with corner blocks, around 1925 D-6-73-141-211 Former post office
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Juliusstraße 2
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Craftsman House Two-storey mansard roof building with eaves, half-timbered upper storey plastered, partly slated, 1755; The home and workshop of the sculptor Johann Joseph Keßler D-6-73-141-17 Craftsman House
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Juliusstraße 4
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Agricultural property Two-story house with hipped roof, second half of the 17th century D-6-73-141-243 Agricultural property
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Juliusstraße 4
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Agricultural property Associated barn, half-timbered, early 19th century D-6-73-141-243 Agricultural property
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So-called Schlichtigsbrunnen Polygonal fountain basin, sandstone, 18th century, moved here in 1781, fountain column renewed D-6-73-141-277 So-called Schlichtigsbrunnen
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Kellereistraße 43
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves gable roof building with plastered half-timbered upper storey, drilled frame profiles, 18th century D-6-73-141-19 Residential and commercial building
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Kellereistraße 53
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Former official cellar Two-storey eaves half-hipped roof building, plastered solid structure, rear courtyard wing made of quarry stone, in the core 1607 (dating on the coat of arms stone with stonemason's mark), changed in 1766 D-6-73-141-21 Former official cellar
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Kellereistraße 53
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Courtyard wall with gate Quarry stone, 18th century D-6-73-141-21 Courtyard wall with gate
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Kellereistraße 55, 57, Wallstraße 50, Burgstraße 1
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Former barracks Three- wing system with a mansard roof, planning Balthasar Neumann 1751, execution Johann Michael Fischer 1767–71 D-6-73-141-22 Former barracks
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Burgstrasse 1
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Former barracks, ground floor outbuilding With hipped roof, around 1800 D-6-73-141-22 BW
Kellereistraße 58, Rentamtstraße 9
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Former Schütthaus Three-storey, gable-independent corner building with saddle roof, plastered solid structure, rich late Renaissance portal marked "1625" D-6-73-141-23 Former Schütthaus
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Kellereistraße 59
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Former Fronfests Single-storey eaves half-hipped roof building, massive, plastered, 1808 D-6-73-141-24 Former Fronfests
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Kellereistraße 59
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Pillar portals On both sides D-6-73-141-24 Pillar portals
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Kellereistraße 61
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Former rent office Two-storey, three-winged building with the main wing in stone, saddle roof with stepped gables, and lower courtyard wings in stone, historicistic, 1856; in place of the former Würzburg official palace D-6-73-141-25 Former rent office
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Statue of St. John Nepomuk On a base with inscription, sandstone, baroque, inscribed "1725" D-6-73-141-28 BW
Near Kirchleinsweg
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Wayside shrine Top with relief of the Coronation of Mary, back of Mary, side saints and pendants, sandstone, 17th century D-6-73-141-29 BW
Kirchplatz 1
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Catholic parish church of the Assumption Three-aisled late Gothic staggered hall with gable roof and pent roofs, southeast tower with onion dome and lantern, decorative portals in the north, west and south, 1442-1502, sacristy extension on the north side of the choir in 1486, gallery installation around 1513, octagonal tower structure 1603, renovations 1764, neo-Gothic 1865–70 by Karl Trott Ölberg 1885, figures in the south porch not until 1902), 1968 (removal of the neo-Gothic interior) and 1992/93; with equipment D-6-73-141-30 Catholic parish church of the Assumption
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Kirchplatz 3
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Rectory Two-storey, massive saddle roof building with volute gables and a dwarf house with ornamental gable, plastered with corner cuboids, seat niche portal over outside staircase, 1598-1602, house Madonna, 19th century D-6-73-141-31 Rectory
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Church square 5; Kirchplatz 7
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Former school Two-storey plastered eaves side building, solid construction with saddle roof, around 1600 and 1822–23 D-6-73-141-32 Former school
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Church square 9; Kirchplatz 11
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Former Juliusspital Two-storey solid building with a gable roof, 1584–85, three portals with coats of arms and inscription stones marked “1584” and “1616”; four gate pillars around 1800 D-6-73-141-33 Former Juliusspital
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Monastery garden, in the spa gardens
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Figure of St. John Nepomuk Sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-62 Figure of St. John Nepomuk
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Klosterstrasse 2
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Residential building Two-story plastered corner house with hipped roof, massive ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, 18th century D-6-73-141-34 Residential building
