Martin Gusinde

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Martin Gusinde, 1917

Martin Gusinde SVD (born October 29, 1886 in Breslau ; † October 18, 1969 in the St. Gabriel Mission House , Mödling ) worked as a priest, anthropologist , teacher and university professor.


Martin Gusinde joined the Missionary Order of the Steyler Missionaries in 1900 . In 1905 he began to study philosophy and theology in St. Gabriel in Maria Enzersdorf (Mödling district near Vienna). After his ordination in 1911, his order sent Gusinde to Chile in August 1912 . From 1912 to the end of 1922 he taught natural sciences, particularly biology, at the Liceo Alemán Santiago in Santiago de Chile . In addition to his work as a teacher, he worked from 1913 on at the Ethnological Museum ( Museo de Etnología y Antropología de Chile ) in Santiago de Chile under the archaeologist Max Uhle . His first research trip led him to the Mapuche. In 1918 he became department head at the Museo de Etnología y Antropología .

Between the end of 1918 and 1924 he undertook four research trips to Tierra del Fuego : the first from December 1918 to May 1919, the second from December 1919 to the following year, the third in early 1920 and a longer, final expedition from September 1923 to March 1924. Destination it was to research the different groups of the Tierra del Fuego Indians, who had been displaced by diseases and immigrants and were almost exterminated ( see also: Tierra del Fuego - the genocide of the Indian population ). He stayed in Tierra del Fuego for a total of 22 months and was able to take part in initiation rites of the population groups he examined. In addition, he recorded songs and chants of the indigenous population on behalf of the Berlin Phonogram Archive . These recordings are the only surviving sound documents of the Tierra del Fuego Indians. His descriptions of the cultural wealth of the Tierra del Fuego Indians refuted the racist stereotypes of the supposedly "uncivilized savages" in Tierra del Fuego, which are common in Chile and Argentina. Before him, the ethnologist Father Wilhelm Schmidt SVD had already traveled to Tierra del Fuego.

From 1924 to 1926 Gusinde supported his brother Wilhelm Schmidt in Rome with the documentation of the holdings of the Vatican Mission Museum and the preparation of the permanent exhibition of the resulting Pontificio Museo Missionario-Etnologico Lateranense , which opened in 1929 . In 1926 Martin Gusinde received his doctorate in ethnology from the University of Vienna . From 1928 he worked on the publications of his field research in Tierra del Fuego and was part of the editorial team of Anthropos. International Journal of Ethnology and Linguistics . In 1928 and 1929 he explored the culture of the Sioux and the Cheyennes as well as the Pueblo culture , especially that of the Zuñi . In 1934 and 1935 he and his brother Paul Schebesta SVD researched the pygmies in the Congo .

From 1949 to 1957 Gusinde was a professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC He undertook expeditions to the San in the Kalahari in 1950 and 1953 . In 1956 an arduous expedition followed - Gusinde was already 70 years old - to the Ayom pygmies in the Schrader Mountains in New Guinea . He was the first to describe the Ayom culture. From February 1959 to July 1960 and again in 1964/1965 he taught at the Nanzan University of the Divine Word Missionaries in Nagoya (Japan).

Martin Gusinde spent the last years of his life doing research, lecturing and teaching at the St. Gabriel Mission House in Maria Enzersdorf .


The Museo Antropológico Martín Gusinde was founded in Puerto Williams (Chile) in 1974 in memory of Martin Gusinde and in continuation of his work , which testifies to his work with the Tierra del Fuego Indians and shows their culture.

Awards, appreciations and memberships

Memorial plaque in Laxenburg

Streets named after Martin Gusinde

  • Gusindegasse in 2361 Laxenburg
  • Gusindegasse in Vienna- Hietzing (1975)
  • Martin-Gusindegasse in 2344 Maria Enzersdorf


A detailed catalog raisonné comprising 194 scientific papers was compiled by Clemens Gütl.

As an author

  • The Tierra del Fuego Indians . 3 volumes, Mödling 1931–1939. The fourth volume ( Die Halakwulup. Results of my four research trips from 1918 to 1924 ) could only be published posthumously in 1974.
    • The volumes deal with the Selk'nam (1931), the Yámana (1937), the physical anthropology of all three Tierra del Fuego groups (1939) and the Halakwulup (1974).
  • The Congo Pygmies, past and present . German Academy of Natural Scientists, Halle (Saale) 1942.
  • Primitive people in Tierra del Fuego. From researcher to tribe member . Zsolnay, Berlin 1946.
  • Jungle people on the Ituri . Springer, Vienna 1948.
  • The Twa Pygmies in Rwanda. Research results in tropical Africa from 1934 . St. Gabriel Verlag, Vienna-Mödling 1949.

