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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the city of Delbrück
Map of Germany, position of the city of Delbrück highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 46 '  N , 8 ° 34'  E

Basic data
State : North Rhine-Westphalia
Administrative region : Detmold
Circle : Paderborn
Height : 100 m above sea level NHN
Area : 157.28 km 2
Residents: 31,989 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 203 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 33129
Primaries : 05250, 02944, 05294, 05244, 05257
License plate : PB, BÜR
Community key : 05 7 74 020
City structure: 10 districts

City administration address :
Lange Strasse 45
33129 Delbrück
Website :
Mayor : Werner Peitz (independent)
Location of the city of Delbrück in the Paderborn district
Hessen Hochsauerlandkreis Kreis Gütersloh Kreis Höxter Kreis Lippe Kreis Soest Altenbeken Bad Lippspringe Bad Wünnenberg Borchen Büren (Westfalen) Delbrück Hövelhof Lichtenau (Westfalen) Paderborn Salzkottenmap
About this picture

Delbrück is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia , Germany , and a central city in the Paderborn district . She is the namesake of the Delbrücker Land .


Geographical location

The city of Delbrück is located in the northeast of North Rhine-Westphalia and in the west of the East Westphalian district of Paderborn . With over 32,000 inhabitants, it is the second largest city in the district. It is also located in the east of the Westphalian Bay in the Ems sand plain .

The most important river is the Lippe , which flows through the three southern districts of Anreppen, Bentfeld and Boke. The Ems flows through the northern city area. Furthermore, the border between the catchment areas of the Rhine and the Ems runs through the urban area ( Rhein-Ems-Wasserscheide ). The highest point is at 114 m above sea level (on Lipplinger Straße in Delbrück-Mitte), the lowest at 77 m above sea level (at Köttmers Kamp in the district of Westenholz).

The closest larger cities are Paderborn (15 kilometers east), Lippstadt (20 kilometers southwest), Gütersloh (27 kilometers northwest) and Bielefeld (35 kilometers north).


Geothermal map of Delbrück

The so-called " Delbrücker back " consists of meltwater -Ablagerungen and glacial till the Saalian together. In deeper sections of the terrain, these partly merge into river and lake deposits from the end of the Holstein warm period . The broad valleys of the Lippe and Ems consist of sediments of gravel , sand and silt in the subsoil , on the surface itself there are often embankments, drifting sand and dunes from the end of the Vistula Ice Age and the post-ice age. The bedrock below these layers consists of clay marl rock (so-called "Emscher marl"), marl, marl limestone and limestone from the Middle Ages ( Upper Cretaceous ), underneath is a base made of folded rocks from the ancient times ( Devonian and Carboniferous ).

Groundwater occurs moderately in the loose rocks of the Ice Age in the Delbrücker mountain range. Larger amounts of groundwater are only available in the ice age unconsolidated rocks of the Lippe Valley, which are partly divided into two floors by a low-permeability intermediate layer. Further underlying groundwater levels carry salinized groundwater and brine .

In the past, clay till was mined in numerous pits in the Delbrück city area for brick production, but this use is no longer carried out, just like the mining of meltwater sands as plastering and wall sand. However, along the Lippe between the districts of Sande (Paderborn) and Mantinghausen (Salzkotten), sand, gravel and crushed stone are still extracted as building materials.

Backwater soils ( pseudogleye ) have formed on the Delbrücker Ridge , which can only be used agriculturally to a limited extent. Loamy-sandy brown soils lie between the pseudogleyen and groundwater-influenced soils in lowlands . In the east of the Delbrück Ridge, deep, highly acidic, pure sandy soils ( podsoles ) formed on drifting sands predominate. They have been made agriculturally usable by plagging and have a deep humus topsoil ( Plaggenesch ). In the lowlands there are loamy-sandy to silty-loamy floodplain deposits from the post-ice age. Because of the high groundwater level, Gleye , Naßgleye or Anmoorgleye have formed here. There, where the ground is compacted and no outlet, contact fens on. With average groundwater levels between 60 and 100 cm below the surface, podzol gleye with lawn iron stone or cast stone have formed in the topsoil .

Delbrück is mainly moderately to well suited for the use of geothermal heat sources by means of a geothermal probe and heat recovery through heat pump heating (see the adjacent map).

