Luca Signorelli

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Self-Portrait (1500)

Luca Signorelli (* approx. 1450 in Cortona ; † October 16, 1523 ibid) was an Italian painter (paintings and frescoes ) of the Renaissance and chief master of the Florentine School.

life and work

His father was the painter Egidio di Ventura Signorelli. Signorelli was a student of Piero della Francesca in Arezzo , with whom he particularly learned perspective and nude painting, and then trained after the masters in Florence, especially with Perugino , in whose workshop he worked. Presumably he was also at Verrocchio's workshop, which is considered progressive . In Florence he painted among others for Lorenzo il Magnifico Pan among the shepherds , excellent in the treatment of the naked body (in the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in Berlin , destroyed in World War II) and a picture of the Madonna (now in the Uffizi in Florence).

From 1482 to 1484 he was in Rome, where he executed a fresco on the story of the biblical Moses in the Sistine Chapel . Around the same time in Loreto he painted the octagonal sacristy of the church with figures of angels, apostles, evangelists, etc. In the monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore near Buonconvento near Montalcino in the province of Siena, around 1498 he painted the fresco cycle from the legend of St. Benedict.

Scene The damned from the frescoes in Orvieto Cathedral (1499–1505)

In 1499 Signorelli stayed in Orvieto and adorned the Cappella della Madonna in the cathedral with world-famous wall paintings depicting the Last Things together with the Last Judgment , which the latter influenced the Last Judgment fresco by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. Signorelli stayed briefly in Florence in 1508 and 1512, and in Rome in 1508 and 1517.

In addition to the picture mentioned, Berlin has two beautiful altar wings of the Bichi altar from Sant'Agostino in Siena , the National Gallery in London has a fresco transferred to canvas: The triumph of chastity with the chastisement of Cupid , the Perugia Cathedral a Madonna enthroned with saints , the Church of San Domenico in Città di Castello a martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (1496), the Academy in Florence a Madonna and Saints enthroned under the Trinity and the Cathedral of Cortona a Last Supper .

Signorelli combined the severity and severity of the design with the originality and grandeur of the invention and the daring of the imagination. In the often violent movement of his figures Signorelli was a forerunner of Michelangelo.

Selection of works

(in chronological order)

Pala di Sant'Onofrio (1484)
Education of Pan , painting lost in World War II
Side wing of the divided Pala Bichi from Sant'Agostino in Siena , approx. 1491, Gemäldegalerie Berlin
  • Flagellation of Christ (~ 1480), tempera on wood, 84 cm × 57 cm, Milan , Pinacoteca di Brera
  • Assumption of Mary with Saints Michael and Benedict (~ 1480), oil on panel, 170 cm × 131 cm, New York , Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Pala di Sant'Onofrio (1484), tempera on wood, 221 cm × 189 cm, Perugia , Museo Diocesano ( altarpiece )
  • The birth of John the Baptist (1485– ~ 1490), oil on panel, 31 cm × 70 cm, Paris , Musée du Louvre
  • The Holy Family (~ 1486–1490), oil on panel, 81.5 cm × 65, London , National Gallery
  • Education of Pan , tempera on canvas, 194 × 257 cm
  • Madonna and Child (~ 1490), tempera on wood, 170 cm × 117.5 cm, Florence, Uffizi
  • Scene from the life of Joachim and Anna (~ 1490), tempera on wood, 24 cm × 43 cm, Florence, private
  • Birth of the Virgin Mary (~ 1490), tempera on panel, 24 cm × 43 cm, Florence, private
  • The Holy Family (~ 1490), tempera on wood, tondo, diam. 124 cm, Florence, Uffizi Gallery
  • Circumcision of Christ (1490– ~ 1491) 258.5 cm × 180 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Marriage of the Virgin Mary (1490– ~ 1491), tempera on wood, 21.6 cm × 48 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art
  • Madonna and Child, the Helligen Joseph and another saint (1490–1492), tempera on wood, tondo, diam. 99 cm, Florence, Palazzo Pitti
  • Saints Eustachia, Maria Magdalena and Hieronymus , left side panel of the Bichi altar from Sant'Agostino in Siena (around 1491), oil on panel, 146.5 cm × 75.5 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Saints Augustine, Katharina von Alessandrien and Antonius von Padua , right side panel of the Bichi altar from Sant'Agostino in Siena (around 1491), oil on panel, 145.5 cm × 76 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Portrait of a man (~ 1492), tempera on wood, 50 cm × 32 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Testa di un ragazzo (1492– ~ 1493), tempera on wood, 26 cm × 20.5 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • San Giorgio uccide il drago (1495–1500), oil on panel, 55 cm × 75.5 cm, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
  • Adorazione dei pastori (1496), oil on panel, 215 cm × 170 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Martirio di san Sebastiano (1497– ~ 1498), tempera on wood, Città di Castello , Pinacoteca comunale
  • Frescoes in the cathedral of Orvieto (Cappella di San Brizio):
    • Predica e morte dell'Anticristo (1499–1502)
    • L'Apocalisse (1499–1502)
    • La resurrezione della carne (1499–1502)
    • I Dannati (1499–1502)
    • Gli Eletti (1499–1502)
    • Gli Eletti chiamati in Paradiso ei Dannati condotti all'Inferno (1499–1502)
    • Dante Alighieri (1499–1502)
    • Virgilio (1499–1502)
    • Empedocle (1499–1502)
    • Dante e Virgilio entrano nel Purgatorio (1499–1502)
    • L'angelo arriva in Purgatorio (1499–1502)
    • Le Vergini (1499–1502)
    • Compianto su Cristo morto con i santi Parenzo e Faustino (1499–1502)
  • Allegoria della Fertilità e dell'Abbondanza (~ 1500), tempera on wood, 58 cm × 105.5 cm, Florence, Uffizi
  • Cristo Crocifisso con Maria Maddalena (~ 1500), tempera, 247 cm × 165 cm, Florence, Uffizi
  • Self-portrait with Vitelozzo Vitelli (1500–1503), tempera on wood, Orvieto, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo
  • Compianto su Cristo morto (1502), tempera on wood, 270 cm × 240 cm
  • Santa Maria Maddalena (1504), tempera on wood, Orvieto, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo
  • Crucifixion (1504–1505 ~), tempera on panel, 72.5 cm × 101 cm, Washington, National Gallery
  • Flagellation (1505 ~), tempera on wood, 42 cm × 34 cm, Venice , Ca 'd'Oro , Galleria Franchetti
  • Coronation of the Virgin Mary (1508), oil on panel, 127 cm × 223 cm, San Diego, Timken Art Gallery
  • Coriolan persuades the family to leave Rome (1509 ~), fresco transferred to canvas, 125 cm × 125 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Il trionfo della Castità: l'Amore disarmato (1509 ~), fresco transferred to Ln, 125 cm × 133.4 cm, London, National Gallery,
  • Adoration of the Shepherds (1509–1510 ~), tempera on wood, 35 cm × 43.5 cm, Philadelphie, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Flagellation and Crucifixion (1500–1510), fresco, Oratoire San Crescentino , Morra, frazione de Città di Castello, Umbria
  • La Trinità, la Vergine e due santi (1510), tempera on wood, 272 cm × 180 cm, Florence, Uffizi
  • Maria with the child (1510), oil on panel, tondo, diam. 87 cm, Munich, Alte Pinakothek
  • Madonna and Child, Angels and Saints (1510 ~), oil on wood transferred to hardboard , 155 cm × 135 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art
  • Adoration of the Shepherds (1510– ~ 1515), oil on panel, 17 cm × 65 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Apostle Kummunion (1512), oil on panel, 232 cm × 220 cm, Cortona, Museo Diocesano
  • The Holy Family with Zacharias, Elisabeth and the Johannesknaben (after 1512), poplar wood, tondo, diam. 70 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Madonna with Child and Saints (1515), oil on panel, 265 cm × 193 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Madonna with Child and Saints (1515–1520 ~), oil on panel, Rome , Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo
  • Descent from the Cross (1516), Museo Santa Croce, Umbertide
  • Predella, Ester davanti ad Assuero / Tre episodi della vita di san Gerolamo (1519–1522 ~), oil on panel , 29.5 cm × 212.5 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Flight to Egypt; Cristo fra i dottori (1520 ~), oil on panel, 21 cm × 67 cm, Kansas City, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
  • Immaculate Conception and Saints (1523 ~), oil on panel, 217 cm × 210 cm, Cortina, Museo Diocesano


