Nesti's nose

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Nesti Nase (born April 13, 1922 in Korça County ; † 1994 ) was an Albanian diplomat and politician of the Labor Party of Albania , who was Albania's Foreign Minister between 1966 and 1982 .


Ambassador and Deputy Foreign Minister

After the founding of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania, Nase joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 29, 1944 and was a member of the delegation at UNESCO's deliberations in 1949 . He then acted as envoy to the People's Republic of Bulgaria between 1952 and 1953 . He was then from September 1954 to May 1956 Ambassador to the People's Republic of China . After serving as First Deputy Foreign Minister, he succeeded Mihal Prifti as Ambassador to the Soviet Union between January 1958 and November 1961 . After a break in diplomatic relations with in the end of 1961 the Soviet Union had looming, he left the ambassadorship in November 25, 1961 Moscow , prompting Gac Mazi until complete severance of diplomatic relations on December 3, 1961 as chargé headed the embassy in the Soviet Union .

After his return to Tirana, Nase acted as Deputy Foreign Minister between 1961 and 1963 and also became a candidate for the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania PPSh (Partia e Punës e.V. ) at the 4th Party Congress (February 13 to February 20, 1961) Shqipërisë) . He was then again ambassador to the People's Republic of China from September 1963 to March 1966. It was then that the ideological conflict between the USSR and China reached its climax; at the same time, China tried to replace the failure of the Soviet experts in Albania.

Foreign Minister and Foreign Policy Course 1966 to 1982

On March 18, 1966, Nase succeeded Behar Shtylla as Foreign Minister (Ministër i Punve Jashtme) in the third government of Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu . On September 10, 1966 he was elected for the first time for the Party of Labor of Albania PPSh as a member of the People's Assembly ( Kuvendi Popullor ) , to which he belonged from the sixth to the ninth legislature on September 8, 1982. At the 5th party congress (November 1 to November 8, 1966) he finally became a member of the Central Committee of the PPSh.

After the break of relations with the Soviet Union, there was a realignment of foreign policy from the end of the 1960s. Albania withdrew from the Warsaw Pact on September 13, 1968 in protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring . In November 1971, the VI. At the PPSh party congress, the cautious rapprochement that has now been initiated to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , to the Socialist Republic of Romania , but also to Greece .

As the only European state, Albania did not take part in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) from 1973 to 1975 in Helsinki in protest against the supremacy of the superpowers . China's rapprochement with the US has provoked Albanian criticism since 1972, which led to the party and state leadership being purged of supporters of the Beijing government's new foreign policy line in late 1974 . Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Beqir Balluku , the Chief of the General Staff Petrit Dume and the Chief of the Political Central Administration of the Armed Forces Hito Çako fell victim to this purge .

Albania countered this new isolation between 1974 and 1976 through improved economic relations with neighboring countries, whereby at the VIIth Party Congress of the PPSh in December 1976 the anti-Chinese campaign that had been running since mid-1976 was confirmed by PPSh General Secretary Enver Hoxha . This campaign was ultimately decisive in the People's Republic of China ending its military and economic aid in 1978. Because of the Kosovar Albanians , there were tensions with the SFR Yugoslavia from March 1981 and thus diplomatic disagreements with this neighboring country.

On July 1, 1982, Nose and Health Minister Llambi Ziçishti were relieved of the ministerial offices and he was replaced by his Vice Reiz Malile . The deposition was arguably related to his close ties with Mehmet Shehu, who allegedly committed suicide on December 17, 1981. Shehu, Nase, Defense Minister Kadri Hazbiu , who was ousted in November 1982, and Interior Minister Feçor Shehu , nephew of Mehmet Shehu and ousted shortly after his death, were later accused of carrying out a coup with others on behalf of the CIA , the Yugoslav UDB and the KGB and having prepared the liquidation of Hoxha.

Difficult last years of life

After his dismissal, his wife Petrina committed suicide - rumors were said to have been circulating at the time that she was an agent of the UDB. Then Nesti Nase was arrested as well. He was sentenced to long imprisonment in 1983 and, according to another source, even to death. After the fall of the communist system, Nase lived with a nephew; he had no children.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Research Institute: List Of The Member Of Leading Albanian Party. In: Osa Archivum Catalog. Open Society Archives, February 20, 1961, accessed May 1, 2020 .
  2. Albanian Foreign Ministers (
  3. ^ Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Research Institute, Louis Zanga: No Change in the Albanian Politburo. In: OSA Archivum Catalog. Open Society Archives, November 8, 1966, accessed May 1, 2020 .
  4. Ilir Berisha: General Veli Llakaj on Kosova- Enver Hoxha and Mehmet Sehu. Kosova aktuell, March 17, 2010, accessed on November 9, 2015 .
  5. Anita Niegelhell, Gabriele Ponisch: We are always on fire: reports from former political prisoners in communist Albania. 2001, ISBN 3-205-99290-3 , p. 63.
  6. The Great Ploetz. The Encyclopedia of World History , 35th, completely revised edition, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-525-32008-2 , p. 1606
  7. Nesti Nase in the Munzinger archive ( beginning of article freely available)
  8. Hoxha on Shehu , p. 23 ff. (PDF; 145 kB)
  9. Die Zeit: Albania: One Hero and Many Villains. Party Leader Hodscha Settles His Opponents - A ZETF Document (January 14, 1983)
  10. Enver Hoxha: Yes si ia shiti Kadri Hazbiu agjenturën sekrete KGB-së ruse! (Shekuli, February 14, 2008) ( Memento from June 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  11. a b c Armand Plaka: Polovina: Shehun spiun folklorik e përshkroi vetëm Enveri. In: January 29, 2013, accessed December 26, 2015 (Albanian).
  12. ^ Zef Ahmeti: The long way to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Albania . Albanisches Institut, St. Gallen November 2012, footnote 128, p. 27 f . ( PDF [accessed December 25, 2015]).
  13. 50 diplomatët më të shquar shqiptarë. In: Yll Press. May 16, 2013, accessed on December 26, 2015 (Albanian): “Por kryediplomati shqiptar pati një fund tragjik, pasi në vitin 1982 ai së bashku me shumë krerë të lartë të qeverisë së asaj kohe akuzohen se kishin krijuar grup armi. Rërsorëz p armi komunizmit. Pas këtyre akuzave Nesti Nase u dënua me shumë vite burg dhe u lirua vetëm në fund të viteve '90. Kryediplomati shqiptar vdiq në vitin 1995. "
  14. Special Materials Section, United States Information Agency (Ed.): Problems of Communism . Volume 34, 1985, pp. 36 .
  15. Kush ishin politikanët shqiptarë që provuan qelinë? In: Telegrafi. September 7, 2015, accessed on May 1, 2020 (Albanian): "Në vitin 1983 gjykata e shpall fajtor për të gjitha akuzat e ngritura ndaj tij dhe e dënon më vdekje, ekzekutimi i tij kryhet menjëherë."