Sirnitz parish church

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Albeck Sirnitz parish church hl.  Nikolaus NNW view 14102011 233.jpg
St. Christopher
Church Sirnitz inside.JPG

The Roman Catholic parish church in Sirnitz in the municipality of Albeck is consecrated to St. Nicholas . A chapel in Sirnitz was first mentioned in a document in 1179.

Building description

The house of God is an early Gothic hall church built around 1300 , which was converted to Baroque style in the middle of the 18th century . The choir and nave are supported by strong, closely placed buttresses . The former early Gothic north tower is only preserved at the height of the nave and integrated into its northeast corner. The baroque west tower from 1747 with round arched sound openings, which is presented to the nave, is crowned by an onion helmet from the 19th century and is opened by arches on the tower ground floor. The weather vane is designed as an IHS monogram. The early Gothic portals on the north, south and west sides have lintels . The baroque St. Christopher fresco on the south side was uncovered in 1993.

In the three-aisled, sechsjochigen nave rises a groin vault over mighty round pillars and pilasters with shaft rings that correspond to the buttresses on the outside. The three-axis west gallery is arched with a cross ridge. The two side aisles are bricked up in the easternmost yoke. In the north aisle is the first floor of the former north tower, in the south aisle the baroque sacristy and above it a baroque gallery. In this southern part, the central nave piers are equipped with shaft rings. The slightly drawn-in, round-arched, chamfered triumphal arch merges into the choir wall. A baroque barrel arches over the one-yoke choir with a five- eighth end . The inclination of the Romanesque vault can still be read from the shape of the remains of the fresco.


Fragments of the wall paintings from around 1310 have been preserved. On the southern slope of the choir, Christ is depicted as ruler of the world in the mandorla . The north wall is frescoed with the Coronation of Mary , including the beheading of John the Baptist and the dance of Salome . The death of the Virgin is shown on the choir wall to the west of it . The Last Judgment from the second half of the 15th century on the north wall of the choir was uncovered in 1992. Above the northern portal is the fresco depiction of a half-length Man of Sorrows with Maria and Johannes from around 1430. It was transferred here from the Karner. The late Gothic images of the apostles were also removed from the Karner and hung as panel paintings in the nave.


The high altar from 1690 consists of a large, three-zone structure: a base with sacrificial portals , a main zone with a triumphal arch and staggered double column position and inclined shell niches and a segmented gable, above an aedicula with a triangular gable and lateral figures on pedestals as an attachment. The central columns are twisted and decorated with vines, the other columns are smooth. The base, the entablature and the side ears are decorated with acanthus . The flat central niche contains a statue of Maria Immaculate and small angels. In the side quarter cones are the figures of Saints Nicholas and Martin . In the essay the sculptures of God the Father with the Holy Spirit Dove , the Archangel Michael and the two Johannes can be seen. The tabernacle dates from the 18th century.

A fasting cloth from the 19th century depicts what is happening on the Mount of Olives.

The left side altar is a wall altar from the end of the 17th century with dark colored architectural forms and applied, golden tendrils. The altar bears a crucifixion group with Mary and John. In the essay are the figures of Saints Sebastian and Florian . Furthermore, painted medallions with passion scenes are attached to the top . Depicted are Christ on the Mount of Olives, the flagellation, the mockery of Christ, Ecce homo , Christ falls under the cross, Christ is stripped of his clothes, the nailing to the cross, the lamentation of Christ and the burial. The Last Supper is depicted on the predella .

The right side altar is a wall altar richly decorated with tendrils from the first quarter of the 18th century, which stylistically indicates the beginning of the dissolution of the architectural forms. The central figure of Mary in Glory is flanked by the statues of her parents Joachim and Anna . The top is formed by a medallion with the dove of the Holy Spirit and putti.

A lent cloth from the 19th century shows a Pietà .

The pulpit from the last quarter of the 17th century bears the figures of Christ as the ruler of the world and the four evangelists on the pulpit . The sound cover is crowned by a painting of St. Nicholas and an angel figure. The late Gothic baptismal font was supplemented on the lid with a figural baptismal group from the 18th century. Next to the south portal is a Gothic holy water fountain from the 14th century. The statues of Saints Joseph and Florian from the first half of the 18th century and images of the Stations of the Cross from the same period are also part of the church's furnishings .



The Karner north-east of the church was first mentioned in a document in 1513 and in 1781 it was called the “Freithof Chapel St. Michael” .

The Karner is an octagonal, late Gothic building from the second half of the 15th century with stepped buttresses and a small choir with a five-eighth end. The clapboard, baroque onion roof with lantern dates from the middle of the 18th century. The late baroque fresco of the resurrection of Christ above the chapel portal is in poor condition.

In the basement there is an ossuary with a simple late Gothic vault supported by a polygonal central pillar. The upper floor is a central room with a star-shaped groin vault and an ogival opening to the choir. Above the triumphal arch is a fresco from the beginning of the 16th century with a crucifixion group . A decorative ribbon has been preserved in the triumphal arch , on the north wall of the choir are remains of figures and on the south wall there are female saints.


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 879 ff.

Web links

Commons : Parish Church of St. Nikolaus, Sirnitz (Albeck)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 49 '25.5 "  N , 14 ° 3' 28.2"  E