List of the rectors of the University of Stuttgart

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The list of board members, directors and rectors of the University of Stuttgart begins in 1829, when the United Real and Trade School was created in connection with the expanded Realanstalt and the reorganized art school. Since 1840 the institution called itself the Polytechnic School ; and there followed a gradual ascent to TH (1876 rank, 1890 designation as a technical university ). In 1967 the TH Stuttgart was renamed the University of Stuttgart .

Board members of the United Real and Trade School

Term of office Surname comment
1829 to 1832 Carl Christoph Ferdinand Weckherlin Rector, board member of the unified secondary school and trade school
1832 to 1833 Karl Marcell Heigelin Provisional board member until his death on August 4, 1833
1833 to 1834 Gottlob Friedrich Haug Head of Administration
1834 to 1840 Ferdinand Fischer

Board members of the Polytechnic School

Term of office Surname comment
1840 to 1852 Ferdinand Fischer
1852 to 1858 Johann Gottlob von Knurr Provisional board of directors
1858 to 1862 Johann Bernhard Gugler

Directors of the Polytechnic School

Surname from to
Carl Holtzmann 1862 1865
Carl Wilhelm von Baur (1st) 1865 1866
Gustav Adolf Hänel 1866 1867
Paul Heinrich von Zech (1st) 1867 1868
Christian Mueller 1868 1869
Alexander von Tritschler 1869 1870
Carl Wilhelm von Baur (2.) 1870 1873
Paul Heinrich von Zech (2.) 1873 1876

Directors of the Polytechnic School with the grade of a TH

Surname from to
Christian Friedrich von Leins 1876 1878
Paul Heinrich von Zech (3rd) 1878 1879
Karl von Marx (1.) 1879 1882
Heinrich Adolf von Eck 1882 1885

Rectors of the Polytechnic School with the rank of a TH

Surname from to
Carl von Bach 1885 1888
Karl von Marx (2.) 1888 1889
Jakob Johann von Weyrauch (1.) 1889 1890

Rectors of the Technical University until the end of the monarchy

Surname from to
Jakob Johann von Weyrauch (2.) 1890 1892
Carl von Lemcke 1892 1895
Wilhelm Elias of Ahles 1895 1896
Carl Magnus von Hell 1896 1899
Jakob Johann von Weyrauch (3.) 1899 1902
Carl Weitbrecht 1902 1904
Jakob Johann von Weyrauch (4.) 1904 1904
Moritz Fünfstück (1.) 1904 1905
Eugen Mörike 1905 1907
Moritz Fünfstück (2.) 1907 1909
Robert Thomann 1909 1911
Erich Müller 1911 1912
Albert Bantlin 1912 1914
Adolf Sauer 1914 1917
Helmut Kübler (1st) 1917 1918

Rectors of the Technical University at the time of the People's State of Württemberg

Surname from to
Helmut Kübler (2nd) 1918 1919
Ernst Fiechter 1919 1920
Alexander Gutbier 1920 05/1922
Wilhelm Maier 05/1922 1923
Heinrich Weizsäcker 1923 05/1924
Georg Grube 05/1924 05/1925
Emil Veesenmeyer 05/1925 05/1926
Theodor Alexander Meyer 05/1926 05/1927
Karl Schmoll from Eisenwerth 05/1927 1929
Richard Grammel (1st) 1929 05/1930
Leopold Rothmund 05/1930 05/1932
Paul Peter Ewald 05/1932 1933

Rectors of the Technical University at the time of National Socialism

Surname from to
Heinz Wetzel 1933 1934
Helmut Goering 1934 1935
Wilhelm Stortz 1935 1939
Erich Schönhardt 1939 1942
Heinrich Hess 1942 1945

Rectors of the Technical University in the post-war period

Surname from to
Richard Grammel (2.) 1945 05/1948
Otto Schmitt 05/1948 1950
Erich Siebel 1950 1951
Erwin Fues 1951 05/1953
Rolf Gutbier 05/1953 04/1955
Wilhelm Bader 05/1955 04/1957
Werner Köster 05/1957 04/1958
Ulrich Senger 05/1958 05/1959
Hellmut Bredereck 05/1959 04/1961
Walther Lambert 05/1961 04/1963
Artur way 05/1963 05/1965
Wolfgang Meckelein 05/1965 05/1967

Rectors of the University of Stuttgart

Surname from to
Fritz Leonhardt 05/1967 04/1969
Heinz Blenke 04/1969 03/1971
Karl-Heinz Hunken 04/1971 09/1980
Hartmut Zwicker 10/1980 11/1986
Franz Effenberger 01/1987 09/1990
Jürgen Giesecke 10/1990 09/1992
Heide Ziegler 10/1992 09/1996
Günter Pritschow 10/1996 09/2000
Dieter Fritsch 10/2000 09/2006
Wolfram Ressel 10/2006 ---


  • Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the University of Stuttgart . Ed. V. Johannes H. Voigt. DVA, Stuttgart 1979, ISBN 3-421-01937-1 , p. 452
  • Norbert Becker: The rectors of the Technical University of Stuttgart during the Nazi era . In: Journal for Württemberg State History 79, 2020, pp. 375-410.

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