List of church organs by M. Welte & Sons

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This list of the church organs by M. Welte & Söhne contains all known new organs for churches and concert halls of this company. This list is a supplement to the main article M. Welte & Sons , where the underlying literature can also be found.

See also

year place building image Manuals register Remarks
1929/1930 Freiburg in Breisgau Our Lady Minster , main organ 3 59 Rebuilding in 1936 by Welte, implemented in the crossing due to static problems with the nave wall.
1929/1930 Freiburg in Breisgau Munster of our lady, Michael’s organ 2 29 Rebuilt in 1936 by Welte. Replaced in 1963 due to technical wear.
1929/1930 Freiburg in Breisgau Munster of our lady, high pressure organ 1 8th Rebuilt in 1936 by Welte. Replaced in 1963 due to technical wear.
1929/1930 Freiburg in Breisgau Munster of our lady, choir organ 2 Installation of an additional electropneumatic control option (general console) in the EF Walckers choir organ. Replaced in 1963 due to technical wear.
1930 Freiburg in Breisgau Adelhauser monastery church Adelhauser Church (Freiburg) 3977.jpg 2 16 Tube pneumatics
1934/2000 Cologne-Weiden Protestant church 2 17th Originally in the Evangelical Church in Bischoffingen , moved to Weiden in 2000. Tube pneumatics. Restored in 2013 by Klais Organ Builders .
1933-1934 Feldkirch, Hartheim community Parish Church of St. Martin 2 14th In the organ brochure from the 19th century
1934 Appenweier Parish Church of St. Michael Appenweier Parish Church St. Michael Organ.JPG 2 10 Neo-Baroque case, pipes taken over by Forrell, dismantled by Klais in 1998, partly stored in the church attic
1934 Oppenau Parish Church of St. John Baptist Oppenau St Johannes Baptist Organ.jpg 2 10 Restoration or technical new building with expansion using essential parts of the previous instrument, a Gebrüder Stieffel organ from 1832. Rebuilt in 1969, preservation unknown.
1935-1936 Freiburg in Breisgau Augustinian Museum
Augustinermuseum Organ 2010.jpg
2 16/22 1944 expanded to 22 registers, restoration 2008–2009 by Jäger & Brommer . Baroque organ prospectus v. 1732/33 from the abbey church of the former Gengenbach monastery
1935-1936 Freiburg in Breisgau St. Michael in Haslach 2 25th
1936 Baden-Baden Lichtenthal Monastery 2 Replaced in 1991 by a new building from Jäger & Brommer, gaming table now in the Augustinermuseum
1936 Heidelberg Heidelberg University , new college building (auditorium) 3 53 Predecessor organ from Voit & Söhne , 1907, stored (status from 1936), probably replaced in 1964 by an organ from Orgelbau Weigle , this was expanded in 2011. The whereabouts of the individual components are unknown.
1936 Freiburg in Breisgau Munster of our dear lady, Langschifforgel 2 14th Case designed in the Renaissance style with case parts of the instrument from 1929/30, replaced in 1963 due to technical wear and tear. Since 1964 in St. Laurentius, Bötzingen , now organ museum Schloss Valley
1936 Freiburg in Breisgau Munster of our lady, gaming table system 5/3 New five-manual console by L. Eisenschmid & Sohn with seating combinations below the choir organ, old three-manual Welte general console rebuilt and extended on St. Michael's loft.
1936 Freiburg in Breisgau Our Lady Minster, main organ 3 Implementation of the main organ on the crossing gallery, extension & new free pipe prospect, replaced in 1963 due to technical wear and tear.
1938 Emmendingen St. Boniface Emmendingen St Bonifatius main organ.jpg 3 47
1939 Rohrdorf (City of Meßkirch) St. Peter and Paul 2 14th
1940 Oberbühlertal, municipality of Bühlertal Church of Our Lady 3 30th
1940 Stetten am kalten Markt Hindenburg Memorial Church Blue Church in Stetten am kalten Markt, gallery with organ.jpg 2 15th
1942/1943 Hochmössingen, town of Oberndorf am Neckar St. Otmar 2 27 Restored in 2019 by Waldkircher Orgelbau Jäger & Brommer . The repair of the stored Celesta is to take place in a second project phase.
1942 Riedböhringen, City of Blumberg St. Genesius 2 18th Built with older material by Hecht & Schumacher, 1863
1930/1950 Jena St. Michael , choir organ 2 16 Originally a house organ for a princess in Pößneck , installation of the work in Jena in 1950. Unplayable for about 20 years.
1940 Hockenheim St. George 3 46 Repaired in 2007 by Orgelbau Bodo Durczok, Deggendorf
1942 Freiburg in Breisgau Parish Church of the Holy Family 2 36 Replaced in 1992
1943-46 Ringsheim St. Johann Baptist 2 Histor. Case from Schaxel. 1998 replaced by a reconstruction of the Schaxel organ

Individual evidence

  1. Carl Winter: The organ work of the Freiburg Minster built by the organ factory Welte & Sons, Freiburg i. Br . Freiburg i. Br., Herder, 1932
  2. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, Vol .: 50, Leipzig, 1929–30, pp. 5–7
  3. a b c d e f Christoph Schmider (Ed.): Music at the Freiburg Cathedral. Freiburg im Breisgau, Rombach, 2002, pp. 103–111. ISBN 3-7930-9306-9
  4. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, Vol .: 55, Leipzig, 1934–35, No. 1, from October 1, 1934, p. 22
  5. ^ Gerhard Dangel: The Welte organ of the Augustinian Museum from 1935 . In: Automatic musical instruments from Freiburg into the world - 100 years of Welte-Mignon : Augustinermuseum, exhibition from September 17, 2005 to January 8, 2006 / Freiburg: Augustinermuseum, 2005. pp. 150–153
  6. ^ Michael Gerhard Kaufmann: The Welte organ in the Augustinermuseum Freiburg . In: Ars organi, Internationale Zeitschrift für das Orgelwesen, Vol. 58 (2010), 2, pp. 97-103
  7. Disposition
  8. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, Vol .: 56, Leipzig, 1935–36, p. 302
  9. Description on the homepage of Waldkircher Orgelbau Jäger & Brommer online