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Klosterstrasse 8, 10, Posthalterstrasse 2
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Duplex Two-storey sandstone cuboid building with hipped roof, around 1870 D-6-73-141-35 Duplex
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Klosterstrasse 8, 10, Posthalterstrasse 2, Schottstrasse
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barn Belonging D-6-73-141-35 barn
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Klosterstrasse 12, Klosterstrasse 14
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Duplex Two-storey hipped roof building, plastered solid structure, around 1865 D-6-73-141-36 Duplex
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Klosterstrasse 12, Klosterstrasse 14, Schottstrasse
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barn Belonging D-6-73-141-36 barn
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Märklach; below the rag hill 10 m from the district boundary to Alsleben
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Stone cross So-called atonement cross in the Merklach, sandstone, early modern times D-6-73-141-83 BW
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Michaelsbrunnen Oval sandstone basin with a wrought-iron canopy, 1697–98 D-6-73-141-50 Michaelsbrunnen
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Luitpold fountain With a vase-like fountain bowl, a bulged fountain stick with lion heads, above a base with putti bearing a coat of arms and a baluster column with a figure of the reaper, limestone and bronze, by Balthasar Schmitt (1858-1942), 1911 D-6-73-141-49 Luitpold fountain
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Obelisk fountain Polygonal basin, well stock with obelisk, sandstone, 1806 D-6-73-141-51 Obelisk fountain
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Cornstone Grain standard measure, goblet-like basic shape with four recesses, sandstone, 1525 D-6-73-141-52 Cornstone
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Marketplace 2
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town hall Free-standing three-storey hipped mansard roof building with corner bay window crowned by a lantern hood and older two-storey south wing, plastered solid construction with natural stone structures, vaulted ground floor, Renaissance, in the core 15th century, south wing 1563/64, main building 1573–75, partially redesigned in the 18th century; with equipment D-6-73-141-38 town hall
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Marketplace 4
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House in a corner Elongated three-storey building with hipped mansard roof, solid ground floor, upper storeys in half-timbered houses, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-73-141-39 House in a corner
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Marketplace 7
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Inn Three-storey corner house with hipped roof, solid ground floor, upper floors in half-timbered, 18th / 19th century. century D-6-73-141-40 Inn
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Marketplace 7
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Public house sign From Gasthof Neuses near Hofheim in Lower Franconia, inscribed "1796" D-6-73-141-40 Public house sign
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Marketplace 10
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves building with mansard roof, plastered half-timbering, 18th / 19th centuries century D-6-73-141-41 Residential and commercial building
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Marktplatz 11
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves solid building with mansard roof, sandstone cuboid, probably from the end of the 18th century / 19th. century D-6-73-141-42 Residential and commercial building
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Marktplatz 15
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Residential and commercial building Saddle roof construction with eaves, plastered framework, core 1437 (d), later changed D-6-73-141-43 Residential and commercial building
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Marktplatz 20
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Corner house Two-storey above a high cellar, plastered building with hipped roof, solid, around 1800 D-6-73-141-44 Corner house
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Marktplatz 21
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Residential and commercial building Three-storey eaves side house with saddle roof, solid construction with drilled frames and grooved pilaster strips, 18th century D-6-73-141-45 Residential and commercial building
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Marktplatz 25
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Former council tavern Elongated two-storey corner building with hipped roof, solid, core 16./17. Century, later changed D-6-73-141-46 Former council tavern
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Marktplatz 31
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Residential and commercial building Three-storey mansard roof building with eaves, plastered solid construction with side pilasters, 18th century D-6-73-141-47 BW
Martin-Reinhard-Straße 8
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey eaves saddle roof construction in ashlar, around 1870 D-6-73-141-53 Residential and commercial building
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Martin-Reinhard-Straße 8
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barn Backwards, at the same time D-6-73-141-53 BW
Martin-Reinhard-Straße 9
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Former Wechterwinkler Schranne Today Grabfeld Museum, three-storey, gable-independent, massive saddle roof structure with divisions in red sandstone, around 1600, inscribed "1693" D-6-73-141-54 Former Wechterwinkler Schranne
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Kellereistraße 42
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Former Wechterwinkler Schranne Two-story rear building on the eaves, saddle roof with stepped gables, around 1600 D-6-73-141-54 Former Wechterwinkler Schranne
