Lu Yong

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Lu Yong Weightlifting
Personal information
Surname: Lu Yong
Nationality: China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China People's Republic of China
Date of birth: January 1, 1986
Place of birth: Liuzhou , Guangxi
Size: 172 cm
Medal table
Olympic games 1 × gold 0 × silver 0 × bronze
World Cup medals 2 × gold 2 × silver 1 × bronze

Lu Yong ( Chinese  陸 永 , Pinyin Lù Yǒng , born January 1, 1986 in Liuzhou , Guangxi , People's Republic of China ) is a Chinese weightlifter . He was Olympic champion in 2008 and world champion in light heavyweight up to 85 kg in 2009 .


Lu Yong started lifting weights as a teenager. He made such rapid progress that he was used at the 2005 World Cup in Doha at the age of 19 . At a height of 1.72 meters, he started in the lightweight, the weight class up to 85 kg body weight. In Doha, he surprised the world of weightlifting with an excellent duel of 385 kg (175-210), with which he finished second behind Ilya Ilyin from Kazakhstan . Ilyin achieved 386 kg (170–216).

At the Asian Games 2006, which also took place in Doha , Lu Yong was not in the form of 2005. He reached there in the light heavyweight duel "only" 369 kg and had to defeat the Kazak Vyacheslav Yershov , who came to 377 kg give. At the 2006 World Cup in Santo Domingo, he was not used.

At the 2007 World Cup in Chiangmai / Thailand , Lu Yong failed to place in the medal ranks. He only reached 363 kg (168-195) in a duel, but this was due to the fact that he injured himself in his last attempt to tear and therefore could not bring his usual performance in pushing with 195 kg. The winner was Andrej Rybakou from Belarus with 393 kg (187-206).

In 2008 Lu Yong won the Chinese Olympic qualification in the light heavyweight division with a convincing performance of 393 kg (180-213). At the Olympic Games in Beijing himself, he then fought a gripping battle for the Olympic gold medal with world champion Andrej Rybakou . In the snatch, Rybakou led Lu with 185 kg: 180 kg. In pushing, however, this played to its strength and after Rybakou reached the end of the line at 209 kg, he achieved 214 kg, with which he drew level in a duel with Rybakou. Both achieved 394 kg. Since Lu was a little easier than Rybakou, he won the Olympic gold medal .

In 2009 Lu Yong was the first Chinese master in a duel. He was satisfied with 376 kg (173–203) in a duel. At the 2009 World Championships in Goyang , South Korea , 383 kg (175-208) were enough for him to win ahead of Siarhei Lahun from Belarus , who came to 380 kg because Andrej Rybakou was not at the start.

In 2010 Lu Yong was again Chinese champion with 383 kg in a duel, but was not in good shape at the World Championships this year in Antalya , like some other Chinese weightlifters. He managed there in a duel only 372 kg (170–202) and thus only came in 5th place. He also did not win a medal in the individual disciplines of snatching and pushing. In autumn 2010 he won the Asian Games in Guangzhou with a duel. He increased again to 376 kg (173-203).

In April 2011 he was Asian champion in the light heavyweight division in Tongling / China with a duel of 385 kg (173-212). He was particularly convincing in the push, where he brought 212 kg to the high distance. At the 2011 World Championships in Paris, the mishap happened to him that after a relatively weak 170 kg in the snap in the push with 205 kg, he made three failed attempts. He remained without a duel and therefore not placed.

Gur prepared, Lu Yong drove to the Olympic Games in London in July 2012. He finished the snatch with an excellent 178 kg. But the same thing happened in pushing as in the 2011 World Cup. In three attempts, he failed to reach his initial weight of 205 kg. A push of 208 kg would have been enough for him to win the Olympics again. He remained without a duel and was not placed.


International success

year space competition Weight class
2005 2. World Cup in Doha Slightly difficult with 385 kg (175–210), behind Ilya Ilyin , Kazakhstan , 386 kg (170–216), in front of Aslambek Ediev , Russia , 382 kg (170–211)
2006 2. Asia Games in Doha Slightly difficult with 369 kg, behind Vyacheslav Yershov , Kazakhstan, 377 kg, in front of Kim Seon-jong, South Korea , 355 kg
2007 7th World Cup in Chiangmai / Thailand Slightly difficult at 363 kg (168-195); Winner: Andrej Rybakou , Belarus, 393 (187–206), ahead of Aslambek Edijew, 372 kg (172–200)
2008 gold OS in Beijing Slightly difficult with 394 kg (180–214), ahead of Andrej Rybakou , 394 kg (185–209) and Tigran Wardan Martirosjan , Armenia , 380 kg (177–203)
2009 1. East Asia Games Slightly difficult with 370 kg (170-200), before Cheong Jeong-pjung, South Korea, 333 kg u. Yuji Yoshioka, Japan, 320 kg
2009 1. World Cup in Goyang / South Korea Slightly difficult with 383 kg (175–208), before Siarhei Lahun , Belarus, 380 kg (171–209) and Vladimir Kuznetsov , Kazakhstan, 376 kg (170–206)
2010 5. World Cup in Antalya Slightly difficult with 372 kg (170–202), behind Adrian Zieliński , Poland, 383 kg (173–210), Alexei Jufkin , Russia, 380 kg (172–208), Siarhei Lahun , Belarus, 377 kg (166–211) u. Yoelmis Hernandez , Cuba, 374 kg (164-210)
2010 1. Asia Games in Guangzhou Slightly difficult with 376 kg (173–203) in front of Mansurbek Chasemow, Uzbekistan, 372 kg (172-100) u. Hoon Kik-wang, South Korea 369 kg (160–209)
2011 1. Asian championship in Tongling / China Slightly difficult with 385 kg (173–212) before Kianoush Rostami, Iran, 363 kg (162–201) and Vladimir Kuznetsov, Kazakhstan, 350 kg (160–190)
2011 unpl. World Cup in Paris Slightly difficult after 170 kg in snatch, three failed attempts in pushing with 205 kg, thus without a duel
2012 unpl. OS in London Slightly difficult after 178 kg in snatch, three failed attempts in pushing with 205 kg, thus without a duel

National competitions

year space competition Weight class
2008 1. chinese championship Slightly difficult with 393 kg (180-213), before Jiang Hairong, 385 kg a. He Shuyong, 375 kg
2009 1. chinese championship Slightly difficult with 371 kg (170–201), before Song Jiawen, 361 kg a. Pang Dong, 355 kg
2009 1. Chinese national games in Jinan Slightly difficult with 376 kg (173–203), before Song Jiawen, 360 kg a. Kong Xu, 356 kg
2010 1. chinese championship Slightly difficult with 383 kg (173-210), before Wang Qingyi, 352.5 kg a. Kong Xu, 349 kg

Personal best

  • Tear: 180.0 kg in the class up to 85 kg in 2008 in Beijing
  • Impact: 214.0 kg in the class up to 85 kg in Beijing in 2008
  • Duel: 394.0 kg in the class up to 85 kg in Beijing in 2008


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