Local transport association Paderborn-Höxter

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Logo of the NPH
Niederlande Belgien Niedersachsen Rheinland-Pfalz Hessen Essen Wuppertal Solingen Remscheid Hagen Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Bochum Dortmund Herne Gelsenkirchen Bottrop Oberhausen Mülheim an der Ruhr Duisburg Kreis Mettmann Düsseldorf Rhein-Kreis Neuss Kreis Heinsberg Mönchengladbach Krefeld Kreis Viersen Kreis Wesel Kreis Kleve Rhein-Erft-Kreis Kreis Düren Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis Oberbergischer Kreis Kreis Recklinghausen Kreis Borken Kreis Unna Märkischer Kreis Kreis Olpe Hamm Kreis Soest Kreis Coesfeld Kreis Steinfurt Kreis Warendorf Leverkusen Köln Städteregion Aachen Bonn Rhein-Sieg-Kreis Städteregion Aachen Kreis Euskirchen Münster Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein Hochsauerlandkreis Kreis Paderborn Kreis Gütersloh Kreis Höxter Kreis Lippe Kreis Herford Kreis Minden-Lübbecke Bielefeld
Location of cooperation area 7 in North Rhine-Westphalia

The local transport association Paderborn-Höxter ( nph ) was founded on October 2nd, 1995 as a special purpose association in the North Rhine-Westphalian cooperation area 7 (Paderborn / Höxter). Its task is to organize, order and finance local public transport in the districts of Höxter and Paderborn (also called Hochstift Paderborn ). Around 440,000 people live in the network area (2,500 km²). The office of the nph is in Paderborn.

Since August 1, 2017, there has been a network tariff for all of Westphalia. The Westphalian tariff replaced the "Hochstift tariff" that had previously existed in the nph area.

Traffic area of ​​the nph

The rail network in the traffic area of ​​the Paderborn-Höxter local transport network is 241 km. The transport companies in the nph serve 22 train stations and 1,697 bus stops. The operating performance is 3,194,829 km for trains and 14,931,000 km for buses. Around 3 million passengers use the train and 28 million the bus in the network.

The Paderborn / Höxter network of the Westphalian tariff borders in the north on the cooperation area 6 (network "TeutoOWL"), in the east on the Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen (VSN), in the south on the North Hessian Transport Association (NVV) and in the west on the network "Münsterland" / Ruhr-Lippe "( VRL ).


The nph tariff is called the “Hochstift tariff” based on the former Hochstift Paderborn . Before the nph was founded, there was the Verkehrsgemeinschaft Paderborn-Höxter (VHP) , which offered a community tariff for all bus routes. Rail traffic was only added when the nph was founded. The logo of the former VPH is used today by the Verkehrs-Servicegesellschaft Paderborn / Höxter mbH (VHP) , which, however, rarely appears in public. Instead, there is a “Drive with” homepage.

From 2004, the nph was involved in the development of a uniform tariff for the whole of East Westphalia-Lippe via OWL Verkehr GmbH in Bielefeld (the Verkehrsverbund OstWestfalenLippe VVOWL was and is only a special-purpose association for local rail transport ). There are still several transitional regulations for cooperation area 6 (until 2017 tariff association “Der Sechser”).

After the new NRW Public Transport Act 2008 came into force, an umbrella association was founded for local rail passenger transport as a cooperation between the five Westphalian special-purpose associations, and since then the nph has been part of the traffic area of ​​the local transport association Westphalia-Lippe (NWL). At the last association meeting of the NWL in October 2011, the basis for harmonizing or merging the five existing collective bargaining associations in Westphalia-Lippe was created. The further development of the tariffs lies with the NWL or a tariff development project group (based at OWL Verkehr GmbH in Bielefeld). The goal of an overall network for OWL was not pursued any further.

Cities and municipalities in the traffic area of ​​the nph

  1. Altenbeken
  2. Bad Driburg
  3. Bad Lippspringe
  4. Bad Wünnenberg
  5. Beverungen
  1. Borchen
  2. Borgentreich
  3. Brakel
  4. Büren
  5. Delbruck
  1. Hövelhof
  2. Höxter
  3. Lichtenau
  4. Marienmünster
  5. Never home
  1. Paderborn
  2. Salzkotten
  3. Steinheim
  4. Warburg
  5. Will bath food

Participating companies and their market shares

Transport companies and their market shares in the Paderborn-Höxter local transport network in 2011:

Railway company

bus company

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Local transport plan 2011. Chapter 2 - Inventory. (No longer available online.) NPH, p. 22 , archived from the original on December 22, 2015 ; accessed on December 20, 2015 (Tab. 7: Overview of the local rail transport companies in Hochstift (status: timetable year 2010/2011)). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.nph.de

Coordinates: 51 ° 42 ′ 48 "  N , 8 ° 44 ′ 28.4"  E