Orpheus project

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Reading by the Orpheus Group in Zgorzelec

The Orpheus Project is a literary festival of Polish and German poets who deal with the spiritual sources of poetry.


Orpheus project 1: A journey to the border springs / Orfeusz - Podróż do źródeł granic

Wroclaw - Kłodzko

Founded by the Wroclaw poets Renata Maria Niemierowska and Marek Śnieciński with significant support from Gert Neumann, the first meeting took place in 1999 under the title "Orpheus - A Journey to the Frontier Sources" as a one-week workshop in Wroclaw and Kłodzko on the Czech border. The main translators were Bettina Wöhrmann, Marek Śnieciński and later Peter Gehrisch.

Contributing authors: Urszula Małgorzata Benka , Peter Gehrisch , Michał Fostowicz Zahorski , Barbara Frank, Dieter Kalka , Bohdan Kos , Gert Neumann , Renata Maria Niemierowska , Waldemar Okoń , Tina Strohecker , Marek Śnieciński , Bettina Wöhrmann , Anna Janko , Macieło .

Orpheus Project 2: Conversation in Word / Rozmowa w Słowie

Bad Muskau

The Orpheus Group met in 2001 on the grounds of the Pückler Park directly on the border river Lausitzer Neisse . Work was carried out on a joint text that was celebrated by the 12 participants at various events in Bautzen , Görlitz , Zgorzelec and Bad Muskau and Leipzig , Organization Stanislawa Gehrisch, music Eleonora Gehrisch and Georg Wieland Wagner.

Follow-up projects: Orpheus gathers the spirits

Lwówek Śląski

Peter Gehrisch's project in Lwówek Śląski has been continued since 2003 with an expanded international circle of authors. Besides those already mentioned, the following took part: Urszula Kozioł , Hans van de Waarsenburg , Stefan Chwin , Karol Maliszewski , Viktor Kalinke , Josef Hrubý , Róža Domašcyna , Andrė Hille , Inger Kock , Halnya Kruk , Frans Budé , Undine Materni , Dieter Krause , Wilhelm Bartsch , Wojciech Izaak Strugała , Helmut Ulrich , Radek Mały , Elke Erb , Krystyna Lars, Andreas Altmann , Jana Štroblová , Bernd Weise , Matthias Jackisch .

Furthermore Jacek Inglot (Wrocław, author), Aleksander Hołoga (Lwówek Śląski, musician, composer), Elżbieta Suchcicka (Lwówek Śląski, visual artist), Wolfgang E. Herbst (Meißen author), Dagmar Ranft-Schinke (painter), Hatifabi Jan (Babylon, Iraq / Warsaw, Arabist, Polonist), Patrik Lewkowicz (Lubań, painter), Markus Jaroschka (Graz, author, publisher of the literary magazine Lichtungen), Carlos A. Aguilera (Havana, exiled author from Cuba, currently lives in Prague), Natalya Elizarova (Moscow, author), Eva Košinská (Prague, author), Jonáš Hájek (Prague, author), Rembert Schleicher (Vienna, author), Leonore Adler (Dresden, painter), Danae Coulmas (Athens, author , Translator), Milan Hrabal , Krzysztof Śliwka .

Publication and documentation

Book publications

  • Orpheus - Conversation in Words / Orfeusz - Rozmowa w Słowie, bilingual, Ostragehege, ISSN  0947-1286 , 2001
  • Orpheus gathers the spirits, anthology, bilingual, Dresden, literary arena e. V., ISSN  0947-1286
  • That's enough for an odyssey through Poland, Anthology, Ed .: Peter Gehrisch
  • I am the wizard of dust, ISBN 978-83-922463-2-9 , 2007
  • Poezja jako przekład niewymownego / Poetry as a translation of the unspeakable, Lwówek Sl. / Jagniatków 2007, ISBN 978-83-922463-2-9


  • Orfeusz - Podróż do źródeł granic, Kłodzko, Ośrodek Kultury, 1999 (translations into Polish: Marek Śnieciński)
  • Orpheus - a journey to the border springs, manuscripts, No. 149, Graz 1999, ISSN  0025-2638
  • The country of Ulro after the cinnamon shops closed, Ostragehege, ISBN 3-930382-48-2 , 2000
  • OSTRAGEHEGE, magazine for literature and art, Dresden, issues 16 (1999) and 18 (2000)
  • “What are the sources of poetry?” In OSTRAGEHEGE, volume 52

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Orpheus essay and photos from the meeting
  2. Peter Gehrisch on the Orpheus encounters
  3. That's enough for an odyssey through Poland
  4. ^ Archives Ostragehege