List of cities in Kyrgyzstan
This is a list of cities in Kyrgyzstan .
The following sortable table contains all 25 cities in the country, their names in German transcription of the Kyrgyz name form, in Kyrgyz , in German transcription of the Russian name form and in Russian (although this is not an official language, statistical information in Kyrgyzstan is primarily published in Russian) as well as the Population figures based on the results of the censuses of January 17, 1939, January 15, 1959, January 22, 1970, January 17, 1979, January 12, 1989, March 24, 1999 and March 24, 2009. The population figures refer to the actual population City without a suburban belt.
The higher-level administrative unit (area; Kyrgyz область oblast , pl. Областтар oblasttar , derived from the identical Russian word oblast ) to which the city belongs is also listed. The capital Bishkek and the second largest city Osh have a special status ( республикалык маанидеги шаар respublikalyk maanidegi schaar , German 'republic subordinate city' ), do not belong to any area and are administratively equal to the areas. This is followed by the year of the granting of the town charter (the dates from the 19th century are the granting of the Russian town charter after the area was annexed to the Russian Empire ; some of these places were also previously referred to as "town") and different earlier place names.
In addition to the cities, there are 28 places in Kyrgyzstan that have the status of urban-type settlement . Their population is also included in the official statistics as part of the urban population; therefore these settlements are listed here in a second, similarly structured table. A larger number of villages (Kyrgyz ail , Russian selo ) have population figures comparable to cities; the largest is the bazaar orgon in the Jalalabat region with 33,359 inhabitants. Another seven villages have more than 20,000 inhabitants, another 28 - more than 10,000 (2009 census).
Rank (2009) |
Surname | Kyrgyz | Transcription of the Russian form |
Russian | 1939 | 1959 | 1970 | 1979 | 1989 | 1999 | 2009 | area | City law | Earlier names |
1. | Bishkek | Бишкек | Bishkek | Бишкек | 92,783 | 223.831 | 430,618 | 532.931 | 616.312 | 750.327 | 821,915 | Bishkek (city) | 1878 | until 1926 Pischpek , 1926–1991 Frunze |
2. | Osh | Ош | Osh | Ош | 33,315 | 65,197 | 120,374 | 169.146 | 212.920 | 208,520 | 232.816 | Osh (city) | 1876 | |
3. | Jalalabat | Жалалабат | Jalal-Abad | Джалал-Абад | 14,961 | 31,234 | 44,285 | 55,369 | 72,344 | 70,401 | 89.004 | Jalalabat | 1877 | |
4th | Karakol | Каракол | Karakol | Каракол | 21,193 | 32,565 | 42,262 | 50,830 | 62,617 | 64,322 | 63,377 | Issyk Kul | 1869 | 1889–1921 and 1939–1992 Prschewalsk |
5. | Tokmok | Токмак | Tokmak | Токмак | 19,431 | 26,559 | 42,122 | 58,655 | 73,372 | 59,409 | 53,231 | Bye | 1867 | |
6th | Ösgön | Өзгөн | Usgen | Узген | 13,120 | 16,491 | 23,328 | 29,413 | 34.502 | 41,497 | 49,410 | Osh | 1927 | |
7th | Balyktschy | Балыкчы | Balyktschy | Балыкчи | 5,426 | 17,872 | 28.164 | 33,319 | 42,674 | 41,342 | 42,380 | Issyk Kul | 1954 | until 1989 Rybatschje , 1989–1992 Issyk-Kul |
8th. | Karabalta | Карабалта | Kara-Balta | Кара-Балта | 6,651 | 10,678 | 10,844 | 47,274 | 54.193 | 47,159 | 37,834 | Bye | 1975 | |
9. | Naryn | Нарын | Naryn | Нарын | 4,552 | 14,857 | 21,098 | 30,409 | 42,709 | 40,050 | 34,822 | Naryn | 1927 | |
