List of architectural monuments in Herrieden

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The monuments of the Middle Franconian community of Herrieden are compiled on this page . This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority. This list reflects the update status from November 21, 2014 and contains 177 architectural monuments.

Herrieden coat of arms


Ensemble old town Herrieden

The ensemble ( location ) encompasses the entire city enclosed by the city fortifications, including the former city moats and the Altmühlbrücke. The ensemble is visually related to the Martinskirche (cf. Am Martinsberg 22) and is characterized by the grouping of a church on a hill with a fortified town center on the river, which is characteristic of Franconian city foundations. The beginnings of the city of Herrieden lie in a former Benedictine monastery on the one hand and the Martinskirche on the other. The Benedictine monastery, which was founded in the last quarter of the 8th century by the Franconian nobleman Cadolt and mentioned for the first time in 797, was donated by King Arnulf to Bishop Erchanbold von Eichstätt in 888 and converted into a collegiate monastery. It remained in the possession of Eichstätt until secularization; In 1807 a parish was established there. Today's Catholic side church St. Martin can be opened as a parish church for the time before 780 and remained so until the secularization. Its effective location on a fortified hill northeast of the city, within a walled cemetery, is at the same time an expression of the historical context; a Stationsweg (stone path) also connects the church and town. Another historical and urban focal point of the place, first mentioned as a city in 1298, is the castle, mentioned in 1122, in the northeast corner of the complex. This brewery, which was rebuilt many times until the 19th century, was also re-fortified and incorporated into the city when the city ​​wall was rebuilt under the Archbishop of Eichstätt Heinrich V. 1340/44 . The city's interior, which is sometimes quite extensive, is divided into four structurally clearly differentiated quarters that surround the wide market square. This, dominated by the two-tower front of the collegiate church, essentially a building from the first half of the 16th century, is surrounded by the eaves-side Gasthaus zum Hirschen (Marktplatz 13) and stately gabled houses on the west side of the Frauenkirche. The former quarter of the monastery and collegiate church (Herrnhof), around the two churches, is loosely built up, with partly detached former collegiate courts and administrative buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries. The bourgeois quarter of the craftsmen and traders on both sides of the former Vorderen Gasse (today the Ringstrasse) has some stately, two-story, gable-roof houses from the 16th to the 18th century that face the street. To the north is an arable district with smaller single-storey houses accompanied by farm buildings. In the area of ​​the Vogteiplatz in front of the former castle, there is a district mainly characterized by barns. The market-like square in front of the former Ansbacher Tor, dominated by the Gasthaus zum Torwirt (Neunstetter Str. 14), is part of the ensemble. In the south and south-west, in the area of ​​the Altmühl river valley, the original open space in front of the city wall has been preserved. In the east, via the undeveloped parcel No. 1050, there is also an unobstructed view of the city. File number: E-5-71-166-1.

Ensemble town center Roth

The rounded green, in the center of which is the local chapel of St. Barbara from 1702, surrounded by four linden trees, is delimited by the gable ends of the farmhouses oriented towards the green. These single-storey residential buildings with partially diverse gable roof outbuildings go back essentially to the 17th century, but were mainly developed in the 19th century. File number: E-5-71-166-2.

City fortifications

The city wall made of stone and quarry stone masonry is almost completely preserved, without its original cover. It was rebuilt in 1340/44 and reinforced again in the late 15th century. The area of ​​the Zwinger and Graben is recognizable throughout and has been preserved in some places. File number: D-5-71-166-1. Pictures . Counter- clockwise starting at the Storchenturm , the city wall runs along Deocarplatz and the Herrenhof with a breakthrough between Herrenhof 13 and 12, then north to the former castle and from there to the breakthrough at the Fronveste . To the west of the Fronveste, the city wall along the street An der Stadtmauer has been preserved until the breakthrough at Neunstetter Straße. The southwest section runs along Vorderen Gasse and Turmstrasse to the Storchenturm.

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Deocarplatz 3
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-9 BW
Fronveststrasse 12
( location )
Former city tower with prison, later residential building Four-storey hipped roof building with a semicircular end, partly 15th century; associated city fortifications D-5-71-166-13 Former city tower with prison, later residential building
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Herrnhof 9
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-20 BW
Herrnhof 10
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-21 BW
Marktplatz 6
( location )
Gate tower, so-called stork tower Humped ashlar masonry with a hipped roof and an ogival passage, around 1340 D-5-71-166-29 Gate tower, so-called stork tower
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Vogteiplatz 8; Vogteiplatz 10; Near Münchener Strasse
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-57 BW
Vordere Gasse 19
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-48 BW
Vordere Gasse 21
( location )
City fortifications Belonging D-5-71-166-49 BW

