NGC 6845

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NGC 6845
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GALEX image of the galaxy group: NGC 6845A in the center, NGC 6845B above on the left;  the components NGC 6845C and NGC 6845D are in this image section, but cannot be clearly seen on this image.
GALEX image of the galaxy group: NGC 6845A in the center, NGC 6845B above on the left; the components NGC 6845C and NGC 6845D are in this image section, but cannot be clearly seen on this image.
Constellation telescope
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 20 h 00 m 58.3 s
declination -47 ° 04 ′ 12 ″
Morphological type SBb
Brightness  (visual) 13.0 mag
14.1 mag
14.4 mag
15.4 mag
Brightness  (B-band) 13.8 mag
14.9 mag
15.4 mag
16.3 mag
Angular expansion 2.3 / 1.0
1.1 / 0.6
0.8 / 0.4
0.7 / 0.2
Position angle 72 °
6 °
138 °
156 °
Surface brightness 13.8 mag / arcmin²
13.5 mag / arcmin²
13.0 mag / arcmin²
13.2 mag / arcmin²
Physical data
Redshift 0.021211 +/- 0.000140  
Radial velocity 6359 +/- 42 km / s  
Stroke distance
v rad  / H 0
(283 ± 20)  x  10 6  ly
(86.8 ± 6.1)  Mpc 
discovery John Herschel
Discovery date July 7, 1834
Catalog names
NGC  6845 • PGC  63978/79/85/86 • ESO  284-008 • IRAS  19573-4712 • Klemola 30, AM 1957-471

NGC 6845 (also known as Klemola 30 ) is an interacting system of four galaxies in the constellation Telescopium . The group has certain similarities with Stephen's quintet . Their distance can be estimated at around 283 million light years from the Milky Way.

The components of the galaxy quartet are the two spiral galaxies NGC 6845A and NGC 6845B and the two lens-shaped galaxies NGC 6845C and NGC 6845D . The four galaxies occupy an area of ​​about 4 '× 2' in the sky. The largest galaxy in this compact group of galaxies is NGC 6845A , a bar-spiral galaxy almost in an edge-on position. SN 2008da was observed in NGC 6845A. The group's companion was identified as the dwarf galaxy ATCA J2001−4659 , which is about 4.4 'away and to the northeast of NGC 6845B.

NGC 6845 was discovered by John Herschel on July 7, 1834 .


  • Scott Gordon, Bärbel Koribalski , Keith Jones: Australia Telescope Compact Array HI observations of the NGC 6845 galaxy group . In: Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society , 342 (3), 2003, pp. 939 ff.

Web links

Commons : NGC 6845  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. a b c d e f SEDS : NGC 6845
  3. Seligman