10. | Talas | Талас | Talas | Талас | ... | 13,529 | 20,086 | 22,958 | 30,717 | 32,638 | 32,886 | Talas | 1944 | |
11. | Kyzylkyja | Кызылкыя | Kyzyl-Kyya | Кызыл-Кыя | 14,619 | 30,201 | 31,545 | 32,652 | 37,467 | 31,844 | 31,727 | Batken | 1938 | |
12. | Kant | Кант | Kant | Кант | 11,065 | 15,597 | 21,710 | 21,330 | 24,485 | 22,075 | 21,589 | Bye | 1985 | |
13. | Karasuu | Карасуу | Kara-suu | Кара-Суу | 6,848 | 12,254 | 16,133 | 19,476 | 19.208 | 19,143 | 20,862 | Osh | 1960 | |
14th | Tashkömür | Ташкөмүр | Tash-Kumyr | Таш-Кумыр | 3,198 | 13,755 | 15,619 | 15,884 | 23,642 | 23,331 | 19,310 | Jalalabat | 1943 | |
15th | Carak oil | Каракөл | Kara-Kul | Кара-Куль | - | - | 12,033 | 17,100 | 22,190 | 17,977 | 18,843 | Jalalabat | 1977 | |
16. | Isfana | Исфана | Isfana | Исфана | ... | 4,313 | 5,293 | 9,629 | 13,193 | 15,910 | 18,244 | Batken | 2001 | |
17th | Mailuusuu | Майлуусуу | Mailuu-suu | Майлуу-Суу | - | 24,711 | 20,278 | 24,512 | 29,410 | 20,365 | 16,953 | Jalalabat | 1956 | |
18th | Kochkorata | Кочкората | Kochkor-ata | Кочкор-Ата | ... | 7,035 | 12,390 | 13,107 | 16,652 | 16,104 | 14,814 | Jalalabat | 2003 | |
19th | Nookat | Ноокат | Nookat | Ноокат | ... | 9,924 | 12,823 | 11,085 | 7.173 | ... | 14,371 | Osh | 2003 | until 2003 Eski-Nookat |
20th | Notches | Кербен | Notches | Кербен | ... | 2,978 | 5,879 | 9,713 | 11,649 | 13,929 | 14,141 | Jalalabat | 2004 | until 2004 caravan |
21st | Batken | Баткен | Batken | Баткен | ... | 1,948 | 5,569 | 7.157 | 10,243 | 10,987 | 13,435 | Batken | 2000 | |
22nd | Sülüktü | Сүлүктү | Suljukta | Сулюкта | 10,078 | 18,865 | 18,494 | 14,464 | 14,764 | 13,592 | 13,378 | Batken | 1940 | |
23. | Cholponata | Чолпоната | Cholpon-Ata | Чолпон-Ата | ... | ... | 5,239 | 8,170 | 10,541 | 8,851 | 10,525 | Issyk Kul | 1975 | |
24. | Kokdschanggak | Көкжаңгак | Kok-Dschangak | Кок-Джангак | 8,416 | 17,352 | 16.003 | 17,281 | 18,928 | 10,727 | 10,451 | Jalalabat | 1943 | |
25th | Schopokow | Шопоков | Schopokowo | Шопоково | ... | 8,621 | 10,267 | 9,386 | 9,640 | 9.133 | 8,749 | Bye | 1985 | until 1985 Krasnooktjabrski |
A former city is Aksuu in the Tschüi area, which was initially called Pervomaiski urban-type settlement, received city rights in 1985 as Aksuu (Russian form Ak-Suu ), but lost these again in the 1990s and has since had the status of a village ( 2009: 8281 inhabitants).
Urban-type settlements
Rank (2009) |
Surname | Kyrgyz | Transcription of the Russian form |
Russian | 1959 | 1970 | 1979 | 1989 | 1999 | 2009 | area | Earlier names |
1. | Toktogul | Токтогул | Toktogul | Токтогул | 6,883 | 8,871 | 12,310 | 16,475 | 16.101 | 16,429 | Jalalabat | |
2. | Aidarken | Айдаркен | Aidarken | Айдаркен | 8,254 | 10,690 | 11,512 | 11,278 | 9,148 | 10,331 | Batken | until 2006 Chaidarkan |
3. | Tschongaryk | Чоңарык | Tschon-Aryk | Чон-Арык | 6.265 | 6.161 | 7,877 | 9,717 | Bishkek (city) | |||
4th | Shamaldysai | Шамалдысай | Schamaldy-Sai | Шамалды-Сай | 4,511 | 5,538 | 6.103 | 8,813 | 9,336 | 9,550 | Jalalabat | |
5. | Kemin | Кемин | Kemin | Кемин | 7,198 | 10.302 | 12.204 | 13,937 | 11,401 | 8,169 | Bye | until 1992 Bystrowka |
6th | Kajyngdy | Кайыңды | Kaindy | Каинды | 3,530 | 8,279 | 10,616 | 11,765 | 9,085 | 7,526 | Bye | |
7th | Kadamjai | Кадамжай | Kadamshai | Кадамжай | 4,776 | 6,635 | 7,244 | 7,843 | 8,890 | 6,732 | Batken | until 2006 Frunze |