Expansion and use of the urban area

The city of Delbrück is classified as a medium-sized town and covers an area of ​​157.27 km². The agriculturally used area takes up the largest share with about 74.6%. Another 14.3% are building and open spaces as well as traffic areas. The largest extension in north-south direction is approx. 15.5 km, in east-west direction approx. 20.8 km.

according to type of use
Building, open
and operational space

Surface of water
Sports and
green space
Area in km² 117.29 8.3 13.22 9.3 5.86 2.91 0.38
Share of total area 74.58% 5.28% 8.41% 5.91% 3.73% 1.85% 0.24%

Neighboring communities

Rietberg Loss Hövelhof
Wind rose small.svg Paderborn
Lippstadt Salzkotten

Starting in the west, the cities of Rietberg and Verl (both district of Gütersloh ), the municipality of Hövelhof as well as the cities of Paderborn and Salzkotten ( district of Paderborn ) and the city of Lippstadt ( district of Soest , administrative district of Arnsberg ) border Delbrück in a clockwise direction .

City structure

According to § 3 of the main statute of the city of Delbrück, the city is divided into ten districts:

District Residents
(June 30, 2018)
(in km²)
density (in U / km²)
Districts of Delbrück
Admin Delbrueck PB.svg
Stepping up

(with Lesterberg)

01,481 09.89 149.7

(with Heddinghausen)

01,337 08.09 165.3

(with Ringboke and Heitwinkel)

02,656 16.12 164.8
Delbruck 12,247 20.40 600.3

(with Nordhagen and Sudhagen)

02,478 18.56 133.5
Lippling 02.162 15.48 139.7

(with Wittendorf)

02,982 21.80 136.8
Schöning 01,513 07.08 213.7
Steinhorst 00.846 08.15 103.8
Westenholz 04.013 31.75 126.4
All in all 31,715 157.320 201.6

Lippling, Schöning and Steinhorst, the three districts that made up the former municipality of Westerloh , are therefore considered to be equal districts alongside the others.


Delbrück is located in the climate district of Münster and is part of the northern German lowlands. There is a maritime climate with westerly winds. The mean temperature in July is 18–19 ° C. About 25 summer days have a temperature of over 25 ° C. Less than 140 days are cloudy. There is an average of 725 millimeters of precipitation per year. In Delbrück there are moderately warm summers and mild winters.

Climate diagram for Delbrück / Bentfeld (91 m), 2007
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temperature ( ° C ) 14.7 14.8 18.1 28.6 28.5 31.4 34.0 29.5 25.6 19.6 14.2 13.5 O 22.7
Min. Temperature (° C) −9.0 −4.4 −1.6 −2.2 3.7 9.1 8.9 5.0 5.2 −2.6 −2.0 −9.8 O 0
Temperature (° C) 6.1 5.3 7.4 12.8 15.3 18.6 18.2 17.5 13.9 9.7 5.6 2.8 O 11.1
Precipitation ( mm ) 123.8 66.6 76.0 2.9 157.7 102.9 135.4 224.6 140.0 73.8 102.2 66.7 Σ 1,272.6
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Source: Climate data Ostwestfalen-Lippe 2007


View of Delbrück in the 17th Century ( Johann Georg Rudolphi )
The city center of Delbrück (2008)

One of the oldest documents about Delbrück was created between 1219 and 1239. Excavations in the Anreppen district, however, showed that a Roman legion camp must have been there by the year 9, which was abandoned in connection with the battle in the Teutoburg Forest .

At the time of the transfer of the remains of Saint Liborius to Paderborn, the remains of Saint Landolinus are said to have been transferred from France to the church in the Boke district. Landolinus is the patron saint of the parish church there.

In 1292 a document attests to a church and a chaplain in Delbrück. This document also mentions a gographer .

In 1354 the castle in Boke was built. The client was Bernd von Hörde.

Delbrück was cremated in 1410 because of a dispute between Wilhelm vom Berg , Prince-Bishop of Paderborn , Archbishop Friedrich of Cologne and the Count of Kleve .

In 1496 the knight Philipp von Hörde gave the city of Delbrück relics of the Holy Cross . From then on, the relic was carried through the community in a procession every Good Friday.

