List of cities in Kyrgyzstan

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This is a list of cities in Kyrgyzstan .

The following sortable table contains all 25 cities in the country, their names in German transcription of the Kyrgyz name form, in Kyrgyz , in German transcription of the Russian name form and in Russian (although this is not an official language, statistical information in Kyrgyzstan is primarily published in Russian) as well as the Population figures based on the results of the censuses of January 17, 1939, January 15, 1959, January 22, 1970, January 17, 1979, January 12, 1989, March 24, 1999 and March 24, 2009. The population figures refer to the actual population City without a suburban belt.

The higher-level administrative unit (area; Kyrgyz область oblast , pl. Областтар oblasttar , derived from the identical Russian word oblast ) to which the city belongs is also listed. The capital Bishkek and the second largest city Osh have a special status ( республикалык маанидеги шаар respublikalyk maanidegi schaar , German 'republic subordinate city' ), do not belong to any area and are administratively equal to the areas. This is followed by the year of the granting of the town charter (the dates from the 19th century are the granting of the Russian town charter after the area was annexed to the Russian Empire ; some of these places were also previously referred to as "town") and different earlier place names.

In addition to the cities, there are 28 places in Kyrgyzstan that have the status of urban-type settlement . Their population is also included in the official statistics as part of the urban population; therefore these settlements are listed here in a second, similarly structured table. A larger number of villages (Kyrgyz ail , Russian selo ) have population figures comparable to cities; the largest is the bazaar orgon in the Jalalabat region with 33,359 inhabitants. Another seven villages have more than 20,000 inhabitants, another 28 - more than 10,000 (2009 census).


Surname Kyrgyz Transcription of the
Russian form
Russian 1939 1959 1970 1979 1989 1999 2009 area City law Earlier names
1. Bishkek Бишкек Bishkek Бишкек 92,783 223.831 430,618 532.931 616.312 750.327 821,915 Bishkek (city) 1878 until 1926 Pischpek , 1926–1991 Frunze
2. Osh Ош Osh Ош 33,315 65,197 120,374 169.146 212.920 208,520 232.816 Osh (city) 1876
3. Jalalabat Жалалабат Jalal-Abad Джалал-Абад 14,961 31,234 44,285 55,369 72,344 70,401 89.004 Jalalabat 1877
4th Karakol Каракол Karakol Каракол 21,193 32,565 42,262 50,830 62,617 64,322 63,377 Issyk Kul 1869 1889–1921 and 1939–1992 Prschewalsk
5. Tokmok Токмак Tokmak Токмак 19,431 26,559 42,122 58,655 73,372 59,409 53,231 Bye 1867
6th Ösgön Өзгөн Usgen Узген 13,120 16,491 23,328 29,413 34.502 41,497 49,410 Osh 1927
7th Balyktschy Балыкчы Balyktschy Балыкчи 5,426 17,872 28.164 33,319 42,674 41,342 42,380 Issyk Kul 1954 until 1989 Rybatschje , 1989–1992 Issyk-Kul
8th. Karabalta Карабалта Kara-Balta Кара-Балта 6,651 10,678 10,844 47,274 54.193 47,159 37,834 Bye 1975
9. Naryn Нарын Naryn Нарын 4,552 14,857 21,098 30,409 42,709 40,050 34,822 Naryn 1927
10. Talas Талас Talas Талас ... 13,529 20,086 22,958 30,717 32,638 32,886 Talas 1944
11. Kyzylkyja Кызылкыя Kyzyl-Kyya Кызыл-Кыя 14,619 30,201 31,545 32,652 37,467 31,844 31,727 Batken 1938
12. Kant Кант Kant Кант 11,065 15,597 21,710 21,330 24,485 22,075 21,589 Bye 1985
13. Karasuu Карасуу Kara-suu Кара-Суу 6,848 12,254 16,133 19,476 19.208 19,143 20,862 Osh 1960
14th Tashkömür Ташкөмүр Tash-Kumyr Таш-Кумыр 3,198 13,755 15,619 15,884 23,642 23,331 19,310 Jalalabat 1943
15th Carak oil Каракөл Kara-Kul Кара-Куль - - 12,033 17,100 22,190 17,977 18,843 Jalalabat 1977
16. Isfana Исфана Isfana Исфана ... 4,313 5,293 9,629 13,193 15,910 18,244 Batken 2001
17th Mailuusuu Майлуусуу Mailuu-suu Майлуу-Суу - 24,711 20,278 24,512 29,410 20,365 16,953 Jalalabat 1956
18th Kochkorata Кочкората Kochkor-ata Кочкор-Ата ... 7,035 12,390 13,107 16,652 16,104 14,814 Jalalabat 2003
19th Nookat Ноокат Nookat Ноокат ... 9,924 12,823 11,085 7.173 ... 14,371 Osh 2003 until 2003 Eski-Nookat
20th Notches Кербен Notches Кербен ... 2,978 5,879 9,713 11,649 13,929 14,141 Jalalabat 2004 until 2004 caravan
21st Batken Баткен Batken Баткен ... 1,948 5,569 7.157 10,243 10,987 13,435 Batken 2000
22nd Sülüktü Сүлүктү Suljukta Сулюкта 10,078 18,865 18,494 14,464 14,764 13,592 13,378 Batken 1940
23. Cholponata Чолпоната Cholpon-Ata Чолпон-Ата ... ... 5,239 8,170 10,541 8,851 10,525 Issyk Kul 1975
24. Kokdschanggak Көкжаңгак Kok-Dschangak Кок-Джангак 8,416 17,352 16.003 17,281 18,928 10,727 10,451 Jalalabat 1943
25th Schopokow Шопоков Schopokowo Шопоково ... 8,621 10,267 9,386 9,640 9.133 8,749 Bye 1985 until 1985 Krasnooktjabrski

A former city is Aksuu in the Tschüi area, which was initially called Pervomaiski urban-type settlement, received city rights in 1985 as Aksuu (Russian form Ak-Suu ), but lost these again in the 1990s and has since had the status of a village ( 2009: 8281 inhabitants).