Architectural monuments according to districts


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( location )
Bridge over the Altmühl Three-arched stone bridge, 18th century, inscribed "1770", with two Nepomuk figures, 19th / 20th century. century D-5-71-166-61 Bridge over the Altmühl
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At Martinsberg 22; Steinweg; Near Steinweg; At Martinsberg 22; At Martinsberg 40; Ball fault field; Steinweg; Steinweg 8
( location )
Catholic minor church St. Martin Hall church, new building inaugurated in 1688 after the fire of the previous building, extensive renovations by Gabriel de Gabrieli in 1721, tower in 1732/33; with equipment

Cemetery, first half of the 18th century

30 epitaphs from canons and monastery officials, 16th to 18th centuries

4 figures of a popular Mount of Olives group, probably late 17th century, in an open hall

Tombs, especially 19th and 20th centuries; 19th century cast iron crucifix

Walling, first half of the 18th century

7 station shrines in housings, 18th century, on the footpath from the city to St. Martin

D-5-71-166-2 Catholic minor church St. Martin
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At the city wall 3
( location )
Residential building Narrow eaves building with mansard roof, partly timber-framed, 18th / 19th century Century; partly sitting on the city wall D-5-71-166-3 Residential building
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At the city wall 14
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Residential building, so-called Jungfernhäusl Two-storey hipped roof building, partly half-timbered, 18th century D-5-71-166-188 Residential building, so-called Jungfernhäusl
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Ansbacher Straße 2
( location )
Residential building Two-storey gable-independent gable roof building, plastered half-timbering, in the core 17th / 18th century. century D-5-71-166-5 BW
Ansbacher Straße 4
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey, gable-independent saddle roof construction, mainly half-timbered, in the core 17th / 18th. century D-5-71-166-6 BW
Brühlwiesen, 500 m outside on the road towards Mühlbruck
( location )
Wayside cross, wayside shrine Cast iron on a sandstone base, late 19th century D-5-71-166-66 BW
Deocarplatz 1 ( coordinates are missing! Help me . )
Former primary school building, now a special school Two-storey three-wing building with a high base, hipped and half-hipped roof, with a dwelling, rusticated pilaster strips and plastered structure, in neo-baroque forms of the Munich school, 1914/16 D-5-71-166-8 Former primary school building, now a special school
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Deocarplatz 2; Deocarplatz 3
( location )
Former canon house Two-storey building with half-hipped roof, baroque facade structure with central projection, gate pillars, second half of the 18th century; Expanded in 2000 as an extension of the Wolfhard School (see Deocarplatz 1)

With gate pillars, probably 19th century

D-5-71-166-9 Former canon house
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Deocarplatz 10
( location )
Former tithe barn Two-storey eaves gable roof construction, massive, quarry stone and sandstone masonry, in the core around 1800 using older structural parts D-5-71-166-193 BW
Fronveststrasse 2
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey saddle roof building in corner position, core 16th century, with house Madonna, wood framed, around 1500 D-5-71-166-11 Residential buildings
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Fronveststrasse 3
( location )
Gabled house Single storey, plastered half-timbering, 17th to 19th centuries

Outbuildings, partly half-timbered, at the same time

D-5-71-166-12 BW
Herrnhof 1
( location )
Catholic minor church of Our Lady Flat-roofed hall building with reticulated late Gothic choir, new building, 1474 and after fire in 1493, roof turret 1703, change 17th / 18th. Century and 19th century; with equipment D-5-71-166-15 Catholic minor church of Our Lady
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Herrnhof 2
( location )
Former old provost house Two-storey building with a crooked roof, corner position, half-timbered, cantilevered upper floor, 1490 ( dendrochronologically dated), second half of the 17th century D-5-71-166-16 Former old provost house
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Herrnhof 3
( location )
Inn Two-storey saddle roof construction, half-hip on one side, plastered half-timbering, partially cantilevered upper floor, 18th / 19th century Century, in the core before 1600

With outbuildings, massive, gable and hipped roof, partly half-timbered, 18th / 19th century. century

Parts of the enclosure that have been preserved, 19th century

D-5-71-166-17 Inn
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Herrnhof 4; Herrnhof 5
( location )
Former stable house Free-standing, two-storey saddle roof construction, plastered half-timbering, in the core before 1500 D-5-71-166-18 Former stable house
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Herrnhof 9
( location )
Former prison Two-storey hipped roof structure, structured in natural stone, rusticated corner pilaster strips, around 1900 D-5-71-166-20 Former prison
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Herrnhof 10
( location )
Former district court building, town hall Two-storey hipped roof building, with natural stone structures, central projection with gable top, neo-baroque, around 1900 D-5-71-166-21 Former district court building, town hall
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Herrnhof 20, 21, 22; Deocarplatz; Herrnhof
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Former collegiate dean, today the rectory Two-story hipped roof building with a dwelling, rusticated pilaster strips and plaster structure, wooden figures, second half of the 18th century; with equipment