In 1590, the new Delbrück town hall was inaugurated by Prince-Bishop Dietrich von Fürstenberg and the Abdinghof abbot. In the same year the Delbrücker Land was sacked by Dutch troops

In 1604, Spanish mercenaries plundered the Delbrücker Land and murdered a large part of the population. Six years later Delbrück was granted the right to hold a market twice a year, one on the Thursday before Pentecost, the second on Katharina (November 25th).

Delbrück became Prussian in 1802 at the end of the reign of the Prince-Bishop of Paderborn . In 1808 the Delbrücker Land was divided into six municipalities under the rule of Jérôme Bonaparte as part of the Kingdom of Westphalia . Roads, railway lines (e.g. the Wiedenbrück-Sennelager connection) and the connection to the power station were slowly expanded until 1912.

On September 26, 1975 a Sikorsky CH-53 of the US armed forces crashed between Delbrück and Westenholz. 16 soldiers died.


St. Johannes in Delbrück

The Catholic parishes in Delbrück all belong to the Archdiocese of Paderborn . With the new structure of the Archdiocese, which came into force on July 1, 2006, the ten Delbrück parishes are divided into three pastoral groups in the Büren-Delbrück Dean's Office.

As early as 1575, the visitation report of the Catholic parish church stated that the first Protestants lived in Delbrück . But it was only as a result of the Second World War and the influx of refugees and displaced people from eastern Germany that the number of Evangelicals in Delbrück and the surrounding towns rose to over 1,500. On December 18, 1949, the 3rd Advent, the Blessing Church on Laumeskamp, ​​built with the help of the Lutheran World Federation , was inaugurated. The parish became independent from its Paderborn mother parish on January 1, 1951. For reasons of infrastructure, the center of the community was relocated to Driftweg between 1965 and 1973, where in 1973 the new Church of Blessing with an attached community center was inaugurated. Today, the Evangelical Lutheran parish Delbrück has about 3750 parishioners and belongs within the Evangelical Church of Westphalia to the church district Paderborn on.

The first Arameans have lived in Delbrück since the 1970s . Initially, people prayed in the rooms of the Nordhagen elementary school. In 1989, Syrian Orthodox communities were founded in Delbrück and Paderborn. After only two years of construction, the newly built Syrian Orthodox Church Mor Malke in Delbrück was inaugurated in 1993 .

The number of pupils at general schools in Delbrück can be used as an indication of the distribution of denominations in Delbrück. According to this, 70.0% belong to the Catholic and 14.0% to the Protestant denomination. 2.5% of the students are Muslim . 9.2% belong to another denomination and 4.4% to no denomination.


On August 1, 1964, the previously independent community of village farmers was incorporated. On January 1, 1975, according to Section 23 of the Sauerland / Paderborn Act, the former municipalities of Delbrück, Hagen, Ostenland, Westenholz and Westerloh of the former Delbrück office and the former municipalities of Anreppen, Bentfeld and Boke of the former Salzkotten-Boke office ( Büren district ) merged to form the new city of Delbrück.

Population development

year Residents
1975 (December 31) 19,735
1980 (December 31) 21,416
1985 (December 31) 22,583
1987 (May 25) ¹ 22,645
1990 (December 31) 24,247
1995 (December 31) 27,700
2000 (December 31) 29,212
2001 (December 31) 29,429
2002 (December 31) 29,846
2003 (December 31) 29,851
year Residents
2004 (December 31) 29,952
2005 (December 31) 30,050
2010 (June 30) 30,047
2011 (June 30th) 30,014
2012 (June 30th) 30,090
2012 (December 31) 30,542
2013 (June 30th) 30,279
2014 (June 30) 30,709
2017 (December 31) 33,129

¹ census result


Election of the Delbrück City Council in 2014
in percent
n. k.
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p
+ 3.1  % p.p.
+1.8  % p
-4.3  % p
+ 10.2  % p
-10.8  % p
Allocation of seats in the
Delbrück City Council in 2014
A total of 38 seats

City council

The city council currently has 38 members. In addition, the mayor is the council chairman. The following table shows the local election results since 1975:

