Oberamt Bernkastel

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The Oberamt Bernkastel was an administrative and judicial district in the Electorate of Trier that existed from the beginning to the end of the 18th century . The offices of Amt Baldenau , Amt Bernkastel , Kröver Reich , Amt Hunolstein and Amt Weiden were subordinate to him.


At the beginning of the 18th century, the high level of jurisdiction for the associated offices was concentrated in Bernkastel . The position of bailiff was also increasingly performed in personal union by the bailiff in the Bernkastel office. The last trustee was Joseph Nepomuk Erbschenk, Freiherr von Schmidburg, bailiff von Baldenau, Bernkastel and Hunolstein. In the Kröver Empire, the office of Obervogte in the von Kesselstatt family had been hereditary since 1423 . last was Johann Hugo Casimir Count of Kesselstadt there hereditary bailiff. The assignment of the office of Weiden was more of a formal nature. This was given on May 4, 1585 by Elector Johann VII von Schönenberg to Johann von Warsberg as a fief . However, Kurtrier reserved the sovereign rights and therefore regarded the office as part of the Electoral Trier state. However, the von Warsberg family did not recognize these sovereign rights. This conflict was still being resolved in court towards the end of the HRR.

With the capture of the Left Bank of the Rhine by French revolutionary troops , the office was dissolved after 1794. In the French era , the area belonged to the canton of Bernkastel .

Official seat

The bailiff had his seat in the former electoral office and cellar building. This building was built between 1656–61 and is a three-story two-wing structure with a four-story staircase. The building at Gestade 12 was last used as a viticulture school and is a listed building .

See also


  • Peter Brommer : Kurtrier at the end of the old empire: Edition and commentary on the Kurtrier official descriptions from (1772) 1783 to approx. 1790, Mainz 2008, Volume 1, ISBN 978-3-929135-59-6 , pp. 119-148.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Des Hohen Erz-Stifts und Churfürstenthums Trier Hof-, Staats- und Stand-Kalender, 1779, S. 116, 117, 120, 123 digitized