Noah Howard

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Noah Howard

Noah Howard (* 6. April 1943 in New Orleans , † 3. September 2010 ) was an American alto saxophonist of free jazz , which in recent years with world music , funk and soul jazz employed.


Howard grew up in New Orleans, where he sang in a choir in his youth; In the early 1960s he came to California , where he played with musicians such as Dewey Redman and Sonny Simmons . He moved to New York City in 1965 , where he quickly gained recognition in the free jazz scene. a. worked with Archie Shepp . In October 1966 he made his debut album At Judson Hall for the ESP disk label , in which pianist Dave Burrell also took part. In 1969 he recorded with Albert Ayler and went to Europe with Frank Wright . There he worked with Anthony Braxton , the Art Ensemble of Chicago , but also with musicians from the Dutch and German scenes. In 1972 he moved to Paris , in 1982 first to Nairobi and finally to Brussels , where he also ran a jazz club . He has performed with Bobby Few , Jack Gregg , Wilber Morris , Kali Fasteau , Muhammad Ali , Kenny Clarke , Tammy Lynne Hall and French musicians such as François Tusques and Boulou Ferré . He worked regularly with the poet Eve Packer , with whom he also made records. In his final years he also performed in New York again.

In 2010 he died unexpectedly while on vacation with his wife, Lieve Fransen, after finishing his autobiography a few days earlier.

Discography (selection)



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