Marienkirche (Stallhofen)

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Obervellach Stallhofen Church 08042007 42.jpg

The Roman Catholic Marienkirche Stallhofen in the municipality of Obervellach is a branch church of the Obervellach parish . The church was first mentioned in 1287. According to legend, the church was built on the spot where a statue of the Virgin Mary was found on a larch tree. The common name of the church Maria Tax goes back to the Mölltal expression for the spruce ( Tax , short for Taxbam ).

Building description

inside view
Interior view towards the organ gallery
The vault of the nave

The church is a medium-sized, late-Gothic complex that is surrounded by a cemetery wall. The choir was the inscription above the triumphal arch completed 1476th The nave was built between 1506 and 1521 by Laurenz Rieder, a representative of the "Görzer Bauschule". On the nave side, which is supported by strong, triple-stepped buttresses , two-part lancet windows with original tracery have been preserved. The retracted choir with five- eighth closure and square-clad edges has five simple lancet windows. The three-storey, Gothic tower north of the choir with pointed arched acoustic windows is crowned by a 19th century gable helmet. According to the building inscription, the low sacristy on the south side of the choir was built in 1640. The west facade has a round window. Below is the painted tablet of Lamprecht Zäch. The pointed arched , profiled west portal shows the year 1520 and has a wooden door with late Gothic fittings. The southern side portal has a profiled ogival arch with a door with a lock and door ring from the Gothic style.

In the four-bay , single-nave nave, a star rib vault rests on grooved wall pillars with circular services . The heraldic keystones , the 31 half-length figures in quadrilateral and the four evangelist symbols in the eastern yoke were created in the first quarter of the 16th century. The organ loft in the west yoke stands on a pillar arcade made up of two round arches and a central keel arch. The gallery is arched under by looping ribs, whose free-ending, nose-shaped extensions give the ribs the character of branches . The arcade pillars are occupied by circular services, the capitals of which form the bases of figural niches. The gallery parapet consists of openwork, flamboyant tracery. A pointed, profiled triumphal arch connects the nave and the lower, two-bay choir. In the chancel, a ribbed vault rises above composite, polygonal wall templates that rise from the window sill cornice. The keystones represent the head of Christ, the Lamb of God and coats of arms. The 14 half-figure depictions of saints in the diamond fields date from the last quarter of the 15th century. The mural on the north wall of the choir from the beginning of the 16th century shows the family tree of Christ in the manner of the root of Jesse . On the north wall of the choir is the late Gothic, chamfered access opening to the tower and above it a pointed arched gallery opening with a carved parapet. A round arch portal leads from the south wall of the choir into the sacristy. In the southern choir window, stained glass from the middle of the 14th century with depictions of the Madonna and Anna the third were installed.


The high altar

The baroque high altar with sacrificial portals from 1753 has an expansive, highly plastic column architecture with projecting entablature parts. The altarpiece shows Mary as the Queen of Heaven , adored by the stalls. To the side are the statues of Saints Georg , Rosalia , Anna , Joachim , Barbara and Florian . The top picture with the Holy Family is flanked by the figures of Saints Zacharias and Elizabeth . The console figures of the four evangelists are placed on the choir walls . A painting of the Last Judgment from the second half of the 18th century hangs under the choir gallery . The two side altars, the pulpit and the prayer chairs were built in the middle of the 18th century. The cheeks of the benches are decorated with floral carving. The altar panel of the left altar shows a deposition from the cross painted after Rembrandt , to the side are the sculptures of two saints religious. The picture on the right side altar shows Our Lady with Child and Saint Anthony of Padua , flanked by the statues of Saints Aloisius and John Nepomuk . On the south wall of the nave there is a carved group of Franz Xavers , who baptized a native, from the mid-18th century.


The altar of the Stampfer Chapel

The Stampfersche crypt chapel is a cross-shaped extension on the northern nave with an eight-part dome drum and lantern from the beginning of the 18th century. A baroque portal inside the church provides access. The square chapel room has beveled corners, rounded barrel arms and a pilaster structure . The dome is illuminated by eight round windows. Josef Ferdinand Fromiller painted the walls and the dome in 1717 with the assembly of saints and allegorical figures, above the entrance with the circumcision of Christ , above the altar with the Annunciation and on the side with the Adoration of the Kings and Shepherds. In the western side window there is a stained glass depicting the third of Anna. The altar with heavy column architecture from the second quarter of the 18th century bears the statues of a Mother of God with Child and, on the right, St. Anna with Maria in her arms and St. Barbara with goblet. The Holy Trinity is represented vividly on the altar gable .


Web links

Commons : Marienkirche Maria Tax, Stallhofen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 55 '26 "  N , 13 ° 13' 39.3"  E