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Martin-Reinhard-Straße 15
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Former Schultheißenhaus Two-storey mansard roof building with eaves, with corner pilasters, arched drilled windows and portal with protective Madonna, inscribed "1728" D-6-73-141-55 Former Schultheißenhaus
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Martin-Reinhard-Straße 19, Bezirksamtstraße 3
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Residential building Two-storey with a half-hipped roof, plastered half-timbering, mid-18th century with an older core D-6-73-141-2 Residential building
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Martin-Reinhard-Straße 19, Bezirksamtstraße 3
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Rear building Half-timbered structure, with high arbors, 18./19. century D-6-73-141-2 BW
Martin-Reinhard-Straße 27
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Mohr pharmacy Two-storey mansard roof building on the eaves, ashlar with frame and decorative shapes, elaborate decorative portal, late baroque, 18th century D-6-73-141-57 Mohr pharmacy
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Martin-Reinhard-Strasse 28; Near Martin-Reinhard-Straße
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Catholic Capuchin Church of St. John Evangelista Hall building with retracted choir, nave with gable roof, choir with hipped roof and turret with pointed helmet, 1663–65 with late Gothic spoilage of the St. Johannis monastery church near Sulzfeld, neo-Romanesque entrance porch in stone, around 1900 D-6-73-141-58 Catholic Capuchin Church of St. John Evangelista
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Martin-Reinhard-Strasse 28; Near Martin-Reinhard-Straße
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Monastery wall Gate with the coat of arms of Prince-Bishop Johann Gottfried von Guttenberg, inscribed "1692" D-6-73-141-58 Monastery wall
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Martin-Reinhard-Strasse 29
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Residential and commercial building Two-storey mansard roof house with eaves, solid, 18th century, ground floor gutted at the end of the 20th century D-6-73-141-59 Residential and commercial building
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Martin-Reinhard-Strasse 33
( location )
Residential building Two-storey corner building with hipped roof, facade with grooved corner pilasters and classicist plait decorations, carved front door, end of the 18th century, half-timbered view of Rentamtstrasse D-6-73-141-60 Residential building
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Martin-Reinhard-Strasse 33
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Half-timbered wing construction 18th century D-6-73-141-60 BW
Rathausstrasse 5
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Residential and guest house Two-storey mansard roof house with eaves, plastered half-timbering, 18th century D-6-73-141-64 Residential and guest house
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Rathausstrasse 11
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Residential building Three-storey eaves side building with gable roof, plastered half-timbering, 17th century, ground floor changed in the 19th century D-6-73-141-67 Residential building
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Rentamtstrasse 2
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Residential buildings Two-storey corner building with a gable roof, massive ground floor with exposed corner cuboid and twin windows, probably early 16th century upper floor with ornamental framework around 1600 D-6-73-141-68 Residential buildings
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Rentamtstrasse 2
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Cultivation 18./19. century D-6-73-141-68 Cultivation
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Schnellerstraße 1
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Maria Immaculate On a rococo console, sandstone, second half of the 18th century D-6-73-141-69 Maria Immaculate
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Schottstrasse 20
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Agricultural farm in corner location Two-story house, hipped roof, main facade solid with drilled frames, side front with slate cladding, inscribed "1740" D-6-73-141-71 Agricultural farm in corner location
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Schottstrasse 20
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House figure baroque Immaculata, sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-71 House figure
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Schottstrasse 20
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Courtyard wall and outbuildings Half-timbered, on the rear building with a gable roof, relief stone with crucifixion, sandstone, heavily weathered D-6-73-141-71 Courtyard wall and outbuildings
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Schottstrasse 22
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Residential building Two-storey eaves side building with gable roof, massive, around 1870, the core of the 17th century D-6-73-141-72 Residential building
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Senefelderstrasse 5
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House in a corner Two-story hipped roof house, massive plastered building with exposed corner blocks, around 1870 D-6-73-141-75 House in a corner
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Column shrine With Pietà, sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-73 BW
Hospital wood; in Spitalholz on the road to Herbstadt on the boundary
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Stone cross So-called atonement cross, sandstone, late medieval D-6-73-141-206 BW
Sudetenstrasse 6
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Evangelical Lutheran Church Sandstone block construction, hall construction with a gable roof, west tower with an octagonal dormer-studded pointed helmet, western entrance porch, historicist in the forms of the 13th century, 1894–98 D-6-73-141-74 BW