Southern part of the enclosure, 18./19. century

D-5-71-166-23 Former collegiate dean, today the rectory
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Marketplace 1
( location )
Former collegiate church, now the Catholic parish church of St. Veit Relay hall, three-aisled nave with double tower facade, three-bay choir, Blasius chapel, sacristy, Nicholas chapel, Peter and Paul chapel, lower storeys of the towers probably around 1300, choir built in 1447 by Edress Embhart the Elder in 1340. Ä. replaced, 1502–1522 new building of the nave, arching of the nave in 1740, Baroque modification around 1748, changes in the 19th century, with ridge turrets; with equipment D-5-71-166-24 Former collegiate church, now the Catholic parish church of St. Veit
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Marketplace 2
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Former caste office and former schoolhouse Two-storey building with a pitched roof, partially preserved, reconstruction from "1523" (inscribed), changed in the 19th century D-5-71-166-25 Former caste office and former schoolhouse
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Marketplace 3
( location )
Former town hall, also a bread house Two-storey building with a pitched roof, plastered structure, 1548, with changes from the 18th / 19th centuries. Century, marked "1752" D-5-71-166-26 Former town hall, also a bread house
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Marketplace 4
( location )
Inn Two-storey saddle roof construction in corner position, with rusticated corner pilasters, plaster structure, core around 1600 D-5-71-166-27 Inn
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Marktplatz 8
( location )
Residential and commercial building Two-storey gable roof building, with a half-hip at the back, plastered half-timbering, probably 18th century, with an older core D-5-71-166-30 Residential and commercial building
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Marketplace 10
( location )
Town house, later residential and commercial building Two-storey building with a pitched roof, half-hipped at the back, in corner position, half-timbered plastered, the core around 1600 D-5-71-166-31 Town house, later residential and commercial building
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Marktplatz 11, 12
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, in a corner position, solid, around 1800

Barn, two-story, with a mansard roof, half-timbered upper floor, probably 17th century

D-5-71-166-32 Residential buildings
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Marktplatz 18
( location )
Allegedly the former town hall Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, late 18th century, attached to the western front of the Frauenkirche

Associated free-standing barn, single-storey building with pitched roof, half-timbered gable, 18th century

D-5-71-166-35 Allegedly the former town hall
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Near Hintere Gasse
( location )
barn Single-storey building with a pitched roof, half-timbered, 17th century D-5-71-166-45 BW
Near Münchener Strasse; north of the Fronveste on Münchener Strasse
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Trinity Chapel Massive small saddle roof building with ornamental gable, rear with hip, 18th century D-5-71-166-64 Trinity Chapel
Near Münchener Strasse; north of the Fronveste on Münchener Strasse
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Stone cross Medieval D-5-71-166-65 Stone cross
Near Neunstetterstraße, on the outskirts
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crossroads Cast iron, mid 19th century D-5-71-166-42 BW
Near Vogteiplatz
( location )
barn One-storey building with a pitched roof, with a half-timbered gable, with a beveled corner, second half of the 16th century D-5-71-166-54 BW
Neunstetterstraße 1
( location )
Residential buildings Narrow two-storey saddle roof building, in corner position, half-timbering plastered, in the core 16./17. Century, bordering the city wall at the back, see city fortifications D-5-71-166-36 Residential buildings
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Neunstetterstrasse 11; Neunstetterstraße 13
( location )
Former shepherd's house Single-storey semi-detached house with mansard hipped roof, around 1800 D-5-71-166-38 Former shepherd's house
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Neunstetterstraße 12
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey gable roof building, half-timbered, 17th century D-5-71-166-39 Residential buildings
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Neunstetterstraße 14
( location )
Inn Two-storey saddle roof building, in corner position, with half-timbered gable, 17th / 18th centuries century D-5-71-166-40 Inn
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Neunstetterstrasse 15; Neunstetterstraße 17
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Former shepherd's house Semi-detached house, one-story building with a mansard hipped roof, around 1800 D-5-71-166-41 Former shepherd's house
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Gunwases; State road 2248, on the state road to Leibelbach, 20 m after the bridge
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crossroads Gilded cast iron, sandstone base, second half of the 19th century D-5-71-166-67 BW
Siechwiesen, about 300 m west of the infirmary chapel in the Flur an der Altmühl
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Chapel shrine Small massive building with a gable roof, with a picture niche, 18th century D-5-71-166-63 BW
( location )
Catholic Infirmary Chapel of Mary Help Brick building, with natural stone integration, neo-Gothic, 1886/87; with equipment D-5-71-166-62 BW
Turmstrasse 1
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey, gable-independent building with a mansard roof, half-hipped at the rear, with ornamental gable, plastered structure, around 1700 D-5-71-166-53 Residential buildings
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Vogteiplatz 7
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Barn, part of the former brewery Single-storey saddle roof building with half-timbered gable, first half of the 18th century D-5-71-166-56 Barn, part of the former brewery
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
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Former castle Built before 1122, rebuilt after razing in 1316 in 1340/44, burned down in 1490 and rebuilt in 1508-10, structural changes in 1686 and 1717 D-5-71-166-57 Former castle
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
( location )
Former castle, residential building Three-storey saddle roof building, rebuilt after a fire in 1877–1878 D-5-71-166-57 Former castle, residential building
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
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Former castle, brewery building 1717 D-5-71-166-57 Former castle, brewery building
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
( location )
Former castle, former gate building Rectangular stone building with a mansard hipped roof, heraldic panel inscribed "1510" D-5-71-166-57 Former castle, former gate building
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
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Former castle, pavilion Eight-sided stone building with a mansard tent roof, around 1800

