List of the Municipios in the Department of Bolívar

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The Department of Bolívar consists of 46 Municipios . These are divided into a core city ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciónes de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). In the following, all municipalities are listed with their population figures from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for the year 2018.

Municipio Population 2018
Achí 24,259
Altos del Rosario 14,485
Arenal del Sur 20,177
Arjona 76,676
Arroyohondo 10.305
Barranco de Loba 18,757
Calamar 24,246
Cantagallo 9,718
Cartagena 1,036,134
Cicuco 11,138
Cordoba 12,317
Clemencia 12,857
El Carmen de Bolívar 77,840
El Guamo 7,769
El Peñón 10.112
Hatillo de Loba 12,200
Magangué 123.955
Mahates 26,802
Margarita 10.151
Maria La Baja 49,138
Montecristo 22,780
Mompós 45.104
Morales 22,160
Norosí 5.119
Pinillos 25,705
Regidor 11,090
Río Viejo 18,976
San Cristobal 6,722
San Estanislao 16,573
San Fernando 14,037
San Jacinto 21,635
San Jacinto del Cauca 14,349
San Juan Nepomuceno 33,885
San Martín de Loba 18,483
San Pablo 35,559
Santa Catalina 13,553
Santa Rosa 24,158
Santa Rosa del Sur 44,980
Simití 21,250
Soplaviento 8,498
Talaigua Nuevo 11,445
Tiquisio 23,385
Turbaco 75.208
Turbaná 15,353
Villanueva 20,393
Zambrano 11,844

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website