Mikhail Nikolayevich Sagoskin

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Mikhail Sagoskin around 1840

Mikhail Nikolayevich Sagoskin ( Russian Михаил Николаевич Загоскин , scientific. Transliteration Mikhail Nikolaevich Zagoskin ; born July 14 . Jul / 25. July  1789 greg. In the village Ramsai, district Penza , Penza province ; † June 23 jul. / 5. July  1852 greg. in Moscow ) was a Russian novelist, comedy poet, dramaturge, director of the Moscow theaters and the armory of the Moscow Kremlin .

His historical novels, published since the beginning of the 1830s, earned him the nickname of Russian Walter Scott . Mikhail Sagoskin published a total of 29 volumes of prose and 18 plays.


Michail, son of the Penza landowner Nikolai Michailowitsch Sagoskin (1761–1824) and his wife Natalja Michailovna, started a civil service career in Petersburg as early as 1802 ; this began in the office of the future Russian Finance Minister Count Golubzow. In 1807, Mikhail Sagoskin moved to the Russian State Mining Authority and then worked for the Russian State Bank for two years. During the advance of Napoleon's Grande Armée , Michail Sagoskin reported to the Petersburg Landwehr on August 9, 1812 , which was supposed to support General Wittgenstein's 1st Infantry Regiment. Mikhail Sagoskin was deployed off Polotsk in October and wounded in the leg in the battle. Decorated with the medal of bravery , he fought until the dissolution of the Landwehr on December 24th, 1813 as an adjutant to General Löwis and returned home after the siege of Danzig in early 1814. On his estate in Ramsai he wrote the comedy The Rascal - a one-act play .

From 1815 to 1820 Mikhail Sagoskin lived in the Yakovlev house (No. 96) on St. Petersburg's Nevsky Prospect . First he served again in the State Mining Authority. In 1816 he gave up the civil service career. The author of the rascal wrote four more comedies and became a well-known theater poet. At the end of 1817 he was appointed a member of the program management of the Imperial Theater. In 1818, Mikhail Sagoskin joined the Russian National Library as an assistant librarian . In December 1819, the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature elected him a member. Michail Sagoskin wrote two more pieces in Petersburg around 1819, gave up his position in the library in July 1820 and settled in Moscow.

His two comedies, The Heirs and The Village Philosopher , composed in 1822 and 1823, enjoyed great success at Moscow theaters. His above-mentioned ascent into Moscow theater management also began in 1823. The three-part historical novel Juri Miloslawski or the Russians in 1612 , published in 1829, was translated into six languages ​​and praised by Belinsky as "the first good Russian novel". The success of the novel brought Mikhail Sagoskin membership in the Russian Academy in 1833 . He also joined the Russian Academy of Sciences and took over the management of the Moscow Theater Administration Office.

The first edition of the 1831 novel Roslavlew or the Russians in 1812 was quickly sold out. Until 1868 - the year Tolstoy's War and Peace was published - Roslavlev remained the most popular novel about the Wars of Liberation in 1812 with Russian readers. Askold's grave , the third historical novel about the time of Vladimir I published in 1833, did not do as well as it did with readers his two previous novels, but the opera of the same name Werstowski from 1835 with Mikhail Sagoskin's libretto was an international success. In the 1840s three more historical novels were published - Kuzma Petrovich Miroschew (1842) was about Catherine II in the time , The Brynsk Forest (1846) was about Peter I in his youth and then the novel The Russians in the early 18th century ( 1848).


Mikhail Sagoskin married Anna Dmitrijewna Vasilzowskaja (1792-1853) in 1816. The marriage resulted in two sons: Dmitri (1818–1870) and Sergei (1833–1897). The archivist and memoir writer Sergei Mikhailovich Sagoskin became a privy councilor.

In 1852 Mikhail Sagoskin found his final resting place in the cemetery of the Moscow New Maiden Convent . His tombstone, which was destroyed in the Soviet era , has recently been restored.


  • Russian Order of Saint Anne 1st, 2nd and 4th grade
  • Order of St. Vladimir 3rd and 4th grade
  • Order of St. Stanislaus (Russian Empire) 1st class
  • In the birthplace of Ramsai, a memorial commemorates Mikhail Sagoskin. A street in Penza was named after him.

Plant reception

  • On Wednesday, March 6, 1833, Wolfgang Menzel condemned Michail in the Morgenblatt for educated classes (27th year, Cotta, Stuttgart, Literaturblatt No. 25, pp. 97-98) under the heading of Romane im Roßlawlew (Leipzig 1832 - see below) Sagoskin's one-sided anti-French Russian patriotism, reproduces the content of the novel and writes: “The greatest merit of this novel is its lively portrayals of customs ... Many interesting features prove to us that the decisive nature of the Russians is good-naturedness ... The author fights against a flaw in the Russian character that he calls an exaggerated modesty… ”.
  • The anonymous author of the entry in Meyer's Konversations-Lexikon - vol. 17, see below - wrote in 1909: “His [Michail Sagoskins] writings (complete edition Petersb. 1898–1899, 10 vols.) Are characterized by ease of presentation, cheerful mood and faithful description of Russian customs, but also through a certain sobriety. "
  • In the Soviet era, Mikhail Sagoskin's historical novels were rejected as nationalistic, based on the doctrine of Nicholas I in this regard .

German-language editions of works

  • Juri Miloslawski or the Russians in 1612. Translator: Erhard Göring. AW Unger publishing house, Königsberg 1830
  • Rosslavlew or the Russians in 1812. A historical novel by M. Sagoskin. Translated from the Russian by Erhard Göring. Carl Knobloch Publishing House, Leipzig 1832

Web links

Commons : Mikhail Nikolajewitsch Sagoskin  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. Mikhail's mother was an aunt of the officer Nikolai Martynov who killed Lermontov in a duel in Pyatigorsk at the end of July 1841 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Russian village of Ramsai
  2. Russian Imperial Theater of the Russian Empire
  3. Russian Golubzow, Fyodor Alexandrowitsch
  4. Russian Mining Ministry
  5. Russian State Assignatenbank
  6. Russian Russian Landwehr in 1812
  7. Russian Проказник - The rascal
  8. Russian Nevsky Prospect 96
  9. Russian lovers of Russian literature
  10. Russian Russian Academy
  11. Russian Roslavlew or the Russians in 1812
  12. Russian Аскольдова могила - Askoldowa mogila , see also Аскольдова могила
  13. Russian Кузьма Петрович Мирошев
  14. russ. Брынский лес, see also russ. Брынь
  15. Russian Русские в начале восемнадцатого столетия
  16. Russian Анна Дмитриевна Васильцовская
  17. Russian Дмитрий
  18. Russian Сергей
  19. Russian privy councilor
  20. ^ Russian liquidation of graves in the Soviet Union
  21. Russian Order of St. Stanislaus (Russian Empire)
  22. eng. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality
  23. ^ Yuri Miloslawski or the Russians in 1612 : Entry in WorldCat
  24. Roßlawlew or the Russians in 1812 : online second part in the MDZ