Garden shed, one-storey rectangular building with a gable roof, around 1800

D-5-71-166-57 Former castle, pavilion
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Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
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Former castle, stone bridge Rebuilt after 1490 D-5-71-166-57 BW
Vogteiplatz 8, 10; Near Münchener Strasse
( location )
Former castle, fortification walls Renewed in 1412 and 1508–1510, the core probably older D-5-71-166-57 BW
Vogteiplatz 11
( location )
Former tax office Three-storey building with a pitched roof, with plaster structure, 17th century, changes in the first third of the 18th century by Gabriel de Gabrieli and in the 19th century D-5-71-166-58 Former tax office
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Vordere Gasse 1
( location )
Residential building Two-storey hipped roof building, partly half-timbered, dwarf house, 17th / 18th Century, change around 1910 D-5-71-166-43 Residential building
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Vordere Gasse 13
( location )
Residential building Two-storey building with a pitched roof, hip to the rear, in a corner position, plastered half-timbering, 18th century D-5-71-166-46 Residential building
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Vordere Gasse 19
( location )
Gabled house Recessed, plastered half-timbering, 18th century D-5-71-166-48 Gabled house
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Vordere Gasse 21
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building in corner position, tail gable with figure attachments, core at the beginning of the 15th century, rebuilt and renewed around 1630 and beginning of the 18th century D-5-71-166-49 Residential building
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Front Lane 33; Vordere Gasse 35
( location )
Gabled house with volute gable 18th century, altered in 1910 D-5-71-166-51 Gabled house with volute gable
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Wolfhardstrasse 5
( location )
Residential buildings Two-storey gable-independent gable roof building, upper floor and gable half-timbered, with projecting gable, 18th / 19th century century D-5-71-166-59 Residential buildings
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Wolfhardstrasse 7
( location )
Residential buildings Narrow two-storey saddle roof construction, in parts half-timbered, in the core 17th / 18th century. century D-5-71-166-60 Residential buildings
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Oberbichl; at the exit to Herrieden
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crossroads Second half of the 19th century, flanked by two linden trees D-5-71-166-68 crossroads
From Heuberg to the district road AN 37, at the end of town on the road to Heuberg
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Catholic Lady Chapel Small massive gable roof building, with plaster structure, 1727 D-5-71-166-69 Catholic Lady Chapel


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At the Wieseth; on the road to Leukersdorf
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crossroads Cast iron on a sandstone base, second third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-79 BW
Near Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße
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War memorial Gotizing in wayside shrine, 1914/18 D-5-71-166-75 BW
Near Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße
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graveyard Plant around 1910

Cemetery house, small single-storey building with hipped roof, probably at the same time

With numerous matching grave monuments from the same period, mostly in the form of steles, Jechnerer tombstone, late 18th century

Enclosure, around 1910, with vase-shaped gate pillar crowns, late 18th century

D-5-71-166-74 BW
Near Wiesethstraße, on the road to Sickersdorf
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Wayside chapel Small, massive gable roof building, neo-Gothic, with Madonna figure, around 1850 D-5-71-166-77 BW
Pfarrer-Heumann-Strasse, north of the church at the bridge
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Wayside shrine Solid, with a gable roof, with a brick niche, 18th / 19th century century D-5-71-166-76 BW
Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße 1
( location )
Rectory, residential building Two-storey hipped roof building, early 18th century, later extended

Property wall, probably 18th century

D-5-71-166-73 BW
Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße 5
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. James the Elder Hall church, new building by Carl Jäger , 1925, with neo-baroque elements, former choir from around 1750 included as a chapel, tower with onion dome; with equipment D-5-71-166-70 Catholic Parish Church of St. James the Elder
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Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße 6
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Massive farmhouse Dormitory extension, 1851


D-5-71-166-72 BW
Pfarrer-Heumann-Straße 13
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Former granulator Single-storey massive saddle roof construction, marked "1809"

Outbuildings, barn, two-storey pitched roof buildings, partly half-timbered, probably early 19th century

D-5-71-166-71 BW
On the old Herrieder Weg in the forest, 300 m outside
( coordinates are missing! Help us. )
crossroads Wooden crucifix, gilded, 19th century; not re-qualified, not mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas D-5-71-166-80
Weinberger Straße 7, at the junction to Weinberg
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Wegkapelle Herz Jesu Small massive gable roof building, 1909 D-5-71-166-78 BW


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Early measuring wood, west at the edge of the forest
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Field chapel Small solid building with a gable roof, with a cast iron crucifix, second half of the 19th century D-5-71-166-82 BW
Gimpertshausen 2
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Residential stable house Single-storey building with a pitched roof, 1777, partly older core D-5-71-166-81 BW
Mill field; From Leuckersdorf to Gimpertshausen
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crossroads Crucifix with figure of Mary, cast iron on red sandstone base, second third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-83 BW