As editor

  • North wind-south wind. Tierra del Fuego Indian tales . Erich-Röth-Verlag, Kassel 1966.


in order of appearance

  • Wilhelm Saake: Professor Dr. Martin Gusinde SVD on his seventy-fifth birthday . In: Anthropos , ISSN  0003-5572 , Vol. 57 (1962), pp. 321-323.
  • Fritz Bornemann: P. Martin Gusinde (1886–1969) (= Verbum Supplementum. Vol. 15). Collegium Verbi Divini, Rome 1971.
  • Ricardo David Rabinovich: Instituciones jurídicas de una nación fueguina: los selknam. A propósito de la obra de Martin Gusinde . In: Revista de Historia del Derecho , published by the Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho , Buenos Aires, ISSN  0325-1918 , Vol. 13 (1985), pp. 393-434.
  • Anne Brüggemann: The grieving look. Martin Gusindes photos of the last Tierra del Fuego Indians (= Interim. ZDB -ID 1193602-2 , Bd. 7). Museum of Ethnology, Frankfurt am Main 1989.
  • Anton Quack: "Mank'ácen" - the shadow catcher. Martin Gusinde the ethnographer and photographer of the last Tierra del Fuego Indians . In: Anthropos , vol. 85 (1990), pp. 149-161.
  • Marisol Palma: image, materiality, reception. Photographs by Martin Gusinde from Tierra del Fuego (1919–1924). Meidenbauer, Munich 2007.
  • Clemens Gütl:  Gusinde, Martin. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 29, Bautz, Nordhausen 2008, ISBN 978-3-88309-452-6 , Sp. 526-536.
  • Hermann Mückler : Art. Gusinde, Martin . In: Ders .: Mission in Oceania (= cultural history of Oceania , vol. 2). Facultas.wuv, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-7089-0397-2 , p. 178.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburg Passenger Lists, 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Volume 249
  2. ^ A b Hermann Mückler: Mission in Oceania . Facultas, Vienna 2010, p. 178.
  3. Martin Gusinde: Medicina e Higiene de los araucanos . In: Publicaciones del Museo de Etnología y Antropología de Chile , Vol. 1 (1917), Issue 3, pp. 87–120 and 177–293.
  4. Anton Quack: "Mank'ácen" - the shadow catcher. Martin Gusinde the ethnographer and photographer of the last Tierra del Fuego Indians . In: Anthropos , Vol. 85 (1990), pp. 149-161, here pp. 149-152.
  5. Martin Gusinde: Primitive people in Tierra del Fuego. From researcher to tribe member . Zsolnay, Berlin 1946, pp. 260-292.
  6. Merzouga: Milomaki - On forgetting and disappearing . Radio feature on Deutschlandfunk, broadcast on December 3, 2010, accessed on March 22, 2017.
  7. Ricardo David Rabinovich: Instituciones jurídicas de una nación fuegina: los selknam. A propósito de la obra de Martin Gusinde . In: Revista de Historia del Derecho , Vol. 13 (1985), pp. 393-434, here p. 394 and p. 397-398.
  8. a b Wilhelm Saake: Professor Dr. Martin Gusinde SVD on his seventy-fifth birthday . In: Anthropos , ISSN  0003-5572 , vol. 57 (1962), pp. 321-323, here p. 322.
  9. ^ A b Anne Brüggemann: The grieving look. Martin Gusindes photos of the last Tierra del Fuego Indians . Museum of Ethnology, Frankfurt am Main 1989, p. 28.
  10. Martin Gusinde: The Ayom pygmies on New Guinea. A research report . In: Anthropos , vol. 53 (1958), pp. 497-574.
  11. Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos: Museo Antropológico Martín Gusinde - Historia (Spanish), accessed on March 22, 2017.
  12. Wiener Rathauskorrespondenz, December 10, 1952, sheet 1937 and Wiener Rathauskorrespondenz, December 13, 1952, sheet 1966
  13. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF file; 6.59 MB)
  14. Martin Gusinde . In: The Development of African Studies in Austria , accessed on March 22, 2017. This bibliography is the revised version of the list of publications by the same author in his article Gusinde, Martin in the Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL).