Pandion (son of Erichthonios)

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Pandion , also called Pandion I , ( Greek  Πανδίων ) was a mythical king of Attica from the Kekropiden family .

According to the list of Attic kings in Hyginus Mythographus , Pandion was the third king of Athens after Kekrops and Erichthonios . According to Hellanikos , he was sixth after Erechtheus . Like Kekrops and Erichthonios, the figure was later doubled, which was first shown in the Parian Chronicle from the year 264/263 BC. Is to be grasped. Pandion, now Pandion I, was in fifth position, Pandion II , the son of the second Kekrops , in eighth position on the list of kings.

Pandion was the son of Erichthonios with the spring nymph Praxithea . With his wife Zeuxippe , his mother's sister, he fathered the two daughters Prokne and Philomele and the twin sons Erechtheus and Bute . Demeter and Dionysus are said to have come to Attica during his reign .

When it came to war with the Theban king Labdakos during border disputes , Pandion was reinforced by the Thracian Tereus . In gratitude he gave his daughter Prokne Tereus to wife. After Pandion's death, his son Erechtheus succeeded him. Butes became the chief priest of Athena and of the Erechtheischen Poseidon .

The Attic phyle Pandionis was named after Pandion, which is why he can be found both in Athens and in Delphi in the group of figures of eponymous heroes , the so-called phylenheroes in Athens. There was a sanctuary of Pandion on the Athenian Acropolis . Its name was possibly derived from the festival of Pandia , a festival of Zeus Pandios.



  1. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae 48.
  2. ^ Felix Jacoby : The fragments of the Greek historians. Part 1: Genealogy and Mythography. Weidmann, Berlin 1923, 449.
  3. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 190.
  4. Already mentioned in Hesiod , Werke und Tage 568 as the daughter of Pandion; see also Sappho 86 D.
  5. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 192.
  6. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 191.
  7. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 193.
  8. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece 1, 5, 2-4.
  9. ^ Pausanias, Journeys in Greece 10, 10, 1.
predecessor Office successor
Erichthonios Mythical king of Attica Erechtheus