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Heuberg 13
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Residential stable house Single-storey gable roof construction, massive, 1858 D-5-71-166-85 BW
In Heuberg
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Holy Trinity Catholic Chapel Single-storey saddle roof structure, one side with hip, with tail gable, roof turret, around 1700; with equipment D-5-71-166-84 BW
Strutfeld, about 150 m northeast in the corridor
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Field cross Cast iron on stone base, 19th century D-5-71-166-86 BW


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At the exit to Herrieden
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crossroads Crucifix on a sandstone base, with memorial inscription for members of the founder, First and Second World War D-5-71-166-87 BW
At the exit to Herrieden
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Fraischstein Sandstone, with a Hohenzollern eagle or crook, 1555 D-5-71-166-88 BW


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Gründlesfeld, at the exit to Leibelbach
( location )
War memorial Wayside cross, cast iron on sandstone base, probably second quarter of the 20th century D-5-71-166-91 War memorial
Hartfeld; From district road AN 54 (Lammelbach) to state road 2248, 200 m outside the village on the road to Leibelbach
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crossroads Cast iron crucifix on sandstone base, second half of the 19th century, with inscription D-5-71-166-92 crossroads
In Lammelbach, at the exit to Leibelbach
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Former flax breaker house Single-storey saddle roof structure, converted into a fire station in the early 20th century D-5-71-166-90 BW
Lammelbach 5
( location )
Farmhouse Two-storey saddle roof structure, with plaster structure, verge tiles with ornamental decor and mask, around 1912 D-5-71-166-89 BW

Slatted book

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Berglesfeld, on the road to Oberschönbronn
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Votive cross, wayside cross Cast iron crucifix on a sandstone plinth, with an inscription for a happy homecoming from the First World War, probably second quarter of the 20th century D-5-71-166-98 BW
In Lattenbuch
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Single-storey day laborer's house Partly plastered half-timbering, late 18th century D-5-71-166-96 BW
In Lattenbuch, on Dorfstrasse
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crossroads Cast iron, mid 19th century D-5-71-166-97 BW
In Lattenbuch
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Catholic branch church Mater dolorosa Hall church, west tower with onion dome, built in 1935; with equipment D-5-71-166-93 BW
Lattenbuch 4
( location )
Residential stable house Two-storey eaves gable roof building, 1909, inscription plaque with crucifixion, 18th century, used again in 1909

Barn, single-storey saddle roof construction, probably at the same time

D-5-71-166-94 BW
Lattenbuch 19
( location )
Residential stable house Solid, second half of the 18th century D-5-71-166-95 BW
Lattenbuch 33, at the exit to Schönau
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crossroads Cast iron crucifix, mid 19th century D-5-71-166-100 BW
Lindlein, on the road to Schönau, 300 m outside
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix, mid 19th century D-5-71-166-99 BW
From Lattenbuch to the district road AN 37, one and a half kilometers outside on the road to Schönau
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Memorial stone in the form of a wayside shrine Inscribed "1928" D-5-71-166-101 Memorial stone in the form of a wayside shrine


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In Leibelbach, at the exit towards Lammelbach
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War memorial Cast iron cross on a sandstone base, inscribed "1914/18", changed after 1945 D-5-71-166-103 BW
Leibelbach 3
( location )
Wayside shrine On the gable side of the building, with wooden figures, Holy Trinity, Maria Immaculata, by Johann Mutschelle the Elder. J., inscribed "1731" D-5-71-166-102 BW
Sand field, 100 m outside on the road to Limbach
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crossroads Cast iron crucifix on a sandstone base, mid-19th century D-5-71-166-104 BW

People book

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People book 8
( location )
Heart-shaped brick with cross and anchor in the east gable Early 19th century D-5-71-166-105 BW
People Book 10
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Reliefs from the former Rauenzell pilgrimage church Second half of the 16th century; in the southern gable wall and western long side D-5-71-166-106 BW


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Limbacher Gigert, 200 m outside the village, north in the corridor at the edge of the forest
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Field cross Cast iron crucifix, second third of the 19th century, on a sandstone base, inscribed "1907" D-5-71-166-107 BW


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( Location ) Wayside shrine 1702; built over with the chapel; not re-qualified D-5-71-166-110 BW
In Mühlbruck, at the exit to Herrieden
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Catholic chapel Small, massive gable roof building, with hip at the back, with tail gable, 18th century

Wayside shrine, 1702, built over with the chapel

D-5-71-166-109 BW
Mühlbruck 2
( location )
Discharge house Single-storey, massive gable roof building, late 18th century