2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 1975
Political party Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats %
CDU 24 62.59 22nd 59.48 27 71.35 28 73.75 26th 64.44 25th 63.60 30th 71.81 28 71.37 34 84.11
SPD 05 13.77 05 11.99 05 14.52 06th 16.19 11 28.72 11 27.28 09 23.54 11 26.61 05 14.82
FDP 05 13.49 07th 17.79 03 07.50 02 04.93 02 06.84 03 08.80 00 03.01 00 02.02 00 01.07
GREEN 04th 10.15 0- - 0- - 0- - - - 0- - 0- - - - - -
GABI 1 - - 04th 10.75 03 06.63 02 05.13 - - - - 0- - - - - -
DM - - - - - - - - - - - - 00 01.64 - - - -
Individual applicants - - - - - - - - - - 00 00.32 - - - - - -
Total 2 38 100 38 100 38 100 38 100 39 100 39 100 39 100 39 100 39 100
voter turnout 52.75 59.42 58.58 56.87 82.47 65.04 69.13 74.60 90.00

1 Green Alternative Citizens Initiative
2 without taking into account rounding differences


Mayor of Delbrück is Werner Peitz (independent), who prevailed in the local election on August 30, 2009 with 47.87% against three competitors. On May 25, 2014, he was re-elected with 89.5% unopposed candidate. The next mayoral election will take place in 2020.

Before that, Robert Oelsmeier (CDU) was mayor, who won the 2004 election against candidate Haase (SPD) with 82.89% of the vote. With 76.6% of the valid votes, he was already the winner of the election on September 12, 1999.

Coat of arms, seal, flag and banner

Flag of the city of Delbrück with the coat of arms

The current coat of arms was approved by the District President Detmold on August 16, 1977.

Description of coat of arms
Silver shield divided in the Göpel style. In field 1 a leafless thorn bush with ten red fruits, in field 2 a black rising hound with a red tongue, in field 3 a black cross.

The coat of arms is made up of elements of the coat of arms of the previous city of Delbrück (Dornstrauch), the former municipality of Boke ( Bracke ) and the previous office of Delbrück (cross). The fruits on the thorn bush are to symbolize the ten districts of the city after the municipal reorganization.

The previous city of Delbrück had received the above-mentioned thorn bush coat of arms in 1939, which showed a black thorn bush with eight red fruits in gold. This stands for the old place of justice "before the hawthorn". Previously, the previous city of Delbrück had a continuous black cross as a coat of arms in gold. The cross is at the same time the old symbol for Delbrück, but also for the Hochstift Paderborn.


The city of Delbrück has an official seal with the city coat of arms and the inscription "City of Delbrück".

Flag and banner

In addition to the coat of arms, the city of Delbrück also carries a flag and a banner. The flag is divided into five equally wide strips. The colors are red / white / red / white / red with the city's coat of arms in the middle. The banner is also divided into five equally wide strips. The colors are red / white / red / white / red with the city's coat of arms shifted to the bar.

Town twinning

In 1986 the parish of St. Landelinus in Boke celebrated the 1150th anniversary of the transfer of relics from the Crespin monastery in northern France. A local researcher found out that there is also a church there with the patronage of St. Landelinus. However, initial efforts to establish a partnership were unsuccessful. Three years later we were able to make contact with the community and the first visits took place. On June 3, 1990, an official partnership with the northern French village of Quérénaing was announced. There is also a friendship between the cities of Zossen .

A partnership between the two cities has developed from a student exchange between the Johann Sporck Realschule Delbrück and the Paul Eluard College in Roncq . In 1991 a corresponding partnership document was signed.

The Westenholz district has had a partnership with Budakeszi , which is located on the western outskirts of the Hungarian capital Budapest , since 1996 .

Culture and sights


The amateur theater group Graf-Sporck-Theater Schöning was founded in 2000 to revive theater in the Schöning district. The performances take place in the multi-purpose hall there. In the districts of Westenholz and Ostenland there is also a group of amateur actors.


In the Heimathaus on Kirchplatz, the local Heimatverein maintains an exhibition in two rooms in which, among other things, old flags are shown. The Heimathaus opens after registration and for larger events in Delbrück. Two further exhibition rooms are looked after by the St. Johannes Baptist shooting club and the Eintracht Delbrück carnival club from 1832 .


