Fernando de Araújo

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Fernando de Araújo

Fernando "La Sama" (also "Lasama") de Araújo (born February 26, 1963 in Manutaci / Portuguese Timor ; † June 2, 2015 in Dili / East Timor ) was the party leader of the East Timorese Partido Democrático PD . From 2007 to 2012 he was President of the East Timorese National Parliament and from 2013 to 2015 Araújo was Deputy Prime Minister. Since February 16, 2015 he has been Minister of State, Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister for Education .


Childhood and occupation

Araújo was only twelve years old when Indonesia invaded East Timor in December 1975 and witnessed 18 of his family members being killed by the Indonesian army. Like many other East Timorese, he lived for a time as a refugee in the mountains. He later finished his school education in Dili . From 1985 to 1989 Araújo studied literature at the Udayana University in Bali , where he founded the East Timorese pro-independence student movement Resistência Nacional dos Estudantes de Timor-Leste RENETIL ( National Resistance of Students from Timor-Leste ) in 1988 . From 1988 to 2000 he was its general secretary. RENETIL had branches in many places in East Timor, Indonesia and abroad with a total of several thousand members. On November 24, 1991, Araújo was arrested by the Indonesian authorities for organizing a non-violent demonstration twelve days after the Santa Cruz massacre and sentenced to nine years in prison for " subversion ", of which he was sentenced to more than six years until the 23rd Served in Jakarta Cipinang Prison in March 1998 . It was here that Araújo met his wife, who visited him as an activist for Amnesty International . 1999 Araújo was one of the leading members of the CNRT one of the organizers of the successful independence referendum. From the end of 1999 to 2001 Araújo studied and taught at the University of Melbourne .

In independent East Timor

La Sama 2007 election event

In the transitional Cabinet of the UN administration ( UNTAET ) in East Timor Araújo was deputy foreign minister. In 2001 he was elected chairman of the PD he founded in June, which was the second strongest party in the parliamentary elections with 8.72%. However, this remained far behind the dominant FRETILIN . During the riots in East Timor in 2006 , Araújo's house was burned down by rioters.

Araújo founded the environmental organization Fundaçao Haburas , the weekly magazine Talitakum and the weekly party newspaper of PD Vox Populi .

Fernando de Araújo ran for the presidential election on April 9, 2007. Both Father Martinho Gusmão , the representative of the Catholic Church in the CNE National Electoral Commission , and the fugitive rebel leader Alfredo Reinado spoke out in favor of him as the successor to the outgoing President Xanana Gusmão . On April 1st, 20 FRETILIN supporters threw stones at an event in Araújo in Macadique ( Uato-Lari administrative office ). According to the official final result of the first ballot, Araújo won third place in the elections with 19.18% of the votes behind Prime Minister José Ramos-Horta and the President of Parliament Francisco Guterres and could therefore no longer run in the runoff election on May 8th. The result was questioned due to the chaos during the counting and various irregularities by Araújo, but the appeal against the election result was rejected in court. Ramos-Horta emerged victorious from the runoff election.

Fernando de Araújo (2007)

With the parliamentary elections on June 30, 2007 , Araújo moved into the national parliament of East Timor as a member of his PD. On July 30th, he was elected President of Parliament here.

Ramos-Horta was seriously injured in an attack on February 11, 2008. According to the constitution , the President of Parliament takes over the official duties of the President in the event of illness. Since Araújo was in Portugal at the time , his representative Vicente da Silva Guterres from the Congresso Nacional da Reconstrução Timorense CNRT took over the task until Araújo returned to East Timor on February 13th.

Araújo ran again in the 2012 presidential election and received 17.30% of the vote. In the parliamentary elections in 2012 Araújo was re-elected deputy, but did not take a seat as it was in the new government took over the post of deputy prime minister and coordinator of Social Affairs. He gave up his post as President of Parliament on July 30, 2012, to his successor Vicente da Silva Guterres.

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão resigned in 2015. Under the new Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo , Fernando de Araújo became Minister of State, Coordinator of Social Affairs and Minister of Education on February 16.

Araújo suffered a stroke on May 31, 2015. He was taken to the Guido Valadares National Hospital in Dili . The next day a move to Singapore was announced, but Araújo died on the morning of June 2nd. A three-day state mourning was imposed in his honor. Fernando de Araújo was buried in the Heroes' Cemetery in Metinaro .


In contrast to other politicians, especially of the previous generation, Araújo did not come from the local leadership elite. His parents were simple farmers in Manutaci.

Araújo was married to Jacqueline (Jackie) Aquino Siapno , a native Filipino , since 2001 . She works in the Political Science Department at the University of Melbourne . Together they had a son who was born in 2004. At the end of 2014, the couple announced that they wanted to get a divorce, but the divorce was no longer enforced. Araújo had two appointments with the divorce judge canceled. Jackie left Timor in August 2015 with their son.

Fernando de Araújo was a member of the Mambai ethnic group from the west of the country . In addition to Mambai and Tetum , Araújo spoke Bahasa Indonesia , Portuguese and English . His battle name La Sama means something like "someone you can't trample on".


From April 2009 Araújo was an honorary citizen of Dagupan , the city of his wife's birth.

On May 19, 2012, Araújo was awarded the Collar des Ordem de Timor-Leste .

Web links

Commons : Fernando de Araújo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Profile on Parliament's website, October 29, 2008 ( memento of October 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (Portuguese)
  2. a b Global Nation, April 16, 2009, Wife's bus ride alarms East Timor leader ( Memento of the original from April 19, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / globalnation.inquirer.net
  3. Website of the government of Timor-Leste: II UNTAET Transitional Government (English)
  4. Timor-Online, February 11, 2008, comunicado de sua Excelência, o Presidente da República Interino, Dr. Vicente da Silva Guterres (Portuguese)
  5. Fernando “La Sama” assume presidência interina do Timor Leste. (No longer available online.) In: Empresa Brasil de Comunicação . February 13, 2008, archived from the original on January 4, 2016 ; Retrieved February 14, 2008 (Portuguese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / memoria.ebc.com.br
  6. Forum Haksesuk: Rogério Lobato é candidato a Presidente , November 30, 2011 ( Memento of March 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (tetum and Portuguese)
  7. Lista do V Governo Constitucional de Timor-Leste (em actualização), August 6, 2012 , accessed August 6, 2012
  8. CJTL: Vicente Guterres eleitu ba Prezidente PN Periodu 2012 - 2017 , July 31, 2012 , accessed on July 31, 2012
  9. ^ Website of the government of Timor-Leste: Members of the incoming Sixth Constitutional Government meet , February 12, 2015 , accessed on February 16, 2015 (English)
  10. SAPO Notícias: Morreu ministro coordenador de Assuntos Sociais e da Educação , June 2, 2015 , accessed on June 2, 2015.
  11. Archive link ( Memento of the original dated November 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.estatal.gov.tl
  12. ^ East Timorese government website: The loss of a National Hero , June 2, 2015 , accessed June 3, 2015.
  13. a b Jacqueline Aquino Siapno: In Memoriam, Fernando La Sama de Araujo (1963-2015) , July 12, 2015 , accessed on July 15, 2015.
  14. ^ Positive News Media, April 17, 2009, Timor Leste's National Parliament president now honorary son of Dagupan
  15. Jornal da República: DECRETO PRESIDENTE 46/2012 , May 19, 2012 , accessed on April 29, 2020.