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Makrian (also Macrian , Latin Macrianus ) was an Alemannic Gau king of the Bucinobanten in the 4th century and the brother of Hariobaud .

The late ancient Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus reports that Caesar (lower emperor) Julian crossed the Rhine near Mogontiacum in 359 and concluded peace treaties with the Alemannic kings Makrian, Hariobaud , Ur , Ursicinus , Vadomar and Vestralp after all prisoners had been returned.

Due to ongoing unrest against the Roman Empire, an attempt by the Roman emperor Valentinian I failed in 370 to capture Makrian, the hated turbarum rex artifex (lord and master of unrest), with the help of the Burgundians . He was deposed by the emperor. The Fraomar , who was appointed in his place, could not prevail among the Bucinobanten, so that Makrian finally had to be granted an alliance treaty in 371.

Thereupon Makrian remained an ally of the Romans until his death in the fight against the Frankish king Mallobaudes, who was also allied with Rome .