In urban areas, there are numerous brass bands and marching bands that are together including in a Town Musicians Association. The brass bands in the city of Delbrück: Stadtkapelle Delbrück eV founded in 1887, music youth of the Stadtkapelle Delbrück founded in 1983, music association "Cäcilia" Ostenland eV founded in 1924, brass band Schöning, Musikfreunde Westenholz, music association Harmonie Boke, music association Bentfeld, music train of the volunteer fire brigade Lippling founded in 1910, Musikverein Emslandjäger Steinhorst Schützenmusikzug Sudhagen. The marching band: Tambourcorps Ostenland, Tambourcorps Delbrück, Frei Weg Delbrück, Tambourcorps Boke. Other music groups in the City Musicians Association: Harmonika Folklore Gruppe Delbrück and the Westphalian button musicians.

Other groups are the choirs. The church choirs in the various locations give the services a nicer setting. The choir “Haste Töne” offers even more. Over 60 singers between the ages of 18 and 58 sing sacred and secular music at concerts outside the city.


Parsonage by Johann Conrad Schlaun

The town's landmark is the crooked church tower of the Catholic parish church of St. Johannes Baptist . The tower is made of wood and this has bent over the years due to the weather. Today's central nave and tower were built around 1180 as a two-bay, vaulted Romanesque basilica ( alternating pillars with double columns) with a just closed choir and retracted tower. As a fortified church in the old fortified church, it only had one door on the south side. Around 1340 the southern nave was replaced by a Gothic nave of the same height as the central nave. At the same time, a Gothic choir was added so that the Romanesque choir became the third yoke. From 1864 to 1868 the northern nave was also replaced by a neo-Gothic one. At the same time, the south aisle got the western yoke. The tower is now in the structure of the current hall church . The tall leaning tower spire was built around 1400 and resulted in a total height of 65 m. The imbalance has worsened over the past few decades. In 1972 some stained glass windows in the north nave were renewed. The exterior of the church was renovated in 2008 and a major interior renovation will follow in 2009.

Similar to Halle (Westphalia) and Gütersloh , the place has an almost completely preserved church ring with half-timbered buildings from the 17th to 19th centuries. The rectory outside the church ring , a half-timbered building with a mansard roof , was built in 1716 according to plans by Johann Conrad Schlaun . Originally designed as a plastered building that was supposed to simulate a solid construction, the framework was incorrectly exposed during the renovation in 1935.

The Catholic parish church of St. Landolinus in Boke is a Romanesque vaulted basilica, which probably dates from the 12th century. The relics of the saint, after whom the church is named, rest in a shrine from 1896 in the Boker parish church Sankt Landelinus.

The Boker-Heide Canal was put into operation in 1853 as an irrigation and amelioration canal . It runs over 32 km from Neuhaus Castle to the west of Lippstadt. In its course there are 16 weirs , a bottom slope and three water overpasses. The canal has lost its original meaning today; However, it is considered an important technical cultural monument in Westphalia.

The Boke Castle was built in 1354 by Bernd von Hörde. It was destroyed in 1646, but rebuilt in 1658. The now dilapidated facility was demolished around 1800. In 1818 the castle chapel was also demolished. Today only parts of the fortifications can be seen.

The Hünenburg near Boke was a 65 m by 90 m rampart. The square core with rounded corners of the facility, some of which was removed in the 19th century, was measured for the first time in 1867. The gate in the west was secured by a control room and a rampart. It is believed that it is an early medieval refuge from the Saxon-Franconian period.


The Nadermann zoo in the Schöning district of Delbrück is the only one of its kind in the vicinity.

Protected areas for nature

Steinhorster Basin near Delbrück

The following nature reserves are wholly or partly in Delbrück:

Large parts of the urban area have been designated as a landscape protection area (LSG). Among the LSG part of the conservation area Delbrücker Switzerland , conservation area Rodehut , conservation area Delbrücker back , protected landscape Ems, Furlbach , conservation area Haustenbach , conservation area Sporkhof , conservation area Moese and parts of the conservation area Büren .


31 sports clubs have merged to form the city sports association. The goals are to promote sport and to coordinate the necessary measures. The association represents more than 12,100 members.

