North-South Street (Salzgitter)

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Template: Infobox several high-ranking streets / Maintenance / DE-L
North-South Street
L 472 L 670 K 12
Basic data
Operator: Lower Saxony
further operator: Salzgitter
Start of the street: Industriestrasse middle east SZ-Lebenstedt
End of street: Salzgitter bath
Overall length: 12.1 km
  of which in operation: 12.1 km

State :

Development condition: 2/2, 1/1
North-south road north of Salzgitter-Bad towards SZ-Gebhardshagen

The north-south road is over 12 kilometers long, four-lane, sometimes only two-lane extra- urban road in Salzgitter , which connects the north of the city with the south and thus the two largest districts of Lebenstedt and Salzgitter-Bad . Together with the industrial roads in the middle and north as well as the canal road , it is one of the most important regional roads in Salzgitter.


Section Lebenstedt to Gebhardshagen

The north-south road begins in the north as a two-lane district road K 12 east of Salzgitter-Lebenstedt as a junction of the four-lane industrial road Mitte. However, the driveway is only designed as a semi-connection point. This means that only vehicles coming from the west of Lebenstedt or from the A 39 can get onto the north-south road here. The same applies to the opposite direction of travel. Industriestraße Mitte can only be used to the west here. A few hundred meters further south is another semi-connection point, which is part of the so-called Hillenholzer Junction. This leads from the south to the district road K 40 in the direction of Salder in the southwest and the extension of the district road K 12 in the direction of Hallendorf and Salzgitter AG . However, if you leave the district road first in an easterly direction, you will also come to the eastern section of Industriestraße Mitte towards Watenstedt , industrial area and Wolfenbüttel .

In the further course of the north-south road (K 12) is not developed without crossing. There are two traffic lights with connections to the Salder, Heerte and Barum districts . In addition, the Fuhse is crossed. Country road 670 joins after about four kilometers from the east. From here the north-south road will continue under this dedication for almost two kilometers. Furthermore, it has two lanes and is not free of intersections. This is followed by junctions from the direction of Lobmachtersen and Gebhardshagen , which is directly west of the road. South of Gebhardshagen there is a larger intersection, whose junction arms Gustedt , Gebhardshagen and the associated industrial area open up. One of them is state road 472, which, coming from the north-west of Salder, now forms the southern section of the north-south road, while state road 670 continues west towards Gustedt.

Section Gebhardshagen to Salzgitter-Bad

The southern section (L 472) is four kilometers in length up to the entrance to Salzgitter-Bad with four lanes with structural separation and free of intersections. The districts of Engerode and Calbecht can be reached via a northern junction . Another southern junction connects the north of Salzgitter-Bad to the north-south road. The maximum speed allowed on the entire section is 100 km / h. In the past, speeds of up to 120 km / h were permitted.

At the entrance to Salzgitter-Bad, the freedom to cross the north-south road ends. However, with a brief interruption, it is still expanded to four lanes over the last two kilometers. The maximum permissible speed is 70 km / h, on the last 900 meters only 50 km / h. After the traffic lights at Elbestrasse, Porschestrasse and Rheinstrasse, the intersection-free intersection with the federal highway 248, which is called Salzgitter-Bad Braunschweiger Strasse and has four lanes, follows. It connects Seesen in the southwest with Braunschweig in the northeast. South of this junction, the north-south road narrows to two or three lanes and the maximum speed is reduced to 50 km / h, as the bridge structure over the B 248 is too narrow for four lanes and additional turning lanes. However, this number is available again south of the bridge. Another intersection follows, which connects the old town of Salzgitter-Bad as well as the fairground and the animal shelter to the north-south street.

End and continuation as Friedrich-Ebert-Straße

The north-south road (L 472) ends at the last crossroads in the south of Salzgitter-Bad. The district road K 32 leads here as Windmühlenbergstraße to Groß Mahner and Vienenburg in the east and south-east and as Hinter dem Salze to grid in the south-west. If you cross the intersection, however, the route continues as a two-lane residential street Friedrich-Ebert-Straße for 1.5 kilometers to the Mahner Berg sports park with sports and golf course. There is a turning system there .

State of development

The development status on the individual sections:

section length Stripes Dividing strip Crossing freedom comment
K 12 Lebenstedt - K 12 Watenstedt , Hallendorf K 40 Salder 1.1 km 2 No Yes rural
K 12 Watenstedt, Hallendorf K 40 Salder - L 670 L 472 Gebhardshagen 5.0 km 2 No No rural
L 670 L 472 Gebhardshagen - entrance to Salzgitter-Bad 4.1 km 4th Yes Yes motorway-like
Entrance to Salzgitter-Bad - B248Braunschweiger Straße 1.0 km 4th Yes No urban
B248 Braunschweiger Straße - crossing of the old town, fairground, animal shelter 0.6 km 2, partly 3 No Yes urban
Crossing the old town, fairground, animal shelter - K 32 Groß Mahner , Vienenburg , grid 0.3 km 4th No No urban

Integration into the Salzgitters extra-urban road system

The north-south road is the most important regional road that only runs within Salzgitter. As an important traffic axis, it connects the second largest district Salzgitter-Bad in the south with the largest district Lebenstedt in the north. About half way it also passes Gebhardshagen, the fourth largest district.

Due to the connection to another important traffic artery, the four-lane industrial road Mitte , the federal motorway 39, other districts such as Thiede and the large industrial area with several large and medium-sized companies in the east of Salzgitter can be reached in a short time.

In addition, Industriestraße Nord and Kanalstraße complement the four-lane supra-local road system in Salzgitter's north and north-east.

See also
