Otto Lukas

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Otto Lukas (born December 24, 1881 in Leibchel ; † June 6, 1956 in Berlin ) was a German teacher , local poet and writer .


Memorial plaque for Otto Lukas in his place of birth Leibchel .

Otto Lukas was the third of four children of Christian Lukas and his wife Auguste. Since his father forest wardens and later forester in the service of the Counts of time Houwald was, the family often had to move: In the winter of 1887 to slug where Otto started school, in the spring of 1888 to Forsthaus Teerofen so that Luke school in closer Byhlen visited . When his father became a forester in Kokainz at Byhleguhre , Lukas switched to the school in Byhleguhre in 1890, where he remained until 1895 after moving to Mühlendorf . Like his brother Hugo, who was seven years older than him, he wanted to become a teacher and attended the preparation training in Straupitz from 1895 to 1898 , then the teachers' seminar in Neuzelle until 1901 . That year the first poems were published in a Berlin newspaper. Lukas was a teacher in various places in Lower Lusatia and trained to become a secondary school teacher . From about 1909 he lived in Berlin and taught German and history at the boys' middle school in Berlin-Lichtenberg .

In May 1910 Lukas married Clara Kossatz in Lieberose , who died in February 1912. They had a son, Helmut Lukas, who was born in Boxhagen-Rummelsburg in March 1911 and died on the Eastern Front in September 1943 . In August 1914, Lukas married Margarete Jahn, and in the same year a first anthology was published with his own poems and short stories, entitled Niederlausitzer Leutchen . At the First World War Lukas took over as lieutenant in the Landwehr Infantry Regiment. 12 part. After the war, he returned to his position as a secondary school teacher in Berlin, where he became the secondary school principal in 1920. He passed exams in Latin and Greek before turning back to poetry and in 1930 published the volume Die liebe Lausitz .

Lukas wrote texts for SA celebrations before 1933 and joined the National Socialist teachers' association in 1932 . He became cell chairman, press officer, school chairman, joined the National Socialist People's Welfare , the Reich Air Protection Association and, in 1937, the NSDAP .

After his apartment in Berlin-Lichtenberg was bombed out during World War II , he moved to Raßnitz , where his second wife died in December 1946. Lukas earned his living with tutoring and music lessons; As a child he learned the flute, violin, piano and later also the organ. In 1956 the 74-year-old fled to West Berlin, where he died of pneumonia that he contracted in the Marienfelde emergency reception center . He is buried in Berlin- Ruhleben .


Lukas is the author of numerous poems and stories about Lower Lusatia and the Spreewald. His best-known work is the poem Lausitzer Kost , in which he lists typical Lausitz dishes: jacket potatoes with linseed oil and quark (see quark with linseed oil ), plinze , grützwurst , large greaves , slippery milk and pickled cucumbers .



  • Niederlausitzer Leutchen. Idylls and swings. Spree-Verlag, Berlin 1914
  • Lusatian people. Idylls and swings. Spree-Verlag, Berlin 1924
  • Forest Christmas. A Christmas game. A. Strauch, Leipzig [1926]
  • Dear Lusatia. No different. Otto Lukas, Berlin-Lichtenberg 1930
  • Traveling students. Volksbühne play in 3 acts. Otto Lukas, Berlin-Lichtenberg 1930
  • Helmut Lukas (Ed.): That was my Spreewald. About landscape and people. [Berlin] 1995
  • Helmut Lukas (Ed.): My Lower Lusatia. Landscape, people, dialect in stories and poems. Berlin 2000
  • Forest children. Memories of forest, meadow and water. (Manuscript, 283 pages, only individual parts have been published so far)
  • Spreewälder between yesterday and today. A story of home, city and young people. (Manuscript, 367 pages, unpublished)


  • German language book for secondary schools. Ferd. Shepherd, Breslau 1926
    • Book 1, grade 6
    • Book 2, 5th grade
  • German punctuation. Examples, rules, explanations, exercises (= Bercker's small public library, volume 1505). F. Hirt, Breslau 1936; 8th edition, Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1953
  • Karl Grunwald and Otto Lukas (eds.): From primeval times to the present. The task and material of a history lesson on a racial basis. Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main 1936; 6th edition, 1941
  • Karl Wehrhan, ed. By Karl Grunwald and Otto Lukas: Textbook of history for middle schools. Part 4: German history from 1815 to 1919. Diesterweg, Frankfurt a. M. 1939–
  • Little German style lore. Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1953
    • Volume 1: Correctness and purity of the language (= Bercker's small public library, Volume 49)
    • Volume 2: The right word and picture. The good expression (= Bercker's small public library, volume 50)
  • German orthography. Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer 1956 (= Bercker's small library, volume 1506 a – c)


  • Helmut Lukas: Foreword with a biography of the author. In: Helmut Lukas (Ed.): Meine Niederlausitz. Landscape, people, dialect in stories and poems. Berlin 2000.
  • Albert Burkhard: Lukas, Otto. In: Friedrich Beck , Eckart Henning (Hrsg.): Brandenburgisches Biographisches Lexikon (= individual publication of the Brandenburg Historical Commission eV, Volume 5). Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 2002, ISBN 3-935035-39-X , pp. 264f.
  • Anna Stüssi: Lukas, Otto. In: Wilhelm Kosch (Ed.): German Literature Lexicon . 3rd edition, Saur, Bern [u. a.] 1986, Volume 10, ISBN 3-317-01539-X , p. 107.
  • Kürschner's German Literature Calendar . 1943.
  • Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich and Matthias Schwerendt: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Bio-bibliographical manual (= Education and Science Edition, Volume 10). Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-05-004094-7 , ISBN 978-3-05-004094-3 , p. 432.

Web links


  1. according to the Economic Encyclopedia : "Schlickermilch, Schloppermilch, in agriculture, the pure milk that remains after removed cream or whipped cream, which is used for quark cheese, or is given to servants with curdled bread to eat."