Barn, massive gable roof, 1849

D-5-71-166-108 BW


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( location )
Altmühlbrücke Three-arched stone bridge, 1833, with a Nepomuk figure from the same period D-5-71-166-119 Altmühlbrücke
At the Altmühl 1
( location )
Altmühle, mill and residential buildings Two-storey, massive saddle roof construction, with corner pilasters, 1848 D-5-71-166-113 BW
At the Altmühl 1
( location )
Old mill, barn Single-storey saddle roof construction with loading hatch, second half of the 19th century D-5-71-166-113 BW
Eulersfeld; Steinbacher Feld, east outside in the corridor
( location )
Field cross, wayside shrine Sandstone with a cast-iron cross attachment, probably 19th century D-5-71-166-124 BW
Hertwegfeld, on the outskirts in the direction of Herrieden
( location )
Group of six stone crosses, called the "Seven Carters" Medieval D-5-71-166-123 BW
Hertwegfeld, one kilometer outside in the direction of Mühlbruck
( location )
crossroads Crucifix, wood, folk carving, 19th century D-5-71-166-125 BW
Hilsbacher Weg, Lichtfeld
( location )
Wayside shrine Sandstone pillar with cross top, allegedly around 1680, parts renewed D-5-71-166-196 Wayside shrine
Kirchplatz 1
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Vitus Hall church, single nave and west choir, late 14th century, east choir added before 1438, tower in 1482, expanded in 1680/81, changes in 17th and 18th centuries. and 19th century; with equipment

Cemetery, formerly fortified, partially preserved moat, underground Karner vault, tombs 19./20. century

Cast iron crucifix, mid 19th century

Walling with defensive wall at chest height, in the core probably 15th century

D-5-71-166-111 Catholic parish church of St. Vitus
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Mühlstrasse 5
( location )
Former mill Solid two-storey house with a gable roof, 1838 D-5-71-166-115 BW
Near the main road, on the outskirts in the direction of Herrieden
( location )
Neo-Gothic wayside shrine Cast iron cross on a sandstone base, 1892 D-5-71-166-122 BW
Near the church square, at the cemetery
( location )
War memorial Stele with crowning figure of Saint George, 1914/18, changed after 1945 D-5-71-166-120 BW
Near Mühlstrasse
( location )
barn Single-storey building with half-hipped roof, half-timbered, 19th century D-5-71-166-116 BW
Close to Windmühlstraße, on the western outskirts in Anger south of the street
( location )
Wayside shrine Small brick aedicula with niche, around 1800 D-5-71-166-121 BW
Pfarrgasse 2
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building, with half-timbered upper storey and gable, partly above the southwest corner of the cemetery wall, probably 17th century D-5-71-166-117 BW
From state road 2249 to Oberdombach, on Leutershauser Straße between Neunstetten and Niederdombach, at the junction to Oberdombach
( location )
Statue on a rectangular base Inscribed "1723" with a cast iron cross D-5-71-166-192 Statue on a rectangular base
Windmühlstraße 1, at the exit to Ansbach
( location )
crossroads Wooden crucifix, mid-19th century D-5-71-166-126 BW


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At the forest, 1100 m outside on the way to Höllmühle
( location )
Wayside shrine with trinity relief 1730 D-5-71-166-128 BW
Grobwiesen, 100 m outside in the direction of Neunstetten
( location )
crossroads Cast iron, second third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-129 BW
In Niederdombach, in the center of the village near the Höllmühlbach
( location )
chapel Catholic St. Antonius Chapel, small massive saddle roof building with ornamental gable, plaster structure, inscribed "1736", with ridge turret; with equipment D-5-71-166-127 chapel
State road 2249, 100 m outside in the direction of Leutershausen
( location )
crossroads Crucifix on a stone base, first half of the 20th century D-5-71-166-130 BW


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Oberschönbronn 8
( location )
Residential stable house Two-storey saddle roof building, massive, with plaster structure, mid-19th century D-5-71-166-131 BW
Oberschönbronn 18
( location )
barn Two-storey saddle roof building, upper storey and gable half-timbered, early 18th century D-5-71-166-132 BW