Near Thüringer Straße, on Wallgraben
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War memorial for 1870/71 Stepped plinth with a high round pedestal with a statue of the Patrona Bavariae, red sandstone and limestone, by Josef Metzger (1846-1925), inscribed "1887" D-6-73-141-77 War memorial for 1870/71
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Near Wallstraße
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Former mare Three-aisled vaulted stable, gable-free house installation with flat sloping gable roof and towed eaves-side canopy on bends, around 1860/70 D-6-73-141-191 BW
Near Wallstraße
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Former stud farm, opposite a smaller gable-independent stable building With a gently sloping gable roof, ground floor in stone, half-timbered knee floor, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-191 BW
White cross; in a field on the road to Althausen
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Floor cross Sandstone crucifix on a curved base, inscribed "1746" D-6-73-141-82 BW


location object description File no. image
On the high rain; Flurweg to Merkershausen
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Wayside shrine Sandstone with metal relief, Pietà, inscribed "1939" D-6-73-141-96 BW
On the hat; at the exit to Königshofen
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Holy House Sandstone, 20th century D-6-73-141-91 BW
On the hat; at the exit to Bad Königshofen
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Sandstone crucifix marked "1950" D-6-73-141-92 BW
Auber way; Flurweg to Aub
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Floor cross Sandstone, inscribed "1890" D-6-73-141-98 BW
Baumgarten Hill; southeast above the place
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Mary's Grotto Tuff stone grotto with stucco figure, steps in front, early 20th century D-6-73-141-230 BW
Dippach; on the "Kurzen Steige" to the Sambach
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Pietà Group of figures on a high base stone with inscription, sandstone, late baroque, inscribed "1755" D-6-73-141-6 BW
Sinkhole; at the Kronenmarter
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Wayside shrine Reliefs: Mary and crucifixion group, sandstone, 1740 D-6-73-141-93 BW
Goose tree; in front of the Sambachhof
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Sandstone crucifix baroque, first half of the 18th century D-6-73-141-100 BW
Behind the village; on the road to Aub
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Pietà Sculpture on a high base, sandstone, inscribed "1885" D-6-73-141-3 BW
Kirchstrasse 7
( location )
Former rectory Two-storey hipped roof building with a plastered half-timbered upper storey, second half of the 18th century D-6-73-141-233 BW
Kirchstrasse 9; In Althausen
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Maria Magdalena Choir tower church, solid construction, tower with pointed helmet in the core late Gothic, 14th century, post-Gothic increased after 1611, nave with saddle roof 1693-1708, changed “1785” (marked on the north portal), western extension in the second half of the 19th century; with equipment D-6-73-141-84 BW
Kirchstrasse 9; In Althausen
( location )
Two rows of Kirchgaden Solid and half-timbered with gable or pent roofs, 17th – 19th centuries century D-6-73-141-84 BW
Kirchstrasse 10
( location )
Residential building Two-story hipped roof building with half-timbered upper storey, 18th century, slate and house Madonna inscribed "1883" D-6-73-141-234 BW
Kirchstrasse 14; In Althausen
( location )
Rectory Rectory, two-storey plastered hipped roof building over a high cellar, Wappenstein, 1811 D-6-73-141-88 BW
Kirchstrasse 14; In Althausen
( location )
Rectory Court wall and gate with gate and pillars studded with vases, sandstone D-6-73-141-88 BW
Kirchstrasse 14; In Althausen
( location )
Rectory Outbuildings on an angular floor plan, hipped and half-hipped roof, solid and half-timbered D-6-73-141-88 BW
Kirchstrasse 14; In Althausen
( location )
Rectory Garden with a cross-shaped path system D-6-73-141-88 BW
Kurzer Steig, "Wonnegrube" forest department
( location )
Atonement Cross Sandstone D-6-73-141-99 BW
Near Althäuser Straße; at the exit to Bad Königshofen
( location )
Pietà Sandstone with old setting, baroque, from 1786 D-6-73-141-4 BW
Red pond; Corridor department "Spitalweg"
( location )
Cross tug Sandstone, inscribed "1747" D-6-73-141-94 Cross tug
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Sambachstrasse 10
( location )
Inn Two-storey sandstone cuboid building with a gable roof and lower side extension, high base, open staircase, around 1880/90 D-6-73-141-232 BW
Sambachstrasse 12
( location )
Former community office Eaves two-storey saddle roof building with gate entrance, massive ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, inscribed "1774" D-6-73-141-192 BW
Sambachstrasse 49; Kleines Steinig
( location )
Cemetery cross Sandstone, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-85 BW
Sambachstrasse 49; Kleines Steinig
( location )
War memorial chapel Polygonal closed saddle roof building with an open column portico and a staircase in front, memorial plaques for those who fell in both world wars, Pietà, around 1920 D-6-73-141-85 BW
Lock piece
( location )
Column shrine Essay with reliefs of the fourteen saints and the crucifixion group, sandstone, 1733 D-6-73-141-97 BW
Spitalweg; north of the village on the return path
( location )
Column shrine Sandstone, top with metal relief of the Pietà, inscribed "1737", renovated in 1952 D-6-73-141-193 BW
Spitalweg; in front of the sports field on the road to Bad Königshofen
( location )
Sandstone crucifix marked 1887 D-6-73-141-95 BW
Tenth street; Zehntstrasse 10
( location )
Processional altar With trinity relief, sandstone, neo-Gothic, around 1850 D-6-73-141-87 BW
To the grotto; in front of the cemetery
( location )
Column shrine Top with reliefs of Mary and crucifix, sandstone, mid-19th century D-6-73-141-89 BW
To the grotto; Dirt road on the eastern outskirts
( location )
