Otto Kasimir von Meerscheidt called Hüllessem

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Otto Kasimir von Meerscheidt called Hüllessem (* 1721 in Courland ; † August 30, 1803 in Magdeburg ) was a Prussian major general , most recently head of the Leibcompanie in III. Battalion in Infantry Regiment No. 9 and commander of Magdeburg Fortress .



His parents were the heir to Ploenen Johann Ferdinand von Meerscheidt called Hüllessem (baptized September 12, 1701; † August 1728) and his wife Sophie Ursula von Korff († September 1728) from the Paddern family.

Military career

After the early death of his parents, he was raised by his uncle. In 1740, he came as Corporal Corporal in the Garrison Regiment. 1, . On December 4, 1741 he was ensign there and on February 1, 1744 Seconde-Lieutenant . He took part in the Second Silesian War . On August 29, 1745 he became Premier Lieutenant .

During the Seven Years' War he fought in the battles near Boitzenburg (1758), Neustettin, Pyritz, Arnswalde, Greifenhagen (1759), the Rebnicker Pass, Neubrandenburg, Gollnow, Klempenower Pass, Nonnenbusch and Charlottenbaum (1760). He was also involved in the shelling and the capture of the Peenemünder Schanzen as well as the capture of the Loiz bottleneck. On May 15, 1758 he became a staff captain .

But in 1759 he was commissioned to recruit two free companies; these were later added to a battalion that fought in Pomerania. On September 3, 1761 he became a captain and company commander. At the end of the war he received his resignation on April 24, 1763 . On November 2, 1763, he was accepted as a major in the king's entourage . He was born on May 23, 1771 Lieutenant Colonel and on June 6, 1772 Colonel . On January 11, 1773, he was transferred to the newly established Infantry Regiment No. 51 as commander. On May 20, 1782 he was promoted to major general and on May 28, 1782 he was commandant of the Magdeburg Fortress . From December 9, 1783 he received an allowance of 500 thalers. On September 27, 1784 he also became chief of Garrison Battalion No. 4 in Aken , for which he also received 500 thalers. But on May 1, 1788, the garrison regiments were disbanded. He was supposed to keep his command post and became head of the Leibcompanie in III. Battalion in Infantry Regiment No. 9, for which he also received 500 thalers a year and a bonus of 700 thalers. The command post in Magdeburg was important because there were many state prisoners there, which was particularly important during the First Coalition War . On January 13, 1798, he received his departure and a pension of 1000 thalers. In addition, on January 27, 1798, he received permission to wear the old army uniform. He died on August 30, 1803 in Magdeburg and was buried on September 1 in the St. Ulrich church.


He was married to Dorothea Adelgunde von der Osten (* 1751, † December 1791) widowed von Jaenicke. The couple had several children including:

  • Amalie (born March 8, 1768) ⚭ November 30, 1778 Rudolf Siegmund August von Ingersleben , major in Infantry Regiment No. 5
  • Ernestine Friederike Sophie (October 23, 1771 - December 18, 1808)
⚭ Johann Friedrich Ferdinand von Schwarz († June 28, 1806), head of the disabled company of Infantry Regiment No. 21
⚭ Burchard Dietrich von Korff, lieutenant in Infantry Regiment No. 20
  • Wilhelmine Henriette (born August 6, 1773) ⚭ Dietrich Eduard von Haas (born June 20, 1762), son of Major General Dietrich von Haas
  • Karoline Sophie Barbara (* July 1, 1778) ⚭ Josef Wladislaus von Kwiatkowski († 1824), major in Infantry Regiment No. 25


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon , Volume 3, Leipzig 1837, p. 193.