Peyton Randolph (Governor)

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Peyton Randolph

Peyton Randolph (* 1779 in Williamsburg , Virginia , † December 26, 1828 ) was an American politician and governor of the state of Virginia for nine days from 1811 to 1812 .


Peyton Randolph was the son of Edmund Randolph , who was a member of the Continental Congress from 1779 to 1782 and governor of Virginia between 1786 and 1788 . He attended the College of William & Mary until 1798 . He later moved to Richmond where he worked as a lawyer. Between 1809 and 1812 he was a member of the Governing Council, later the Virginia Senate . After the incumbent Governor George William Smith was killed on December 26, 1811 in a theater fire, he had to end his term until January 3, 1812. On this day the newly elected James Barbour could take office. After his political career, Randolph became active again as a lawyer. He was a clerk at the Virginia Supreme Court between 1821 and his death in 1828. He and his wife, Maria Ward, had ten children.


  • Robert Sobel and John Raimo (Eds.): Biographical Directory of the Governors of the United States, 1789–1978. Volume 4, Meckler Books, Westport, 1978. 4 volumes.

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