List of secondary education institutions in Hong Kong

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This is a list of secondary education institutions in Hong Kong ( Chinese  香港 大專院校 列表  /  香港 大专院校 列表 ):

Publicly funded universities
(Publicly-funded University)

Surname Long characters Abbreviation Foundation of A Recognition B
University of Hong Kong 香港 大學 香港 大学 1911 1911
Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港 理工 大學 香港 理工 大学 1937 1994
Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港 中文 大學 香港 中文 大学 1963 1976
Hong Kong Baptist University 香港 浸 會 大學 香港 浸 会 大学 1956 1994
City University of Hong Kong 香港 城市 大學 香港 城市 大学 1984 1995
Open University of Hong Kong 香港 公開 大學 香港 公开 大学 1989 1997
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港 科技 大學 香港 科技 大学 1991 1991
Lingnan University 嶺南 大學 岭南 大学 1967 1999
Education University of Hong Kong C 香港 教育 大學 香港 教育 大学 1994 2016

Self-financed universities
(Self-funded University)

Surname Long characters Abbreviation Foundation of A Recognition B
Hong Kong Shue Yan University 香港 樹仁 大學 香港 树仁 大学 1971 2006
Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 香港 恆生 大學 香港 恒生 大学 2003 2018

Other universities

Surname Long characters Abbreviation Foundation of A Recognition B
Bulacan State University -
International Campus Hong Kong
比 立 勤 國立 大學 -
香港 國際 衛星 學院
比 立 勤 国立 大学 -
香港 国际 卫星 学院
2003 2003
A. Year of establishment as a secondary educational institution
B. Year of recognition as a university or college
C. Merger of five individual educational institutes that have existed since 1994 to form the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) - History. In: February 11, 2019, accessed October 31, 2019 (Chinese, English).
  2. ^ A b Legislative Council Brief - Roadmap For Becoming A Private University. ( PDF file; page 12; 145 kB) In: November 2, 2018, accessed October 31, 2019 (Chinese, English).
  3. Official press release from HK Government - Lingnan College acquires university title and status. In: June 16, 1999, accessed November 2, 2018 (Chinese, English).
  4. ^ Lingnan University of Hong Kong (LUHK) - Milestones and History. In: Retrieved November 2, 2018 (Chinese, English).
  5. Official press release from HK Government - HKIEd to acquire university title. In: January 26, 2016, accessed October 31, 2019 (Chinese, English).
  6. "每日 專題 今日 香港 - 教育 學院 獲批 正式 升格 為 教育 大學 - 獲 升格 為 教育 大學 - 吳克儉 稱 對 教 院 多年 貢獻 予以 肯定" - "Daily special topic - Hong Kong Today - Pedagogical Institute receives recognition as Pedagogical University - Elevated to Education University - Eddie Ng (Hong Kong's Secretary for Education) names and confirms the longstanding achievements and contributions of the Hong Kong Institute for Education (HKIEd) as recognition and appreciation. In: Liberal Studies by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) . January 26, 2016, accessed October 31, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. Jasmine Siu, Joyce Ng: Hong Kong Institute of Education set to become city's eighth publicly-funded university. In: South China Morning Post (SCMP) . January 27, 2016, accessed October 31, 2019 .
  8. Official press release from HK Government - Hong Kong Shue Yan College acquires university title. In: December 19, 2006, accessed November 2, 2018 (Chinese, English).
  9. Official press release from HK Government - Hang Seng Management College acquires university title. In: October 30, 2018, accessed October 31, 2019 (Chinese, English).
  10. Kelly Ho: Hang Seng Management College granted university status. In: Young Post (YP) by South China Morning Post (SCMP) . November 1, 2018, accessed October 31, 2019 .
  11. NG, Kang-chung: Liberal arts college in Hong Kong upgraded to private university amid city's push to be global financial hub. In: South China Morning Post (SCMP) . October 30, 2018, accessed October 31, 2019 .