Mariano Sabino Lopes

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Mariano Sabino Lopes (2020)

Mariano Assanami Sabino Lopes (born April 12, 1975 in Luro , Portuguese Timor ) is a politician from East Timor . He is a member of the Partido Democrático (PD) and holds the academic degree of agricultural engineer. From 2007 to 2015 Sabino was Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and from 2017 to 2018 Minister of State and Minister of Mineral Resources .


Mariano Sabino Lopes (2017)
Mariano Sabino Lopes

Sabino went to primary school in Pairara . In 1991 he went to the University of Brawijaya in Malang, Indonesia . Here he joined the Resistência Nacional dos Estudantes de Timor-Leste RENETIL (National Resistance of Students from Timor-Leste). Among other things, Lopes worked out the plans to infiltrate the Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor Timur IMPETTU, the Indonesian-East Timorese student association. He was also involved in the 1995 embassy occupations in Jakarta and demonstrations in 1998.

In April 1999, a few months before the independence referendum , 850 students from Indonesia | Indonesian universities returned to East Timor to campaign for independence. Their mission was organized by Sabino, who at that time was the deputy general secretary of RENETIL and head of IMPETTU (Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Timor Timur), the East Timorese student association.

In the newly founded PD, which consists of numerous former members of RENETIL, Sabino became General Secretary. From 2001 to 2007 he was a member of the National Parliament of East Timor . On August 30, 2007, Sabino became Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão . Sabino was supposed to be sworn in with the first cabinet members on August 8, but had to overcome internal party resistance against him in the PD. Some members felt that he had not consulted sufficiently with the party's political commission during the coalition negotiations. In addition, the accumulation of PD members from the eastern part of the country was criticized by members from the west . Party leader Fernando de Araújo supported Sabino and urged him to accept the ministerial office. According to the rules, Sabino had to give up his seat in parliament as a member of the government, despite his election via the party list in 2007 and 2012 .

At the beginning of August 2008, corruption allegations were made against Sabino by the East Timorese ombudsman for human rights. Nevertheless, Sabino retained his office in the new government from August 8, 2012. With the government reshuffle on February 16, 2015, Sabino resigned from his ministerial office. The new Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries was Estanislau da Silva from FRETILIN .

After the sudden death of party leader Fernando de Araújo, the vice-president Adriano do Nascimento took over until Sabino was appointed as the new party leader.

Mariano Sabino Lopes in Parliament (2020)

In October 2015, the East Timorese Court of Auditors accused Sabino of incorrect conduct in financial procedures, which is said to have resulted in damage of 11 million US dollars between 2011 and 2014. Contracts for the delivery of goods and services for the ministry are said to have gone to people close to Minister Sabino.

In 2017 Lopes managed to get back into the national parliament as the list leader of the PD in the parliamentary elections . On October 3rd he was sworn in as Minister of State and Minister for Mineral Resources of the VII Constitutional Government of East Timor . Since the minority government of PD and FRETILIN could not prevail in parliament, President Francisco Guterres dissolved it and called for new elections. In the new election on May 12, 2018, Lopes succeeded in re-entering parliament at number 1 on the PD list, where the PD now belongs to the opposition. He is now a member of the Commission for Economy and Development (Commission D). His term of office as minister ended on June 22, 2018 when the Eighth Government of East Timor took office.


The fighting name of Lopes comes from the Tetum . Assa means "bird", Nami means "father".

Mariano's father, Mateus Sabino, was Liurai of Luro. Mother was Julieta Ribeiro .

Web links

Commons : Mariano Sabino Lopes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Profile on the Partido Democrático website. Archived from the original on July 12, 2012 ; Retrieved January 5, 2016 .
  2. ^ A b National Parliament of East Timor: Mariano Assanami Sabino , accessed on July 10, 2019.
  3. a b c Profile on the Partido Democrático website: Sei Ki'ik, Hedi Ona "Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik-An" Iha Nia Fuan , accessed on August 16, 2017.
  4. Out of Ashes, Chapter 6: The CNRT campaign for independence by Fernando de Araújo
  5. List of Members of the National Parliament from 2001 to 2007 ( Memento from September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  6. SAPO: Ex-ministro da Agricultura e Pescas timorense responsável por infrações financeiras - auditoria , October 19, 2015 , accessed on October 19, 2015.
  7. La'o Hamutuk: Who will be in Timor-Leste's next Parliament? / Se sei tuir iha Parlamentu Nasionál? , July 23, 2017 , accessed July 24, 2017.
  8. Diário de Notícias: PR timorense assina novo decreto de nomeação membros do Governo, mais duas mulheres , October 2, 2017 , accessed on October 2, 2017.
  9. ^ Election lists for the 2018 parliamentary elections