Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli

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Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli (born November 7, 1918 in San Mauro di Saline , Province of Verona , Italy ; † August 28, 2012 in Negrar , Province of Verona) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Belluno-Feltre .


Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli came from San Mauro di Saline, a mountain village where Cimbrian was spoken. He received on May 30, 1942 in Savona the priesthood and served as chaplain in Sciarborasca operates. In 1944 he became Vice Rector of the Istituto studenti ecclesiastici , which hosted students from the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. He graduated in canon law in 1946 from the Roman Pontifical Lateran University and studied in 1947/48 at the Pontifical Diplomatic Academy .

Giovanni Ducoli entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See and in December 1948 became head of the nunciature in Honduras and also secretary of the nunciature in Nicaragua and charge d'affaires ad interim in Honduras. In 1952 he returned to Rome and was deputy to Bishop Giovanni Battista Montini (from 1963: Paul VI ) in the State Secretariat . In 1954 he was appointed to the Pontifical Commission for the Marian Year. After changes in the administrative structure of the State Secretariat, he worked with State Secretary Domenico Cardinal Tardini and, until 1967, with the Curia Archbishops and later Cardinals Antonio Samorè and Agostino Casaroli .

In 1956 he became a member of the papal delegation headed by Fernando Cardinal Cento for the Eucharistic Congress of Cordoba (Argentina) . As a close collaborator of Archbishop Samore, Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli was also a member of the Latin America Commission . In this function he had frequent contacts with Giuseppe Carraro , who later became Bishop of Verona; who was heavily involved in the organization and development of the Latin American seminar in Verona.

Pope Paul VI appointed him on April 22, 1967 titular bishop of Fidenae and auxiliary bishop in Verona . The Bishop of Verona Giuseppe Carraro donated him episcopal ordination on May 14, 1967 ; Co- consecrators were Mario Casariego y Acevedo CRS , Archbishop of Guatemala City , and Giuseppe Lenotti , Bishop of Foggia .

On October 7, 1975 he was appointed by Pope Paul VI. appointed first bishop of the amalgamated diocese of Belluno-Feltre.

Maffeo Giovanni Ducoli invited Pope John Paul II to the first Pope vacation in centuries outside Castel Gandolfo in the Dolomite village of Lorenzago di Cadore and was able to greet the Holy Father on August 26, 1979 in Belluno , Marmolada and Agordo and six more times. He was committed to the beatification of Pope John Paul I , with whom he was personally acquainted. He was the initiator of the construction of the sanctuary Il santuario della Madonna sull'Alpe del Nevegàl and the initiator of the restoration of the Cathedral of St. Martin in Belluno, which was designated a basilica minor Motu proprio , and other historical buildings in Belluno. He dedicated himself particularly to the "pastoral care of tourism" and, together with Villaggio senza barriere, pushed the development of the village of Villaggio San Paolo in Cavallino, an institution for physically and mentally handicapped people, and supported the initiative of the "Village without Borders."

On February 2, 1996, Pope John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c “Addio al vescovo emerito Ducoli, portò Giovanni Paolo II in Cadore” , Corriere del Veneto, August 28, 2008 (Italian)
  2. ^ A b c d "Morto all'ospedale di Verona-Negrar monsignor Maffeo Ducoli, vescovo emerito di Belluno-Feltre" , Bellunopress, August 28, 2008 (Italian)
  3. Intervista a Monsegnor Maffeo Ducoli: "Il sogno di un papa nelle Dolomiti" ( Memento of the original of August 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Val Comelico , accessed August 29, 2012 (Italian) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. "Con occhi semplici" , 30 GIORNI, 5-2004 (Italian)
  5. ^ "Morto a Verona monsignor Ducoli, vescovo emerito di Belluno" , Corriere dell Alpi, August 28, 2008 (Italian)
predecessor Office successor
Gioacchino Muccin Bishop of Belluno-Feltre
Pietro Brollo