Mutesarriflik Jerusalem

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Vital Cuinet (1833–1896):
Map of Syria from 1896

The Mutessariflik Jerusalem ( Turkish Kudüs-i Şerif Mutasarrıflığı ; Arabic متصرفية القدس الشريف), also known as the sanjak of Jerusalem , was an Ottoman district with special administrative status founded in 1872. The district comprised Jerusalem ( Kudus ) and the other main towns Gaza , Jaffa , Hebron , Bethlehem and Beersheba . During the late Ottoman period, the Mutessariflik Jerusalem, together with the Sanjak Nablus and the Sanjak Akkon, formed the region commonly known as "Southern Syria" or " Palestine ".

The district was first split off from Damascus , placed directly under Constantinople in 1841 and formally created as an independent province by Grand Vizier Mahmud Nedim Pasha in 1872 . The reasons for the secession varied, including Western European interest in the region and later the strengthening of the southern border of the Ottoman Empire against the Khedivat Egypt .

Originally, the two sanjaks Acre and Nablus were united with the province of Jerusalem and the new province was designated in the court registers as " Eyâlet Jerusalem". The British consul saw this as the establishment of " Palestine in a separate Eyâlet".

However, after less than two months, the Sanjaks of Nablus and Acre were separated again and incorporated into the Vilayet Beirut , leaving only the Mutessariflik Jerusalem. In 1906, the Kaza of Nazareth was annexed to the Mutessariflik Jerusalem as an exclave , mainly to enable the granting of only a single tourist permit for Christian travelers.

The political status of the Mutessariflik Jerusalem was unique compared to other Ottoman provinces as it came under the direct rule of Constantinople , the capital of the Ottoman Empire . The residents identified themselves primarily according to religious criteria. The district's villages were typically inhabited by peasants, while the urban population consisted of traders, artisans, landowners and moneylenders. The elite consisted of religious dignitaries, wealthy landowners and high-ranking civil servants.

The Mutasseriflik had an area of ​​around 20,000 km², in 1897 a population of 298,653, in 1914 around 400,000.


The district was first split off from Damascus in 1841 , subordinated directly to Constantinople , and formally established as an independent province in 1872. Before 1872 the Mutessariflik of Jerusalem was officially a sanjak within the Vilayets of Syria (founded in 1864 after the Tanzimat reforms).

The southern border of the Mutessarifliks Jerusalem was redrawn in 1906 at the instigation of the British , who were interested in safeguarding their imperial views by making the border as short and controllable as possible.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the idea that the Palestine region or the Mutessariflik Jerusalem formed its own political entity spread among the educated Arab class. In 1904, the former Jerusalem official Najib Azuri founded the Ligue de la Patrie Arabe ("League of the Arab Fatherland") in the French capital Paris , the aim of which was to liberate Ottoman Syria and Mesopotamia from Turkish rule. In 1908 Azuri proposed the elevation of Mutessarifliks to Vilayet status after the Young Turkish Revolution in the Ottoman Parliament .

The area was captured by British forces led by General Allenby in 1917 during World War I , and a military administration called the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration South (OETA South) was set up to replace the Ottoman administration. Until the Nabi Musa Riots of April 1920, OETA South consisted of the Ottoman Sanjaks Jerusalem, Nablus and Acre. After the subsequent conference in Sanremo , the British military was deprived of the administration of the mandate for Palestine by the Supreme Court and a civil administration under Herbert Samuel was established .


Four contemporary cards show the “Quds al-Scherf Sancağı” or “Quds al-Scherif Mutasarrıflığı”. The four maps show the borders of 1860 between Ottoman Syria and the Chedivat Egypt , although the border was pushed forward in 1906 to today's border between Israel and Egypt and the area north of the Negev desert was called "Filistin" ( Palestine ).

The entity was formed from the west through the Mediterranean Sea , from the east through the Jordan River and the Dead Sea , from the north through a mountain of Lake Jarkon to the bridge over the Jordans near Jericho , and from the south through a line from the middle between Gaza and Arish to Aqaba limited.

