Municipio of San Andrés

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Municipio of San Andrés
Basic data

Population (state)
- population density
12,503 inhabitants (2012 census)
1 inhabitant / km²
Post Code 08-0602
Telephone code (+591)
surface 9,958 km²
height 160  m
Coordinates 15 ° 20 ′  S , 64 ° 20 ′  W Coordinates: 15 ° 20 ′  S , 64 ° 20 ′  W
Municipio San Andrés (Bolivia)
Municipio of San Andrés
Municipio of San Andrés

Department Beni
province Marbán Province
Central place San Andrés
Climate diagram Trinidad
Climate diagram Trinidad

The municipality of San Andrés is a district in the Beni department in the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

The municipality of San Andrés is one of two municipalities in the province of Marbán and is located in the eastern part of the province. It borders on the municipality of Loreto to the west, the Cochabamba department to the south, the Santa Cruz department to the east , and the Cercado province to the north .

The largest town in the municipality is the rural town of Puente San Pablo on the Río San Pablo with 2,341 inhabitants. ( 2012 ) The second largest town and administrative seat of the municipality is San Andrés with 227 inhabitants ( 2012 ) in the northwest corner of the municipality.


The municipality of San Andrés is located in the Bolivian lowlands in the Moxos plain , with over 100,000 km² one of the largest wetlands on earth. The predominant form of vegetation in the San Andrés region is the tropical savannah .

The annual precipitation for the region is 1,900 mm (see climate diagram Trinidad), with a clear dry season in the months June to August and monthly maximum precipitation values ​​of more than 250 mm from December to February. The monthly average temperatures are between 24 ° C in June / July and 27 to 28 ° C from September to March all year round.


The population of the Municipio San Andrés has increased by more than half in the past two decades:

  • 1992 : 8,271 inhabitants ( census )
  • 2001 : 10,595 inhabitants (census)
  • 2012 : 12,503 inhabitants (census)

The population density of the municipality at the 2012 census was 1.26 inhabitants / km², the proportion of the urban population is 18.7 percent.

The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 64.1 years.

The literacy rate among those over 19 is 85.3 percent, 88.9 percent for men and 80.3 percent for women. ( 2001 )


Results of the elections for the municipal council ( concejales del municipio ) in the regional elections on April 4, 2010:

4,512   3,832 3,187   1,278 977 635 297
  84.9% 83.2%   40.1% 30.7% 19.9% 9.3%


The municipality was divided at the last census of 2012 in the following three cantons ( cantones ):

  • 08-0602-01 Canton of San Andrés - 73 localities - 10,224 inhabitants ( 2001 : - 7,342 inhabitants)
  • 08-0602-02 Canton Perotó - 27 towns - 2,050 inhabitants ( 2001 : 2,408 inhabitants)
  • 08-0602-03 Canton San Lorenzo - 3 localities - 346 inhabitants ( 2001 : 845 inhabitants)

Localities in the municipality of San Andrés

Individual evidence

  1. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 1992
  2. ^ Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2001
  3. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 2012 ( Memento of the original of July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Acta de computo Nacional Electoral Departamentales, Municipales y Regional 2010

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