Holy House Sandstone, 20th century D-6-73-141-90 BW


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Alte Schmiede 1
( location )
Former village smithy Single-storey corner building in half-timbered construction with a gable roof, 1764 D-6-73-141-103 BW
Bartelsacker; on embankment on the road to Bundorf
( location )
Plague cross Sandstone, 17th century D-6-73-141-108 BW
Haßbergstrasse 15
( location )
Catholic Kuratiekirche St. Peter and Paul North-facing hall church with gable roof and retracted choir, neo-Romanesque, 1863–64, attached to the former choir tower to the west, tower substructure end of the 15th century, upper floor with onion dome and lantern, 1603; with equipment D-6-73-141-101 BW
Haßbergstrasse 15
( location )
Churchyard wall In the core 15./16. century D-6-73-141-101 BW
Haßbergstrasse 19
( location )
farm Two-storey, gable-independent residential building with a solid ground floor, half-timbered upper storey and gable roof, labeled "1862", courtyard gate with gate labeled "1802" D-6-73-141-218 BW
Haßbergstrasse 27
( location )
Cemetery cross Sandstone crucifix, late 19th century D-6-73-141-102 BW
Small village
( location )
Column shrine Rich essay with reliefs of the crucifixion group between Peter and Paul, back with Saint Barbara, as crowning St. George, sandstone, inscribed "1736" D-6-73-141-104 Column shrine
Small village 8
( location )
Rectory Two-story massive hipped roof building, neo-baroque, 1908 D-6-73-141-194 BW
Near Haßbergstraße
( location )
Column shrine Essay with relief of the founding family under the crucifixion group, to the side Peter and Paul, reverse Vesper picture, sandstone, baroque, 1677 D-6-73-141-105 BW
Near state road 2275; Exit to Bad Königshofen
( location )
crucifix On a curved base, at the base of the cross a tabernacle, sandstone, late baroque, inscribed "1767" D-6-73-141-107 BW
( location )
Niche shrine Barrel-vaulted niche with relief of Mary, sandstone, "1760". D-6-73-141-106 BW


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Am Lindenplan 1
( location )
Residential stable house Single-storey half-timbered building with a half-hipped roof in a corner, around 1800 D-6-73-141-116 Residential stable house
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Am Lindenplan 5
( location )
Gate With curtain arch, 17./18. century D-6-73-141-235 BW
Am Lindenplan 16
( location )
Community brewery One-and-a-half-storey sandstone block building with a gable roof and stepped gables, historicist, inscribed "1870" D-6-73-141-197 Community brewery
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Hauptstrasse 1
( location )
Crucifixion group Sandstone, on a wide base, cross base with Christian symbols, late baroque, 1743 D-6-73-141-123 BW
Hauptstrasse 17
( location )
Farmhouse Three-storey, gable-independent half-hipped roof building, upper storeys half-timbered, around 1800 D-6-73-141-110 Farmhouse
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Hauptstrasse 18
( location )
House figure Pietà, mounted sculpture, baroque, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-73-141-115 House figure
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Hauptstrasse 20
( location )
Community inn On a corner plot, eaves-standing two-storey sandstone block construction with a gable roof, 1874 D-6-73-141-196 Community inn
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Hauptstrasse 20
( location )
Half-timbered barn With a gable roof, around 1875 D-6-73-141-196 Half-timbered barn
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Hauptstrasse 21
( location )
House figure Saint George, mounted sandstone sculpture, 18th century D-6-73-141-111 BW
Eyershäuser Strasse
( location )
Milestone Sandstone, after 1872 D-6-73-141-237 Milestone
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Herbstadter Weg, at the north-western exit towards Herbstadt
( location )
Holy House Curved base with arched picture niche with relief of the crucifixion group, sandstone, baroque, mid-18th century D-6-73-141-119 BW
Hutwiese, on a dirt road southwest of the village
( location )
Holy House Arched picture niche with relief, sandstone, baroque, probably 1751, severe weather damage D-6-73-141-120 BW
( location )
War memorial 1914-18 Sandstone sculpture of the risen Christ on a block-shaped base, around 1920/25 D-6-73-141-238 War memorial 1914-18
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Kriegergasse, Hauptstrasse
( location )
Holy House Curved base with arched pictorial niche and relief of the Coronation of Mary, crowned by a statue of St. Wendelin, sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-114 Holy House
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Kirchenweg 4
( location )
farm Two-storey, gable-independent residential building on a high sandstone base with a two-flight staircase in front of the eaves, brick masonry on the ground floor, upper floor and gable half-timbered, gable roof, historicist, around 1900 and 1934 D-6-73-141-204 BW
Kirchenweg 4
( location )
Farm, elongated outbuilding Ground floor made of sandstone blocks, upper floor half-timbered with arcade, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-204 Farm, elongated outbuilding
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Kirchenweg 6
( location )
Former parish and school house Today a kindergarten, two-storey building hipped towards the street, massive ground floor over sandstone plinth, plastered half-timbered upper floor, mid-18th century, with recent changes and an extension D-6-73-141-195 Former parish and school house
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Kirchenweg 8
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Wendelin Hall building with saddle roof and polygonal choir, west facade with facade tower, sandstone cuboid, onion dome, late baroque, by Johann Müller from Arnstein, 1752–54; with equipment D-6-73-141-109 Catholic parish church of St. Wendelin
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Kirchenweg 8
( location )
Cemetery walling Sandstone cuboid with cover plates, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-73-141-109 Cemetery walling
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Kirchenweg 8
