Koblenz Office

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The Amt Koblenz (also Amt Coblenz ) was an administrative and judicial district in the Electorate of Trier that existed from the 14th century to 1794 .

In the 14th century, Elector Baldwin of Luxembourg formed an administrative office based on the French model. At the head of the offices there was now a bailiff . The Koblenz office was one of the 30 offices mentioned in documents during the time of Baldwin.

In 1786 the office consisted of Coblenz (city), Capellen , Lay and Waldesch . The area around Koblenz was combined in the Bergpflege department . In the same year there were 51 citizens in 44 houses in Capellen, 80 citizens in 55 houses in Lay and 6 citizens in 68 houses in Waldesch. Moselweis and Neuendorf also belonged to the city of Koblenz .

At the end of the HRR , the office only consisted of Koblenz (city), Coblenzer Höfe, Moselweis and Neuendorf. The neighboring towns mentioned in 1786 were now run as part of the Ehrenbreitstein office.

Due to the spatial proximity, the Koblenz Office was increasingly administered in personal union with the Ehrenbreitstein Office. The last bailiff, Franz Ludwig Freiherr von Breidenbach zu Bürresheim, was also bailiff in Ehrenbreitstein.

With the capture of the Left Bank of the Rhine by French revolutionary troops , the office was dissolved after 1794. In the French era , the area belonged to the Arrondissement de Coblence and the Canton of Coblence.


See also


  • Peter Brommer : Kurtrier at the end of the old Reich: Edition and commentary on the Kurtrier official descriptions from (1772) 1783 to approx. 1790, Mainz 2008, Volume 2, ISBN 978-3-929135-59-6 , pp. 277-302 and 355 -358.
  • Des Hohen Erz-Stifts und Churfürstenthums Trier court, state and state calendar, 1779, p. 78, 114 digitized
  • Jacob Marx : History of the Archbishopric Trier . Linz, Trier 1858, p. 255 ( books.google.de ).

Individual evidence

  1. Richard Laufner: The offices organization under Baldwin of Luxembourg; in: Johannes Mötsch , Franz-Josef Heyen (Hrsg.): Balduin von Luxemburg. Archbishop of Trier - Elector of the Empire. Festschrift on the occasion of the 700th year of birth. (= Sources and treatises on church history in the Middle Rhine . Vol. 53). Verlag der Gesellschaft für Mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte, Mainz 1985, pp. 289 ff., Digitized