Lothar Neumann (architect)

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Lothar Neumann with the colors of the Corps Borussia Breslau, 1959

Lothar Neumann (born March 6, 1891 in Leobschütz ; Upper Silesia , † July 24, 1963 in Hanover ) was a German architect and post office building official . He became known for his design for the post office in Breslau .


Neumann's father was a royal district doctor and medical advisor in Leobschütz. After graduating from high school in his hometown, Lothar Neumann first studied medicine at the Silesian Friedrich-Wilhelms University . In 1910, on the recommendation of District Administrator Fritz Ißmer, he became a member of Corps Borussia Breslau , where he was active together with Lothar Scheche . As a student he fought eleven lengths with a bell hammer and once with a heavy saber . Neumann was an enthusiastic, cheerful corps student of the best camaraderie, sincerity and absolute reliability. He once had to atone for his exuberant nature with a disciplinary sentence of two days in jail, imposed on him by the university . His dismissal was like a true triumphant trip through the city.

After two semesters, Neumann gave up studying medicine. He followed his real inclination and studied architecture at the Technical University of Wroclaw , the Technical University of Danzig and the Technical University of Munich . On August 2, 1914, he registered as a war volunteer with the Hussar Regiment "Graf Goetzen" (2nd Silesian) No. 6 . After a short period of training, Neumann came to France in mid-September 1914 to join the regiment active on the Western Front . In November he moved with this in the association of the 5th Cavalry Division on the Eastern Front in Poland, Hungary and the Bukowina . As a non-commissioned officer , awarded the Iron Cross II. Class, he was taken prisoner by Russia in May 1915 . In February 1918 he escaped in an adventurous way.

Postal check office in Breslau, "high-rise" corner wing

In the autumn of 1918 he passed the main diploma examination in Munich with a “good”. He worked as a government building supervisor ( trainee lawyer ) in Würzburg and finished his preparatory service in 1922 with the 2nd state examination in Munich and the subsequent appointment as government building master ( assessor ). After a temporary independent professional activity in Würzburg and Berlin, he got a position in the building administration of the German Reichspost in the district of the Oberpostdirektion Breslau in 1925 . There he worked for 20 years and rose to senior post office building officer .

Lothar Neumann was married to Hildegard geb. Strecker , a daughter of Karl Strecker . With her he had a son named Volker. After Hildegard Neumann's death, he married Dorothea geb. Wish . The daughter Ulrike came from this marriage. Neumann was a brother-in-law of Eberhard Buchwald .

Medallion at the post office in Breslau, south facade, student with Borussia Breslau circle on his cap


Neumann's most important building project was the new building for the post office in Wroclaw, built between 1927 and 1929, in the style of brick expressionism . Neumann designed the building at the age of 34 and was also the architect in charge . The post office building has a tower-like, staggered corner wing, which contemporaries considered the first high-rise in Europe east of Berlin. Neumann's red clinker facade was decorated with building sculptures by the sculptor Felix Kupsch , including 20 medallions made of iron clinker brick . Neumann demonstrated his solidarity with his corps in a medallion: a student with a ribbon, cap and circle from Borussia Breslau receives his father's monthly bill from the postal carrier.

During the Second World War , in addition to his full-time work, Neumann held a teaching position for the subject of structural design studies at the Faculty of Construction at the Technical University of Wroclaw until he had to become a soldier again in February 1945. In the post-war period he came to Hanover in 1949. At the Oberpostdirektion Hannover he was reused as a senior building officer .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 78/728.
  2. a b Lothar Scheche : Lothar Neumann. In: Corps newspaper of Borussia Breslau zu Cologne and Aachen , issue 57 (1964), p. 57.
  3. Two days in jail! In: Corps newspaper of Borussia Breslau zu Cologne and Aachen , issue 50 (1957), p. 35.
  4. ^ A b c Hermann Sternagel-Haase: Corps history of the Corps Borussia Breslau. Volume 2, Cologne / Aachen 1986.
  5. https://www.google.de/maps/@51.107629,17.045273,3a,75y,295.44h,93.74t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sT5-8s27ikSqRH-27pn_12w!2e0
  6. Corps newspaper of Borussia zu Breslau , issue 26 (1925), p. 694.
  7. https://www.google.de/maps/@51.107241,17.043716,3a,37.5y,14.88h,105.05t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sII60lxdxbKAYgJKdfFd3sQ!2e0
  8. ^ Bernhard Stephan: The new post office in Breslau. In: Schlesische Monatshefte , year 1929, issue 8, page 355. ( http://www.dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/plain-content?id=6439 )
  9. ^ Lothar Neumann: The postal check office in Breslau. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung , 65th year 1931, No. 9/10, page 61. ( online as PDF).