( location )
Cemetery cross Sandstone, from 1861, between two priest grave stones D-6-73-141-109 Cemetery cross
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Kirchenweg 8
( location )
Two priest gravestones Relief, red sandstone, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-109 Two priest gravestones
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Mittelweg, on the road to Trappstadt
( location )
Column shrine With Kreuzschlepper, sandstone, baroque style, 1907 D-6-73-141-122 BW
( location )
Stone cross Latin form with short arms and incised drawing on the front, sandstone, inscribed "1.24" (probably 1624) D-6-73-141-306 BW
Seeweg, at the exit to Trappstadt
( location )
Wayside shrine With column, top with relief of the crucifixion, on the sides Barbara and Margareta, on the reverse a scene of the Mount of Olives, sandstone, late baroque, inscribed "1761" D-6-73-141-121 Wayside shrine
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( location )
Holy House Simple base with arched picture niche with relief of the erection of the cross, sandstone, baroque, 18th century D-6-73-141-113 Holy House
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At the Hague; On the Mühlweg; Torstrasse
( location )
Gabolshausen wayside shrine In rich rococo forms, top with relief of the crucifixion group, inscribed "1767" D-6-73-141-128 Gabolshausen wayside shrine
Grass path; at the exit to Königshofen
( location )
Column shrine With bulbous base, top with reliefs of the Trinity and the Adoration of the Magi, saints on the side, sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-129 Column shrine
Hague; at the exit to Untereßfeld in front of the sports field
( location )
Sandstone crucifix Pedestal with mourning Mary, 18th century D-6-73-141-131 Sandstone crucifix
Mühlhügelstraße 18
( location )
Maria Immaculate On a pedestal, sandstone, 19th century D-6-73-141-127 BW
Near Torgasse; at the churchyard wall
( location )
Holy House Curved base with arched and crowned picture niche with crucifix, Christian symbols on the inside, sandstone, inscribed "1779" D-6-73-141-126 Holy House
( location )
Wayside shrine Reliefs: Mercy Seat, Immaculata, sandstone, inscribed "1946", base around 1900 D-6-73-141-225 BW
( location )
Wayside shrine Base with pillar, top with relief of the Pietà, sandstone, inscribed "1716" D-6-73-141-130 BW
Torstrasse 1
( location )
Gatehouse Single-storey half-timbered building with a gable roof and lateral road passage, 16./17. Century, half-timbered 18th / 19th century. Century renewed, reconstruction in 1990 D-6-73-141-125 Gatehouse
Torstrasse 3; In Gabolshausen
( location )
Catholic branch church of St. Laurentius Cuboid sandstone building, hall building with gable roof, side tower with octagon and mansard helmet, neo-Gothic choir, 1911; with equipment D-6-73-141-124 Catholic branch church of St. Laurentius
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Torstrasse 3; In Gabolshausen
( location )
Cemetery cross Limestone, around 1910 D-6-73-141-124 BW
Torstrasse 3; In Gabolshausen
( location )
War memorial Crowned sculpture Dying Soldier, limestone, signed by Schneider, around 1920; Cemetery wall with gate, 18th century D-6-73-141-124 War memorial


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B 279
( location )
milestone Sandstone, third quarter of the 19th century D-6-73-141-242 BW

Haumühle (Ipthausen)

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Haumühle 2
( location )
Chopper Four-sided courtyard, single-storey residential building with half-hipped roof, half-timbered building partly plastered, sandstone cuboid facing Mühlbach, slated gable, end of the 18th century D-6-73-141-241 BW
Haumühle 2
( location )
Haumühle, half-timbered barn With a gable roof, around 1800 D-6-73-141-241 BW
Chop mill 2; Ipthausen, Haumühle 2
( location )
Haumühle, outbuilding With half-timbered upper floor and gable roof, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-241 BW


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Church 3
( location )
Pilgrimage Church of the Birth of Mary Hall building with saddle roof, retracted polygonal closed choir with turret with onion dome, west facade sandstone cuboid with figure niches, 1746–54, by Johann Michael Schmidt, facade figures by Sebastian Metz, renovation of the choir after fire by Karl Trott 1868–71; with Rococo decor by Bernhard Hellmuth and Georg Anton Urlaub u. a. D-6-73-141-132 Pilgrimage Church of the Birth of Mary
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Church 5; south in front of the church
( location )
Stone cross So-called plague cross, sandstone, early modern D-6-73-141-133 BW
Kirchleinsweg; on the Birkenallee to Königshofen
( location )
Wayside shrine Pillar with top and reliefs of the Crucifixion and the Trinity, sandstone, 19th century D-6-73-141-141 BW
Kirchleinsweg; on the Birkenallee to Königshofen
( location )
Cross tug On a pillar, sandstone, first half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-143 BW
Kirchleinsweg; on the Birkenallee to Königshofen
( location )
Man of Sorrows Base with inscription, sandstone, 18./19. century D-6-73-141-142 BW
Kirchleinsweg; at the beginning of the birch avenue in front of the church
( location )
Wayside shrine Column with top and reliefs of the donor family under the crucifixion group, on the back a group of figures, sandstone, 17th century D-6-73-141-134 BW
Near Kirchleinsweg; southeast in front of the church
( location )
Statue of St. John Nepomuk Bulged base with inscription, sandstone, baroque, early 19th century D-6-73-141-135 BW
Linde 1
( location )
Courtyard gate With drilled, profiled frame, sandstone, inscribed "1720" D-6-73-141-136 BW
Linde 21
( location )
Courtyard gate system Pillar with flower reliefs, natural stone, 19th century D-6-73-141-137 BW
Linde 29
( location )
barn Solid with gable roof, half-timbered gable, 18th century D-6-73-141-198 BW
Merklach; Corner of Simmern
( location )
Sandstone crucifix With a base, classicistic, end of the 18th century D-6-73-141-140 BW
Weißbach 3
( location )
Residential building Single-storey gable roof building, plastered half-timbering, 18th century D-6-73-141-138 BW