Urban-type settlements

Surname Kyrgyz Transcription of the
Russian form
Russian 1959 1970 1979 1989 1999 2009 area Earlier names
1. Toktogul Токтогул Toktogul Токтогул 6,883 8,871 12,310 16,475 16.101 16,429 Jalalabat
2. Aidarken Айдаркен Aidarken Айдаркен 8,254 10,690 11,512 11,278 9,148 10,331 Batken until 2006 Chaidarkan
3. Tschongaryk Чоңарык Tschon-Aryk Чон-Арык 6.265 6.161 7,877 9,717 Bishkek (city)
4th Shamaldysai Шамалдысай Schamaldy-Sai Шамалды-Сай 4,511 5,538 6.103 8,813 9,336 9,550 Jalalabat
5. Kemin Кемин Kemin Кемин 7,198 10.302 12.204 13,937 11,401 8,169 Bye until 1992 Bystrowka
6th Kajyngdy Кайыңды Kaindy Каинды 3,530 8,279 10,616 11,765 9,085 7,526 Bye
7th Kadamjai Кадамжай Kadamshai Кадамжай 4,776 6,635 7,244 7,843 8,890 6,732 Batken until 2006 Frunze
8th. Vostochny Восточный Vostochny Восточный 3,799 6,705 6,898 6,632 Batken
9. Orlovka Орловка Orlovka Орловка 8.232 9,425 12,080 9,807 6,260 Bye
10. Sumsar Сумсар Sumsar Сумсар 4,842 5,990 5,559 6,246 5,368 5,967 Jalalabat
11. Qajysai Кажысай Kaji Sai Каджи-Сай 5,922 7,326 7.002 8,244 4,436 4,222 Issyk Kul
12. Mingkush Миңкуш Min-Kush Мин-Куш 10,907 6.218 8,571 8,348 4,760 3,353 Naryn
13. Pristan-Prschewalsk Пристань-Пржевальск Pristan-Prschewalsk Пристань-Пржевальск 2,859 2,996 3,440 3,861 3,399 2,917 Issyk Kul
14th Köktasch Көкташ Kok-Tasch Кок-Таш 2,385 2,253 2,825 2,763 2,643 2,654 Jalalabat
15th Kyzyljar Кызылжар Kyzyl Jar Кызыл-Jар 2,095 2,457 3,238 4,002 3,919 2,620 Jalalabat
16. Tereksai Терексай Terek-Sai Терек-Сай 1,126 2,032 1,896 2,690 2,451 2,418 Jalalabat
17th Tschauwai Чаувай Tschauwai Чаувай 2.146 1,874 2,427 2,072 1,634 2,051 Batken
18th Ketmentöbö Кетментөбө Ketmen-Tjobe Кетмен-Тёбе 2,029 1,901 Jalalabat
19th Naiman Найман Naiman Найман 1,627 2,431 2,476 1,828 1,754 Osh
20th Sarytash Сарыташ Sary-tasch Сары-Таш 397 800 989 1,279 1,502 1,427 Osh
21st Sowetski Советский Sowetski Советский 2.142 2,033 2,397 1,768 1,331 1,280 Batken
22nd Akbulak Акбулак Ak-Bulak Ак-Булак 1,207 1,202 1,264 1,114 1,062 Issyk Kul
23. Jyrgalang Жыргалаң Shyrgalan Жыргалан 1,136 1,471 1,794 1,391 1.014 Issyk Kul
24. Maimak Маймак Maimak Маймак 1,072 853 815 891 882 887 Talas
25th Dostuk Достук Dostuk Достук 950 971 1,212 817 750 Naryn
26th Actus Актүз Ak-Tjus Ак-Тюз 3,675 3.223 2,517 2,425 933 580 Bye
27. Ortotokoi Ортотокой Orto-Tokoi Орто-Токой 1,121 391 397 591 605 495 Issyk Kul
28. Bordu Борду Bordunski Бордунский 4.183 1,548 1.107 1.008 231 125 Bye

Former urban-type settlements are:

  • Ivanovka , Tschüi region, 1960s to 1990s, now a village again
  • Koschtegirme (Kosch-Tegirmen) , Tschüi area, until 1975 (incorporation into Karabalta )
  • Pervomaiski , Jalalabat region, until 1985 (granted town charter and renamed Aksuu / Ak-Suu, village again since the 1990s)
  • Tschangyrtash , Jalalabat region, 1938 to 1966, now a village again
  • The following cities of Kyrgyzstan had the status of urban-type settlements until they were granted city rights: Kant , Karabalta , Karaköl , Karasuu , Kotschkorata , Schopokow (under the name Krasnooktjabrski ) and Tscholponata

References and comments

  1. Cities & towns of Kyrgyzstan on the Population Statistics of Eastern Europe website (Russian, Kyrgyz).
  2. Kyrgyzstan Census 2009 ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the Population Statistics of Eastern Europe website (in Russian). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ At the same time incorporation of the urban-type settlement Koschtegirmen (Kosch-Tegirmen) - (inhabitants 1959: 7,921; 1970: 14,157).
  4. ^ Place founded in 1960
  5. ^ Location founded in 1946

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