  • Laurence B. Kantner, Tom Henry: Luca Signorelli . Hirmer, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-7774-9360-0 .
  • Robert Vischer : Luca Signorelli and the Italian Renaissance. An art historical monograph . Veit, Leipzig 1879.
  • Tom Henry et al. (Ed.): Luca Signorelli a Città di Castello. La vita, l'opera e la scuola in Alta Valle del Tevere . Petruzzi, Città di Castello 2013.
  • Fabio De Chirico ao: Luca Signorelli , exhibition catalog (Perugia, Orvieto, Città di Castello, 2012) Silvana Editoriale, Milan - Cinisello Balsamo 2012, ISBN 978-88-366-2259-7 .
  • Tom Henry: The Life and Art of Luca Signorelli . Yale University Press, New Haven - London 2012, ISBN 978-03-001-7926-2 .
  • Laurence B. Kanter, Tom Henry: Luca Signorelli: The Complete Paintings . Thames & Hudson, London 2012, ISBN 978-0-500-09305-4 .
  • Elda Cerchiari Necchi, Pierluigi De Vecchi: I tempi dell'arte . Volume 2, Bompiani, Milan 1999, ISBN 88-451-7212-0 .
  • Antonio Paolucci : Luca Signorelli . In: Pittori del Rinascimento . Scala, Florence 2004, ISBN 88-8117-099-X .
  • Stefano Zuffi : Il Quattrocento . Electa, Florence 2004, ISBN 8837023154 .
  • Silvia Blasio: Marche e Toscana. Terre di grandi maestri tra Quattro e Seicento . Pacini Editore, Florence 2007, ISBN 88-7781-951-0 .
  • Mauro Zanchi: Signorelli . Giunti, Florence 2016, ISBN 978-88-099-9420-1 .

Web links

Commons : Luca Signorelli  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Laurence B. Kantner, Tom Henry: Luca Signorelli. Hirmer, Munich 2002, p. 13
  2. ^ Art UK
  3. ^ Laurence B. Kantner, Tom Henry: Luca Signorelli. Hirmer, Munich 2002, p. 14
  4. Pan among the shepherds
  5. a b picture index: Bichi Altar
  6. search: 00022962
  7. ^ Washington, National Gallery of Art