Otto Ludwig von Stutterheim

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Otto Ludwig von Stutterheim (1718–1780)

Otto Ludwig von Stutterheim , the younger (* 1718 on the Sellendorf estate in Lausitz ; † March 29, 1780 in Klostermansfeld ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and chief of the infantry regiment of the same name and a knight of the Black Eagle Order .



He was the son of the royal Polish and Electorate of Saxony captain lieutenant Joachim Friedrich von Stutterheim (1683-1745) and his wife Johanne Eleonore, born von Hacke (1687-1737) from the Stülpe family. His brother Joachim Friedrich von Stutterheim was also a Prussian lieutenant general.

Military career

At the age of 14, Stutterheim entered Prussian service . King Friedrich II took him on as a wing adjutant in his suite. In May 1757 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and sent to East Prussia in September . There Stutterheim worked as advisor and successor to Henning Bernhard von der Goltz (⚔ August 30, 1757 in the battle of Groß-Jägersdorf ) with Field Marshal von Lehwaldt . He operated with an army that was far too small against a much stronger enemy and wrote to the king to send him someone "who would either take over command or assist him". In addition, Stutterheim had to mediate the assignment between Lehwaldt and his deputy Dohna , as they did not get along well with each other. Stutterheim quickly won the king's favor. Already on May 4, 1758, he complained that insufficient information and also too few recruits were coming from Mecklenburg . Nevertheless, he was promoted to colonel in January 1758 and major general on February 26, 1759 . In April of the same year the king appointed him chief of the infantry regiment "von Bornstedt".

Under General von Manteuffel , Stutterheim commands the infantry in Pomerania . When Manteuffel was captured by the Swedes in Anklam , Stutterheim took over command. Since the Swedes under Jakob Albrecht von Lantingshausen were overwhelming, he operated very defensively, which provoked the king's wrath. He ordered Prince Heinrich to send a general to replace him. But this refused because he couldn't do without anyone. Stutterheim remained in command there during the Seven Years' War . On August 24, 1767 he was promoted to lieutenant general and in 1773 he was knighted by the Order of the Black Eagle.

In 1778 Stutterheim happened to be in Potsdam and made some derogatory remarks about the upcoming War of the Bavarian Succession . He also asked for his farewell. This angered the king so much that he Stutterheim all honors and decorations but knew. He then retired to Gut Klostermansfeld , where he died on March 29, 1780.


His wife was Christiane Wilhelmine Leckeny († June 16, 1752 in Berlin). She was the daughter of the Prussian War and Domain Council Friedrich Wilhelm Leckeny and Margarethe Christina Goslarn. From this marriage he had daughters.