Administrative division

Administrative units of the Mutessarifliks (1872–1909):

  1. Kaza of Beer Sheva ( Ottoman قضا بءرالسبع, Turkish Birüsseb 'kazası , Arabic قضاء بئر السبع), with the two sub-districts and one municipality:
    1. a-Hafir ( Ottoman ناحيه حفير, Turkish Hafır nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية عوجة الحفير), founded in 1908 as the center between Be'er Sheva and Aqaba , near the newly agreed border with Sinai
    2. al-Mulayha , founded in 1908 as the new center between Hafir and Aqaba
    3. Be'er Scheva ( Ottoman بلدية بءرالسبع, Turkish Birüsseb 'belediyesı , Arabic بلدية بئر السبع), founded in 1901
  2. Kaza of Gaza ( Ottoman قضا غزّه, Turkish Gazze kazası , Arabic قضاء غزة), with three sub-districts and one municipality:
    1. al-Falujah ( Ottoman ناحيه فلوجه, Turkish Felluce nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية الفالوجة), founded in 1903
    2. Chan Yunis ( Ottoman ناحيه خان يونس, Turkish Hanyunus nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية خان يونس), founded in 1903 and Munizip from 1917
    3. al-Madschdal ( Ottoman ناحيه, Turkish Mücdel nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية المجدل), founded in 1880
    4. Gaza ( Ottoman بلدية غزّه, Turkish Gazze belediyesı , Arabic بلدية غزة), founded in 1893
  3. Kaza of Hebron ( Ottoman قضا خليل الرحمن, Turkish Halilü'r Rahman kazası , Arabic قضاء الخليل) with two subdistricts and one municipality:
    1. Beit Itab ( Ottoman ناحيه بيت اعطاب, Turkish Beyt-i a'tâb nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية بيت عطاب), founded in 1903
    2. Beit Jibrin ( Ottoman ناحيه بيت جبرين, Turkish Beyt-i Cireyn nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية بيت جبرين), founded in 1903
    3. Hebron ( Ottoman بلدية خليل الرحمن, Turkish Halilü'r Rahman belediyesı , Arabic بلدية الخليل), founded in 1886
  4. Kaza of Jaffa ( Ottoman قضا يافه, Turkish Yafa kazası , Arabic قضاء يَافَا) with zeri subdistricts and a municipality:
    1. Ni'lin ( Ottoman ناحيه نعلين, Turkish Na'leyn nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية نعلين), founded in 1903
    2. Ramla ( Ottoman ناحيه رمله, Turkish Remle nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية الرملة), founded in 1880, was a municipality before 1888 and was re-established as a sub-district in 1889
    3. Lydda ( Ottoman بلدية, Turkish Lod belediyesı , Arabic بلدية)
  5. Kaza of Jerusalem ( Ottoman قضا قدس, Turkish Kudüs-i Şerif kazası , Arabic قضاء القدس الشريف) with four sub-districts and two municipalities:
    1. Abwein ( Ottoman ناحيه, Turkish Abaveyn nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية عبوين), founded in 1903;
    2. Bethlehem ( Ottoman ناحيه بيت اللحم, Turkish Beytü'l lahim nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية بيت لحم), founded in 1883 and became a municipality in 1894;
    3. Ramallah ( Ottoman ناحيه رام الله, Turkish Ramallah nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية رام الله), founded in 1903 and became a municipality in 1911,
    4. Saffa ( Ottoman ناحيه صفا, Turkish Safa nahiyesı , Arabic ناحية صفّا),
    5. Jerusalem ( Ottoman بلدية قدس, Turkish Kudüs-i Şerif belediyesı , Arabic بلدية القدس الشريف), founded in 1867
    6. Beit Jala ( Ottoman بلدية, Turkish belediyesı , Arabic بلدية بيت جالا), founded in 1912.
  6. Kaza of Nazareth ( Ottoman قضا الْنَاصِرَة, Turkish Nasra kazası ; Arabic قضاء الْنَاصِرَة), added after 1906

Legend: "Kaza" = sanjak

Mutessarıfen of Jerusalem

The Mutessarıfen of Jerusalem were from the Sublime Porte appointed to govern the district. They usually had experience as officials and servants and spoke little to no Arabic, but they were proficient in at least one European language - mostly French .