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On the Judenweg; Veldener Straße, at the exit towards Velden
( location )
Wayside shrine Historicizing, 1923 D-5-71-166-144 BW
At shelter 32
( location )
Boom with pub sign Probably later 18th century D-5-71-166-138 BW
Ground meadows; State road 2249, 500 m outside on the road to Herrieden
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix with a figure of Mary on a sandstone base, around 1880/90 D-5-71-166-145 BW
Breitfeld, on the footpath to Herrieden, about 900 m west of the village
( location )
Wayside shrine Eight-sided pillar with a four-gabled top, late medieval, next to it a free-standing stone altar, probably at the same time D-5-71-166-143 BW
Eisenfeld, 1.4 km before leaving the village in the direction of Rös
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix on a sandstone base, second half of the 19th century D-5-71-166-147 BW
Fuchsloch, two kilometers before leaving the village in the direction of Rös
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix on sandstone base, late 19th century D-5-71-166-146 BW
On the southern outskirts at Veldener Straße 6
( location )
Wayside chapel Small massive gable roof building, natural stone cuboid, with a figure of the Mother of God, inscribed "1848" D-5-71-166-191 BW
Röser Straße 2
( location )
Relief of Saint Anna Selbdritt Walled in in the gable, second half of the 16th century; from the abandoned pilgrimage church D-5-71-166-139 BW
Steinbach-Trüdinger Forst, in the Steinbachwald, about 1000 m southeast of the parish church
( location )
Wayside shrine Late medieval, protruding gable housing and arched niches D-5-71-166-142 BW
Steinbach-Trüdinger Forst, in the Steinbachwald, about 500 m southeast of the parish church
( location )
Wayside shrine Solid, protruding gable housing with gable roof and round arch niches, probably from the late Middle Ages D-5-71-166-141 BW
Zum Steinbachwald 4, on the main road north of the bridge
( location )
Wayside shrine Stone pillar with a sheet metal cross, 18th century D-5-71-166-140 BW
Zum Steinbachwald 21
( location )
Catholic cemetery chapel St. Johann Square, octagonal vaulted room on the outside, 15th century, modified in the 17th and 18th centuries, long house-like western porch 1950; with equipment ; not re-qualified D-5-71-166-134 BW
Zum Steinbachwald 21
( location )
Cemetery, walled former fortification Grave monuments, 19./20. century

Cast iron crucifix, around 1900; at the church; not re-qualified

D-5-71-166-135 BW
To Steinbachwald 21; Zum Steinbachwald 19
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary Single-aisle, flat-roofed building with retracted choir, 14th / 15th centuries Century, west tower 1748, extension to the east in 1821, sign and mount of olives niche with popular figures, probably 17th century based on the example of the 15th century; with equipment

Cast iron crucifix, next to the church, around 1900

Catholic cemetery chapel St. Johann, square, octagonal vaulted room on the outside, 15th century, changed in the 17th and 18th centuries, long house-like western porch in 1950

Walling of the cemetery, former fortifications, probably from the late Middle Ages, changes on the 19th and 20th centuries. century

D-5-71-166-133 Catholic Parish Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary
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Zum Steinbachwald 23
( location )
Rectory Two-storey building with a mansard hipped roof, based on plans by Anton Meyer, 1788

Barn, one-storey building with half-hipped roof, partially timber-framed, 18th century, inside components and beam construction, 1616

Preserved parts of the enclosure, cast iron fence and stone pillars, around 1900

D-5-71-166-136 BW
Zum Steinbachwald 23
( location )
Parish barn Half-timbered building, with a massive ground floor, 18th century, components and beam construction inside, 1616; not re-qualified D-5-71-166-137 BW


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Regmannsdorf 2
( location )
Wooden pump well on a brick round shaft 18./19. century D-5-71-166-148 BW


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Bittelberg, 100 m after leaving the village in the direction of Bernhardswinden
( location )
crossroads Gilded cast iron, sandstone base, second half of the 19th century D-5-71-166-151 BW
In Rös
( location )
Catholic chapel Small solid building with a gable roof, 19th century, also a memory of the warriors 1914/18 D-5-71-166-149 BW
Rös 25, 100 m after the exit to Seebronn
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix on a sandstone base, third third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-150 BW


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In Roth
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Barbara Small massive gable roof building, 1702; with equipment D-5-71-166-152 BW
In Roth, on the outskirts in the direction of Herrieden
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix, second third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-155 BW
In Roth, by the chapel
( location )
Two boundary stones with the Ansbacher and Eichstätter coats of arms First half of the 16th century D-5-71-166-153 BW
Roth 10, on the outskirts in the direction of Herrieden
( location )
Wayside shrine Relief with crucifix above stele, with inscription, 1934 D-5-71-166-154 BW
Low field
( location )
Wayside chapel Small massive gable roof building, probably 18th century; northeast of the place D-5-71-166-156 BW


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Sauerbach 2
( location )
crossroads With a cast-iron crucifix, second third of the 19th century D-5-71-166-157 BW


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in the center of the village on the main road
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Cast iron crucifix Composed, second half of the 19th century; not re-qualified, not mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas D-5-71-166-159
Schernberg 3
( location )
Catholic Lady Chapel Small, massive gable roof building with a hip at the back, 18th century D-5-71-166-158 BW


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Binsenfeld, at the end of the village on the road to Schönau at the junction of the old Lettenbucher Weg
( location )
crossroads Cast iron crucifix, probably second half of the 19th century, on a sandstone base, inscribed "1920" D-5-71-166-162 BW
Butzenfeld, approx. 300 m outside on the road to Elbersroth
( location )
crossroads Artificial stone, first half of the 20th century D-5-71-166-161 BW
Elbersrother Holz, at the intersection
( location )
So-called rush chapel Simple wall construction in the form of an open apse, 18th / 19th centuries Century; with equipment D-5-71-166-160 So-called rush chapel


