Alt St. Katharina (Cologne-Niehl)

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Old St. Catherine

Alt St. Katharina (also: Niehler Dömchen ) is a Roman Catholic church in Cologne-Niehl in North Rhine-Westphalia . It is faces east directly on the banks of the Rhine beyond the Niehler dam.


Niehl was first mentioned in 927 in an archbishop's donation to the Cologne Ursulastift , in 1080 in another to the Kunibertsstift . In 1236, in the possession of the Kunibertstift, a chapel belonging to the monastery was named as a branch of the monastery . 1260 the main altar of the chapel was by the Auxiliary Bishop Henry I of Montfort of Hl. Katharina consecrated. It was the parish church for the area from Nippes to Niehl.

Alt St. Katharina was built in the 12th century as a three-aisled Romanesque basilica with a west tower. In the middle of the 13th century, the Gothic choir was renovated and the south aisle was demolished. The central nave was vaulted around 1400. In 1894 the north aisle was reconstructed on the old foundations. Since the church became too small for the population, St. Katharina was rebuilt in 1892 and larger as a parish church a little further south and in the middle of Niehl. It is connected to the old church via Sebastianstraße.


Some old works of art come from earlier times: the pulpit with the image of St. Catherine and the year 1622 and a crowned Madonna from the 16th century. A sculpture of the Last Supper even dates from around 1420.

Although the church was no longer a parish church, it has received newer fittings. The two bells date from 1977.

The organ was built in 1982 by the organ builder Gerd Weyland (Opladen). The slider chest instrument has 6 registers on a manual. At h 0 / c 0 the registers are divided into bass and treble sides. There is a tremulant for the treble side. The pedal (C – f 1 ) is always attached. The playing and stop action is mechanical.

Manual work - Bass C – g 3
1. Covered / reed flute 8th'
2. Principal / Dolkan 4 ′
3. Fifth / sesquial II 2 23
4th Principal 2 ′
5. Cymbal II-III 1'
6th Krummhornshelf 8th'
Pedal C – f 1 (attached)


Parish Church of St. Catherine

The church is open on Friday late afternoon for a mass and on Wednesday morning for a school service in the neighboring primary school. More frequent opening is to be achieved with volunteers.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organ ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Alt St. Katharina (Cologne-Niehl)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 59 ′ 34 "  N , 6 ° 57 ′ 41.8"  E