The most successful sports clubs in the city are the Delbrücker SC and the DJK Graf Sporck Delbrück . The football department of the DSC has been playing in the Westfalenliga (sixth class) since the 2009/2010 season, the volleyball department of the DJK in the second Bundesliga. The DSC plays its home games in the “Adolf-Mückenhaupt-Stadion” on Laumeskamp, ​​which has a grass pitch and a covered grandstand. In the case of floodlit games, however, the neighboring artificial turf pitch must be used. The DJK Graf Sporck Delbrück is the largest local sports club with around 1700 members.

In January 2006, four Nordic Walking routes from 4.1 to 11.4 kilometers were opened in Delbrück. They run along the Boker Canal.

In 2011, Delbrück was named the winning city of the nationwide Mission Olympic city ​​competition to promote popular sport from the German Olympic Sports Confederation.

Regular events

The ferris wheel on the Katharinenmarkt in front of the leaning church tower

The veneration of the cross and the cross costume on Good Friday have been an essential point of religious life in the parish of St. John Baptist since 1671, the year the cross particle was found. Philipp von Hörde placed the cross particle in the still existing body in 1496.

Every year on the third weekend in September, the Katharinenmarkt takes place. There is a large farmers' market there over four days (Friday to Monday), events in the marquee and a fair, and companies present themselves at an economic show.

The Delbrück carnival association “Eintracht v. 1832 “is the oldest in Westphalia. Along with Rietberg, Delbrück is considered the carnival stronghold of East Westphalia. The traditional wreath riding takes place on the morning of Rose Monday. In addition, a children's parade and the big Rose Monday parade are organized. The Delbrück Rose Monday Parade is one of the longest in the region.

Economy and Infrastructure


Delbrück is connected to the national road network via the B 64 . In the west, the Rheda-Wiedenbrück junction on the A 2 is around 25 km away, and in the east the Paderborn-Schloss Neuhaus junction on the A 33 is 20 kilometers away.

The city is located in the traffic area of ​​the Westphalian tariff . Regional buses run to Paderborn in regular intervals .

The city no longer has its own rail link. The nearest train stations are in Paderborn , Rheda-Wiedenbrück and Lippstadt . From 1902 to 1958 Delbrück had rail traffic with the Senneblitz on the Wiedenbrück – Sennelager railway line . At the end of the 1990s, freight traffic ended here and the tracks were removed.

Delbrück is located on Emsradweg which km on a length of 375 on the Ems along Hövelhof to Emden leads and the over 500 km long wellness cycling route , which is designed as a circle trail.

The "State Garden Show Route" leads from the Seepark in Lünen (LGS 1996) via the Maximilianpark in Hamm (LGS 1984), the Four Seasons Park in Oelde , the Flora Westfalica in Rheda-Wiedenbrück (LGS 1988) and via Rietberg (LGS 2008) to Paderborn Castle and Auenpark (LGS 1994). On the last section, the route crosses Delbrück.

Air traffic takes place closest to Paderborn / Lippstadt Airport . It is located in the city of Büren.


There are two daily newspapers in Delbrück. As daily newspapers, the Neue Westfälische from Bielefeld with a regional section and a local edition of the Westfalen-Blatt from Bielefeld appear in Delbrück under the title Westfälisches Volksblatt . Both newspapers get their cover section from their respective cover editorial offices in Bielefeld. In addition, the journal Die Warte for the districts of Paderborn and Höxter appears quarterly in the Hochstift Paderborn , with articles on regional history, literature and art. The city magazine Delbrücker Stadtpost is also published every 14 days . The Delbrücker Stadtanzeiger was published in a 14-day alternation with the Delbrücker Stadtpost until December 2019 . However, this was discontinued for economic reasons. Insolvency proceedings were opened in April 2020 about the publishing company, JRB Medien UG from Reitberg.

The weekly newspaper Neue Regionale withdrew from Delbrück in April 2020 in the wake of the corona pandemic in order to reduce costs. However, the news portal NRplus, which belongs to the publisher, continues to provide information on current events in the city.

Furthermore Delbrück belongs to the reporting area of ​​the regional studio Bielefeld of the WDR and of Radio Hochstift , which it covers in the reporting as local radio.

Public facilities

The city is the seat of the local court responsible for Delbrück and Hövelhof .

