Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow

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Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow

Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow ( Russian : Никола́й Васи́льевич Васи́льчиков; * 1781 ; † December 25, 1849 ) was a Russian major general , state councilor and governor of Oryol .


In 1784, NW Wassiljewitsch joined the Izmailovsky Life Guard Regiment as a sergeant and did his military service . On February 8, 1796, he was accepted into the Mounted Life Guard Regiment with the rank of sergeant and promoted to cornet in November 1796 . This was followed by promotions to lieutenant (1799), staff captain (1799), captain (1801) and colonel (1802). Then he was in a Cuirassier - Regiment displaced and took in 1805 to the military operations in the War of the Third Coalition in part. The next missions were from 1806 to 1807 with a dragoon regiment during the Fourth Coalition War near Gołymin-Ośrodek and in 1807 as commander of the dragoon regiment in the battle of Prussian Eylau . For his military successes he was decorated with Russian and foreign medals and decorations . In 1810 he took over the Livonian Dragoons Regiment and led it during the Russo-Turkish War in the years 1810-1812. He then took over the Vyatka Infantry Regiment and distinguished himself in the battles near Wolkowysk . In 1813 he was promoted to major general during the fighting in the Battle of Großgörschen . This was followed by further deployments in the Battle of Bautzen , the Battle of Nations near Leipzig and battles near Kassel . As a brigade commander , he led the 2nd Brigade of the 22nd Infantry Division and the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Hussar Division. On 18 January 1824 he was for health reasons from the Russian Imperial Army dismissed and with all privileges in the retirement staggered. He was elected local aristocratic marshal and was governor of Oryol from 1837 to 1841, at the same time he was appointed a member of the State Council.


Origin and family

NW Wassiltschikow came from the boyar family Vasilchikov , his father was the Russian Brigadier General Vasily Alexejewitsch Wassiltschikow (1754-1830). His brothers were the future Prince Illarion Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow (1776-1847) and Major General Dimitri Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow (1778-1859).

In 1815 Nikolai Wassiljewitsch married Christine Elisabeth von Pröbsting, who was married to Lieutenant General Axel von Hahn († 1814) in her first marriage . The couple Nikolai and Christine had two children:

  • Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Wassiltschikow (1816–1847) served as a cornet and caused a social scandal . He secretly married Maria Petrovna Ivanova (1817–1850), the wife of the Russian composer Michail Ivanovich Glinka (1804–1857). The divorce negotiations dragged on for many years and ultimately led, in 1846, to the annulment of this marriage.
  • Katharina Nikolajewna Wassiltschikowa (1818–1895) was a lady-in-waiting at the Imperial Court and married to Major General Dmitri Nikolajewitsch Ermolow (1805–1872).

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