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In Stadel
( location )
Catholic chapel Our Lady and St. Wendelin Hall room, massive gable roof construction, with roof turret, 1727; with equipment D-5-71-166-163 BW
Kirchenwegfeld, "in Kreuzfeld" northeast of the village at the site of a flagellant execution from 1370/80
( location )
Golgotha ​​group Around 1910 D-5-71-166-170 BW
Rothfeld, 700 m southeast at the edge of the forest
( location )
Landmark Coat of arms relief with Ansbacher and Eichstätter coats of arms, around 1600 D-5-71-166-172 BW
Stadel 1
( location )
Former tithe barn Single-storey building with a pitched roof, massive, with half-timbered gable, 18th century, renovated in 1860

Barn, gable roof with half-timbered knee and half-timbered gable, first half of the 19th century

D-5-71-166-164 BW
Stadel 2
( location )
barn Single-storey saddle roof structure, half-timbered, probably from the late 18th century D-5-71-166-165 BW
Stadel 7
( location )
barn Single-storey saddle roof construction, half-timbered, probably around 1800 D-5-71-166-166 BW
Stadel 9
( location )
barn Single-storey building with a pitched roof, half-timbered, probably around 1800, modified D-5-71-166-167 BW
Stadel 10
( location )
barn Single-storey building with pitched roof, half-timbered, 18th / 19th centuries century D-5-71-166-168 BW
Stadel 14
( location )
Stately half-timbered barn Hip roof, around 1800 D-5-71-166-169 BW
From Stadel to Stegbruck, 700 m outside the village in the direction of Stegbruck
( location )
Grenzbaum, since the 17th century boundary mark between the Stadel and Heuberg districts With a cast iron crucifix from the 19th century D-5-71-166-173 BW
From Stadel to Stegbruck, at the exit towards Stegbruck
( location )
War memorial Wayside shrine with crucifixion relief, 1914/18, after 1944 D-5-71-166-171 BW


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In Stegbruck
( location )
Catholic Chapel of the Fourteen Holy Helpers Small hall building, massive, with saddle roof, roof turret, 18th century; with equipment D-5-71-166-174 BW
Schlossfeld; from Stegbruck to Stadel, at the boundary to Stadel an der Straße
( location )
crossroads Cast iron on a sandstone base, mid-19th century D-5-71-166-182 BW
Stegbruck 3
( location )
Residential stable house Single-storey building with a pitched roof, with a wooden round-arched door frame, inscribed "1753", with the house Madonna D-5-71-166-175 BW
Stegbruck 6
( location )
Saint Michael stone relief Second half of the 16th century, from the former pilgrimage church in Rauenzell, on the eaves side of the residential building

Well shaft with relief, inscribed "17 .3.", Probably around 1800, in the courtyard

D-5-71-166-176 BW
Stegbruck 11
( location )
In the courtyard: wooden well Round walled shaft, 18./19. century D-5-71-166-178 BW
Stegbruck 14
( location )
In the courtyard: wooden well Round walled shaft, 18./19. century D-5-71-166-179 BW
Stegbruck 16
( location )
Former stable house Ground floor building with plastered half-timbered gable and gable roof, around 1800 D-5-71-166-180 BW
Sterngassfeld; 1 km outside in the direction of Brünst
( location )
crossroads Cast iron on a sandstone base, probably 19th century D-5-71-166-181 crossroads


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Hirtenwasen, approx. 300 m west of Velden, on the road to Herrieden
( location )
crossroads Cast iron cross on sandstone base, late 19th century D-5-71-166-190 BW
In Velden
( location )
Local Catholic chapel Small massive gable roof building, with iron cross, natural stone cuboid facade, inscribed "1949" D-5-71-166-189 BW


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200 m outside by the street
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Landmark Inscribed "H.", probably 16th century; not re-qualified, not mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas D-5-71-166-187
In Winn, on the southern outskirts
( location )
Lady Chapel Small massive gable roof building, 1853; with equipment D-5-71-166-183 BW
Winn 5
( location )
Residential stable house Originally a single-storey, gable-independent building with a gable roof, raised on one side, partly half-timbered, 1725, with house Madonna, probably 19th century D-5-71-166-184 BW
Winn 8
( location )
Farmhouse Single-storey building with a pitched roof, half-timbered gable to the north, late 18th century D-5-71-166-185 BW
Winn 10
( location )
Tiled stove with iron plate Second half of the 18th century D-5-71-166-186 BW

Former architectural monuments

This section lists objects that were previously entered in the list of monuments.

location object description File no. image
Marktplatz 13
( location )
High arched portal with the prince-bishop's coat of arms Early 18th century, with a Biedermeier door (Hirschen inn) D-5-71-166-33 High arched portal with the prince-bishop's coat of arms
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Hauptstrasse 1, 3
( location )
Associated with half-timbered barn and former delivery house 18th century D-5-71-166-114 BW
Hauptstraße 9
( location )
Half-timbered barn Late 18th century; associated with the Leopold grocery store D-5-71-166-118 BW

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The property of a monument - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the Monument Atlas and the entry in the Bavarian Monument List. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Herrieden  - Collection of images, videos and audio files