DEBUS GmbH maintains a town hall in Delbrück that offers space for over 1,000 visitors. The municipal companies operate an indoor swimming pool with a 25-meter pool, divided into swimmer and non-swimmer areas. There is also a separate baby pool as well as a one- and three-meter board. There are also solariums and a bistro.

Delbrück has had its own waterworks since 1967, which processes the raw water from 9 of its own wells and feeds it into the supply network. Water is also delivered to the Paderborn waterworks via a separate pipe. A separate company has been established for wastewater disposal. In the last expansion stage, the sewage treatment plant was expanded from 27,000 PE to 48,000 PE. The canals in Delbrück have a total length of about 200 km. 38 pumping stations convey the wastewater to the sewage treatment plant over 46 km of pressure lines.


Main entrance of the municipal secondary school in Delbrück

The city offers seven elementary schools, one grammar school and one comprehensive school. There are also evening courses in an adult education center . The respective Catholic parishes maintain a public library in six of the ten districts. The other districts are supplied with reading material via their own book bus .

Established businesses

Delbrück is the company headquarters of the automobile manufacturer Artega , which was founded in 2007 and a former subsidiary of Paragon AG . The Delbrück-based manufacturer of battery systems, Voltabox AG , was also spun off from Paragon AG. Furthermore Bette GmbH & CO KG (washbasins, bathtubs and shower trays made of steel enamel), Belte AG (aluminum processing), various furniture manufacturers (Wohnraum-Thielemeyer, BB-Möbel Brökelmann, Voss Möbel), Josef Schulte Kartonagen, GHD Hartmann Maschinenbau , Hanna Feinkost AG and a large number of medium-sized trade and craft companies are based in Delbrück. The direct sales chain Bofrost has a branch in Delbrück. Regional financial institutions are the Stadtsparkasse Delbrück and the Volksbank Delbrück-Hövelhof .

Telephone prefixes

In the city, the area code 05250 applies. For calls to Westenholz, the 02944 and to Steinhorst must be dialed 05294. Parts of Schöning can be reached via 05244 and parts of Ostenland via 05257.



  • Peter Strüber: The "Senneblitz", traces of a secondary track. A documentary series - from 2000.
  • Angelika Pollmann: Stories of the Delbrücker Land. Geiger-Verlag, Horb am Neckar 1990.
  • Katharina Schmies-Förster: Ick vertelle di wat. Editor K. Schmies-Förster, 1993.
  • Marc Skubich: The Delbrück Oracle. ImPrint Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-936536-14-7 .

Web links

Commons : Delbrück  - album with pictures, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Delbrück  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Population of the municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia on December 31, 2019 - update of the population based on the census of May 9, 2011. State Office for Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia (IT.NRW), accessed on June 17, 2020 .  ( Help on this )
  2. Geological Service NRW: Using geothermal energy - Geothermal study provides planning basis ( Memento from September 14, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 369 kB)
  3. State Office for Data Processing and Statistics North Rhine-Westphalia: Municipal profile Delbrück ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. a b Main statutes of the city of Delbrück (PDF) ( Memento of the original from January 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ City administration Delbrück: Administrative report 2017 of the City of Delbrück , status: 03/2018
  6. ^ City of Delbrück
  7. ↑ Climatic data Ostwestfalen-Lippe
  8. Delbrücker Geschichte ( Memento of the original from January 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Archive link ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. Cf. Jens Murken: The Protestant communities in Westphalia. Vol. 1, Ahaus to Hüsten. Bielefeld 2008, p. 424f.
  11. Syrian Orthodox Church Congregation Mor Malke Delbrück ( Memento of the original from July 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. ^ Pupils at general education schools in North Rhine-Westphalia according to religious affiliation, 2006/07
  13. Stephanie Reekers: The regional development of the districts and communities of Westphalia 1817-1967 . Aschendorff, Münster Westfalen 1977, ISBN 3-402-05875-8 , p. 225 .
  14. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 327 .
  15. a b c d e City administration Delbrück: Citizens brochure City of Delbrück Status: 2014-11
  16. ↑ State database NRW; Election results for the municipality code 05774020
  17. ^ State Office for Information and Technology in North Rhine-Westphalia: Local elections
  18. ^ Election results for the mayoral election of Delbrück
  19. ^ Graf-Sporck-Theater Schöning
  20. Uncertainty about the city indicator. Retrieved April 29, 2020 .