Weißbach 5
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Residential building Single-storey half-timbered building with gable roof, 18th century D-6-73-141-139
Merzenweg; outside the local area at the corner of Dr.-Hans-Kentmann-Weg / Bgm.-Eschenbach-Allee
( location )
Sandstone crucifix With base, last quarter of the 19th century D-6-73-141-145 BW
Spitalwaldstrasse 12; in the new development area of ​​Bad Königshofen
( location )
Jewish Cemetery With gravestones until 1939, laid out in 1921 D-6-73-141-199 Jewish Cemetery
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White bridge; at the pasture
( location )
Column shrine Top with relief of Mary, crucifixion on the reverse, sandstone, 1938 D-6-73-141-144 BW


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At the dugout; at the exit to Königshofen
( location )
Wayside shrine Column with top and reliefs of the Coronation of Mary, on the back a crucifixion group, on the side holy bishops, baroque, 1718 D-6-73-141-166 BW
Bäckergasse 1
( location )
Courtyard gate With shoulder arch and gate post with rose ornamentation, natural stone, 18th century D-6-73-141-158 BW
Bäckergasse 2
( location )
Courtyard gate With shoulder arch, natural stone, 18th century D-6-73-141-160 BW
Bäckergasse 9
( location )
Courtyard gate Curtain arch, sandstone, inscribed "1713" D-6-73-141-159 BW
Heir; on dirt road southeast of the village
( location )
Holy House Base with arched pictorial niche, sandstone, 1773, painted Saint Wendelin, new D-6-73-141-167 BW
Flossy; at the exit to Kleinbardorf
( location )
Sandstone crucifix Pedestal with mourning Mary, sandstone, 1765 D-6-73-141-163 Sandstone crucifix
( location )
Wayside shrine Pillar with top with relief of the crucifixion group, coat of arms above, sandstone, inscribed 1607; formerly on the road to Kleinbardorf D-6-73-141-164 BW
Kapellenweg 20; northeast of the place
( location )
Protective mantle chapel So-called Swedish Chapel, war memorial chapel for 1866, sandstone cuboid construction, hall construction with saddle roof, round apse and gable turret, neo-Gothic, 1867/68 D-6-73-141-200 BW
Upper Alley; Obere Gasse 1
( location )
Gate pillar With plastered ashlar, stone, 18th century D-6-73-141-156 BW
Obere Gasse 3; Near Ringgasse
( location )
Rectory Two-storey, gable-independent half-hipped roof, massive ground floor with Renaissance windows 1584, plastered upper floor 1773, sandstone Madonna around 1350 D-6-73-141-146 Rectory
Obere Gasse 3; Near Ringgasse
( location )
Vicarage, courtyard gate With gate and coat of arms stone Abbot Thomas III. from Langheim Abbey, around 1680 D-6-73-141-146 Vicarage, courtyard gate
Obere Gasse 3; Near Ringgasse
( location )
Rectory Outbuilding, partly half-timbered, partly massive, with saddle or half-hipped roof, 18th century D-6-73-141-146 Rectory
Obere Gasse 3
( location )
Wayside shrine Top with columns and cranks in the form of an altar with a relief of the Trinity between Paul and Peter, in the excerpt the coronation of the Virgin Mary and angels, on the back niches with the Saints Andrew Katharina and Barbara, sandstone, baroque, inscribed "1727" D-6-73-141-223 Wayside shrine
Obere Gasse 5; Near Obere Gasse
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Martin Tower on the north side of the choir with pyramid roof, lower floor late Gothic, 14th century, post-Gothic raised by Valentin Dietz in 1601, nave, hall church with rich stone-faced west facade, gable roof, plastered eaves, recessed choir, baroque, planning by Johann Michael Neum , revision by Balthasarann 1737–43; with equipment D-6-73-141-147 Catholic parish church of St. Martin
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Obere Gasse 5; Near Obere Gasse
( location )
Churchyard wall With war memorial for 1914–18, relief of Christ crowning dead soldiers, around 1920, and Mary's grotto with stucco Madonna, around 1900 D-6-73-141-147 Churchyard wall
Obere Gasse 5; Near Obere Gasse; in the cemetery
( location )
Cemetery cross Second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-147 Cemetery cross
Obere Gasse 5; Near Obere Gasse
( location )
Virgin Mary statue Historicistic, sandstone, second half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-147 Virgin Mary statue
Obere Gasse 6
( location )
Former school house Hipped roof building, massive ground floor, half-timbered upper floor, early 19th century D-6-73-141-148 Former school house
Obere Gasse 17
( location )
Courtyard gate system Ball-crowned pillars, gate with figure of Maria Immaculata, sandstone, 1747 D-6-73-141-149 BW
Ringgasse, in front of No. 31
( location )
Wayside shrine Immaculata between Apostle Paul and St. Ursula, crowning St. Andreas, backside scene with St. Anthony, acanthus frame, baroque, by Jakob Bindrim, inscribed "1729" D-6-73-141-162 BW
Rose Garden; Corner Am Erb / Althäuser Weg
( location )
Wayside shrine Reliefs: baptism of Jesus between Joseph and Mary, back Joachim and Anna, crowning Dorothea, sandstone, baroque, inscribed "1738" D-6-73-141-165 BW
Drive path; south of the gravel pit, old road
( location )
Wayside shrine With stonemason's mark, sandstone, inscribed "1603", screwed on naive paintings farmer with plow, sowing and harvesting on the side D-6-73-141-168 BW
Vogelgasse 9
( location )
House figure Our Lady with putti, wood, 18./19. century D-6-73-141-150 BW
Vogelgasse 12
( location )
Gate Curtain arch, sandstone, inscribed "1731" D-6-73-141-152 BW
Vogelgasse 17
( location )
Residential building Single-storey solid building with gable roof, street front marked “1733”; Courtyard gate with curtain arch, inscribed "1736" D-6-73-141-151 Residential building
Vogelgasse 17
( location )
Courtyard gate With curtain arch, inscribed "1736" D-6-73-141-151 Courtyard gate
Wirtsgasse 11
( location )
Gate Curtain arch, sandstone, 17th century D-6-73-141-155 Gate


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At the Herrenhof; Town center
( location )
Mariendenkmal Neo-Gothic sandstone statue on a high base within a cast iron enclosure, 1885 D-6-73-141-186 Mariendenkmal
Am Herrenhof 1
( location )
Rectory Two-storey, massive rectory with a gable roof, high cellar with outside staircase, Renaissance, 1612 D-6-73-141-171 Rectory