Before the split from Damascus

  1. Süreyya Pasha 1857–1863
  2. İzzet Pasha 1864–1867
  3. Nazıf Pasha 1867–1869
  4. Kamil Pasha 1869-1871
  5. Ali Bey 1871-1872

After the split from Damascus

  1. Nazif Pasha 1872–1873
  2. Kamil Pasha 1873-1875
  3. Ali Bey 1874-1876
  4. Faik Bey 1876-1877
  5. Sharif Mehmed Rauf Pascha 1877–1889
  6. Resad Pasha 1889–1890
  7. İbrahim Hakkı Pasha 1890–1897
  8. Mehmet Tevfik Biren 1897–01
  9. Mehmet Cavit Bey 1901-02
  10. Osman Kazim Bey 1902-04
  11. Ahmed Reschid Bey 1904-06
  12. Ali Ekrem Bolayır 1906-08

After the Young Turkish Revolution

  1. Subhi Bey 1908-09
  2. Nazim Bey 1909-10
  3. Azmi Bey 1910-11
  4. Cevdet Bey 1911-12
  5. Muhdi Bey 1912
  6. Tahir Hayreddin Bey 1912-1913
  7. Ahmed Mecid Bey 1913-1915


  1. The 1915er Filistin Risalesi ( "Palestine Document"), in Ottoman army ( VIII. Corps ) country survey Which formally Identified Palestine as Including the sanjaqs of Akka (the Galilee), the Sanjaq of Nablus, and the Sanjaq of Jerusalem (Kudüs Sherif ), see Shifting Ottoman Conceptions of Palestine-Part 2: Ethnography and Cartography, Salim Tamari (PDF; 335 kB)
  2. Register no 348 of the Shari'a court of Jerusalem, p211-12 in an edict to the Vali of “Kuds-i-Serif eyaleti” dated 4 Jumada I 1289 (10 July 1872), as quoted in “The Rise of the Sanjak of Jerusalem “by Butrus Abu Manneh
  3. Noel Temple Moore, British consul to Jerusalem from 1863–1890, wrote on July 27, 1872 of "the recent erection of Palestine into a separate eyalet.", FO 195/994, as quoted in "The Rise of the Sanjak of Jerusalem" by Butrus Abu Manneh
  4. ^ A 1900 dispatch from British Consul Dickson O'Conor, in FO 195/2084, as quoted in "The Rise of the Sanjak of Jerusalem" by Butrus Abu Manneh

See also


  • Adel Beshara: The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity . CRC Press, 2012, ISBN 1-136-72450-8 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Hasan Afif El-Hasan: Israel Or Palestine? Is the Two-state Solution Already Dead ?: A Political and Military History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict . Algora Publishing, 2010, ISBN 0-87586-793-6 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • James P. Jankowski: Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East . Columbia University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-231-10695-5 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Johann Büssow : Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872-1908 . BRILL, 2011, ISBN 978-90-04-20569-7 , pp. 5 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed May 17, 2013]).
  2. a b c d e Ilan Papeh: The Israel - Palestine Question . Routledge, 1999, ISBN 978-0-415-16948-6 , pp. 36 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed May 17, 2013]).
  3. a b c Jankowski, 1997, p. 174.
  4. a b Beshara, 2012, Part 1.
  5. a b c el-Hasan, 2010, p. 38.
  6. ^ Butrus Abu Manneh: The Rise of the Sanjak of Jerusalem . S. 39 .
  7. Johann Buessow: Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem from 1872 to 1908 . BRILL, 2011, ISBN 978-90-04-20569-7 , pp. 41–44 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed May 17, 2013]).
  8. Ruth Kark: American consul in the Holy Land: 1832-1914 . Wayne State University Press, 1994, ISBN 978-0-8143-2523-0 , pp. 131 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed May 17, 2013]).
  9. Johann Buessow: Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem from 1872 to 1908 . BRILL, 2011, ISBN 978-90-04-20569-7 , pp. 70 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed May 17, 2013]).
  10. ^ Servet Mutlu: Late Ottoman population and its ethnic distribution. (PDF; 332 kB) pp. 29–31 , accessed on June 19, 2013 . Corrected population for mortality level = 8.
  11. Gād G. Gîlbar (Ed.): Ottoman Palestine, 1800–1914. Studies in Economic and Social History Brill Archive, 1990, ISBN 90-04-07785-5 , p. 63.
  12. Yehuda Gardus, Avshalom Shmueli (Ed.): The Land of the Negev . Department of Defense Publishing, p. 369-370 (Hebrew, 1978-79).
  13. a b David Kushner: To be governor of Jerusalem: the city and district during the time of Ali Ekrem Bey, 1906-1908 . Isis Press, 2005, ISBN 978-975-428-310-5 , pp. 96 .
  14. David Kushner: The Ottoman Governors of Palestine, 1864-1914 . In: Middle Eastern Studies . 23, No. 3, July 1987, pp. 274-290.