8th. | Vostochny | Восточный | Vostochny | Восточный | 3,799 | 6,705 | 6,898 | 6,632 | Batken | |||
9. | Orlovka | Орловка | Orlovka | Орловка | 8.232 | 9,425 | 12,080 | 9,807 | 6,260 | Bye | ||
10. | Sumsar | Сумсар | Sumsar | Сумсар | 4,842 | 5,990 | 5,559 | 6,246 | 5,368 | 5,967 | Jalalabat | |
11. | Qajysai | Кажысай | Kaji Sai | Каджи-Сай | 5,922 | 7,326 | 7.002 | 8,244 | 4,436 | 4,222 | Issyk Kul | |
12. | Mingkush | Миңкуш | Min-Kush | Мин-Куш | 10,907 | 6.218 | 8,571 | 8,348 | 4,760 | 3,353 | Naryn | |
13. | Pristan-Prschewalsk | Пристань-Пржевальск | Pristan-Prschewalsk | Пристань-Пржевальск | 2,859 | 2,996 | 3,440 | 3,861 | 3,399 | 2,917 | Issyk Kul | |
14th | Köktasch | Көкташ | Kok-Tasch | Кок-Таш | 2,385 | 2,253 | 2,825 | 2,763 | 2,643 | 2,654 | Jalalabat | |
15th | Kyzyljar | Кызылжар | Kyzyl Jar | Кызыл-Jар | 2,095 | 2,457 | 3,238 | 4,002 | 3,919 | 2,620 | Jalalabat | |
16. | Tereksai | Терексай | Terek-Sai | Терек-Сай | 1,126 | 2,032 | 1,896 | 2,690 | 2,451 | 2,418 | Jalalabat | |
17th | Tschauwai | Чаувай | Tschauwai | Чаувай | 2.146 | 1,874 | 2,427 | 2,072 | 1,634 | 2,051 | Batken | |
18th | Ketmentöbö | Кетментөбө | Ketmen-Tjobe | Кетмен-Тёбе | 2,029 | 1,901 | Jalalabat | |||||
19th | Naiman | Найман | Naiman | Найман | 1,627 | 2,431 | 2,476 | 1,828 | 1,754 | Osh | ||
20th | Sarytash | Сарыташ | Sary-tasch | Сары-Таш | 397 | 800 | 989 | 1,279 | 1,502 | 1,427 | Osh | |
21st | Sowetski | Советский | Sowetski | Советский | 2.142 | 2,033 | 2,397 | 1,768 | 1,331 | 1,280 | Batken | |
22nd | Akbulak | Акбулак | Ak-Bulak | Ак-Булак | 1,207 | 1,202 | 1,264 | 1,114 | 1,062 | Issyk Kul | ||
23. | Jyrgalang | Жыргалаң | Shyrgalan | Жыргалан | 1,136 | 1,471 | 1,794 | 1,391 | 1.014 | Issyk Kul | ||
24. | Maimak | Маймак | Maimak | Маймак | 1,072 | 853 | 815 | 891 | 882 | 887 | Talas | |
25th | Dostuk | Достук | Dostuk | Достук | 950 | 971 | 1,212 | 817 | 750 | Naryn | ||
26th | Actus | Актүз | Ak-Tjus | Ак-Тюз | 3,675 | 3.223 | 2,517 | 2,425 | 933 | 580 | Bye | |
27. | Ortotokoi | Ортотокой | Orto-Tokoi | Орто-Токой | 1,121 | 391 | 397 | 591 | 605 | 495 | Issyk Kul | |
28. | Bordu | Борду | Bordunski | Бордунский | 4.183 | 1,548 | 1.107 | 1.008 | 231 | 125 | Bye |
Former urban-type settlements are:
- Ivanovka , Tschüi region, 1960s to 1990s, now a village again
- Koschtegirme (Kosch-Tegirmen) , Tschüi area, until 1975 (incorporation into Karabalta )
- Pervomaiski , Jalalabat region, until 1985 (granted town charter and renamed Aksuu / Ak-Suu, village again since the 1990s)
- Tschangyrtash , Jalalabat region, 1938 to 1966, now a village again
- The following cities of Kyrgyzstan had the status of urban-type settlements until they were granted city rights: Kant , Karabalta , Karaköl , Karasuu , Kotschkorata , Schopokow (under the name Krasnooktjabrski ) and Tscholponata
References and comments
- ↑ Cities & towns of Kyrgyzstan on the Population Statistics of Eastern Europe website (Russian, Kyrgyz).
- ↑ Kyrgyzstan Census 2009 ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the Population Statistics of Eastern Europe website (in Russian).
- ^ At the same time incorporation of the urban-type settlement Koschtegirmen (Kosch-Tegirmen) - (inhabitants 1959: 7,921; 1970: 14,157).
- ^ Place founded in 1960
- ^ Location founded in 1946