Am Herrenhof 1
( location )
Rectory Farm building with natural stone substructure and half-timbered knee, crucifixion relief, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-73-141-171 Rectory
Am Herrenhof 1
( location )
Rectory Courtyard wall with gate, sandstone, inscribed "1710" D-6-73-141-171 Rectory
Am Herrenhof 2
( location )
farm Gable-independent ground floor residential stable house, gable with ornamental framework, courtyard side half-timbered with arbor, rear wall in stone, 17th century D-6-73-141-172 farm
Am Herrenhof 2
( location )
farm Side building, two-storey delivery house with arbor, half-timbered, 18th century D-6-73-141-172 farm
Am Herrenhof 2
( location )
Farm, barn Fachwerk, 18./19. century D-6-73-141-172 BW
Am Herrenhof 6
( location )
Courtyard wall Natural stone, with courtyard gate, round arched, around 1600, with Jesus figure, 19th century; Inscription stone, inscribed "1695" D-6-73-141-203 Courtyard wall
Am Herrenhof 6
( location )
Courtyard arbor With wooden pillars, around 1700 D-6-73-141-203 BW
Anger, road to Alsleben
( location )
Wayside shrine Reliefs crucifixion group, reverse side St. Wendelin, sandstone, inscribed "1836" D-6-73-141-187 BW
( location )
Wayside shrine Relief of St. Wendelin, 1836 D-6-73-141-189 BW
Eßfelder Straße 3
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey eaves half-timbered building with half-hip roof and hip foot as a storey separation, 18th / 19th century century D-6-73-141-202 BW
Eßfelder Straße 10
( location )
farm Residential stable house, single-storey gable-roof building, residential part with ornamental framework, solid stable part, around 1700 D-6-73-141-201 BW
Eßfelder Strasse; Eßfelder Straße 5
( location )
Gate Curtain arch, natural stone, 1742 D-6-73-141-175 BW
Eßfelder Straße 10
( location )
farm Pigsty, 19th century D-6-73-141-201 BW
Eßfelder Straße 12
( location )
farm Single-storey, gable-independent residential building with a gable roof, ornamental framework, around 1700, extended at the back in the 18th century D-6-73-141-174 BW
Eßfelder Straße 12
( location )
farm Multi-part outbuilding, half-timbering, gable roof, 17th / 18th centuries Century; Barn, half-timbering, gable roof hipped on one side, 18th century D-6-73-141-174 BW
Eßfelder Straße 12
( location )
farm Courtyard gate, natural stone, arched gate marked "1695", gate pillar around 1800 D-6-73-141-174 BW
Eßfelder Straße 17
( location )
House figure Baroque statue of the Virgin Mary, sandstone, 18th century D-6-73-141-176 House figure
Eßfelder Straße 33
( location )
House figure Saint Wendelin, early 19th century D-6-73-141-181 BW
Eßfelder Straße 35
( location )
House figure Pietà, baroque, 17th / 18th centuries century D-6-73-141-182 BW
Friedhofweg 1; Eßfelder Strasse
( location )
graveyard Cemetery cross, stepped base architecture with columns and reliefs of the symbols of the evangelists, 1883 D-6-73-141-170 BW
Friedhofweg 1; Eßfelder Strasse
( location )
graveyard Cemetery wall with goal posts D-6-73-141-170 BW
Friedhofweg 1; Eßfelder Strasse
( location )
Cemetery, on the cemetery wall fourteen stations of the cross Natural stone with iron reliefs, first half of the 19th century D-6-73-141-170 BW
Friedhofweg 1; Eßfelder Strasse
( location )
graveyard In the cemetery wall holy house with crucifix, from 1750 D-6-73-141-170 BW
on the north-western outskirts
( location )
Holy House From 1753; not re-qualified D-6-73-141-185 BW
( location )
Holy House A cross-tug figure towering above the tabernacle, in the barrel-vaulted tabernacle, God's eye relief, sandstone, 1745 D-6-73-141-178 BW
Near Auweg; Near sewage treatment plant
( location )
Trinity shrine Relief of the Trinity, reverse Immaculata, sandstone, 1826 D-6-73-141-188 BW
Schindeller, road to Aub
( location )
So-called new torture Wayside shrine with lamentation, sandstone, re. 1854 D-6-73-141-5 BW
Stiegel 1
( location )
Holy House With Aquilinus relief, natural stone, from 1750 D-6-73-141-184 BW
Stiegel 2
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Johann Baptist and St. Aquilin A hall church facing north, solid construction with a saddle roof, polygonal choir closure, baroque, 1698-1700 (consecrated 1708) possibly by Joseph Greissing, on the east side the former choir tower of the previous building, with pointed helmet, 14th / 15th centuries. Century, upper floors of the tower marked "1613"; with equipment D-6-73-141-169 Catholic parish church of St. Johann Baptist and St. Aquilin
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Stiegel 2
( location )
Churchyard wall Haustein, 1598, with triangular gable portal, around 1700 D-6-73-141-169 Churchyard wall
Stiegel 4
( location )
Virgin Mary statue By Johann Joseph Keßler, sandstone, late baroque, mid-18th century D-6-73-141-173 Virgin Mary statue
Wethgasse 2
( location )
farm From 1852, single-storey, gable-independent house with a half-hip roof, Haustein, 1857 D-6-73-141-179 BW
Wethgasse 2
( location )
farm Courtyard wall with gate with neo-Gothic frieze, inscribed "1857" D-6-73-141-179 BW
Wethgasse 3
( location )
Former village mill Half-timbered house, partly massive, with half-hipped mansard roof, inscribed "1754" D-6-73-141-205 BW
Wethgasse 6
( location )
Former parish hall Now a fire-fighting equipment house, single-storey stone building with a gable roof, two inscription cartouches, by Michael Vorndran in 1842 D-6-73-141-183 BW

Disused monuments by districts

Bad Königshofen in Grabfeld

location object description File no. image
Marktplatz 33
( location )
Ground floor facade Richly structured ground floor facade of a residential and commercial building, re. IGK 1760, upper floors repeatedly renewed, most recently in 2013 D-6-73-141-48 BW
Martin-Reinhard-Straße 26
( location )
Immaculata around 1750 by Johann Joseph Keßler D-6-73-141-56 BW
Wirtsgasse 7 ( coordinates are missing! Help us . )
Gate 1792 D-6-73-141-154
Wirtsgasse 10 ( coordinates are missing! Help us . )
Gate 1776 D-6-73-141-157

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The property of a monument - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld  - collection of images, videos and audio files