Phegeus (son of Alpheios)

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Phegeus ( ancient Greek Φηγεύς Phēgeús ) is in Greek mythology a son of Alpheios and king of Phegeia in Arcadia , who was previously known under the name Erymanthos and after him as Psophis .

Phegeus is the father of Arsinoë (or Alphesiboia ) and the sons Pronoos and Agenor according to the libraries of Apollodor or Temenos and Axion according to Pausanias . According to Herodotus , Eeropos (or Aëropos) is also the son of Phegeus and Echemus , who kills the son of Herakles Hyllos in a duel, thus his grandson.

When Alkmaion , the son of Amphiaraos , is pursued by the Erinyes after the murder of his mother Eriphyle , he escapes to Phegeus, who atoned for the matricide. Alkmaion settles in Phegeia and marries Arsinoë, to whom he gives the necklace and the peplos of Harmonia - curse-laden objects that initiated the entanglements leading to his mother's murder. His marriage to the daughter of Phegeus was also dealt with by Euripides in his tragedy Alkmaion in Psophis . Driven on by Apollon , Alkmaion des Phegeus leaves the country and marries the naiad Kallirrhoë , daughter of the river god Acheloos . He returns to Phegeia to give her the jewels of Harmonia, and under the pretext of dedicating the objects to Apollo in Delphi for his final healing , he asks and receives Harmonias necklace and Peplos back. When the deception is discovered, Phegeus sends his sons to kill Alkmaion or kills him himself.

In order to be able to quickly avenge the death of her husband, Kallirrhoë asks Zeus to let her sons Amphoteros and Akarnan grow up quickly. The request is granted and the sons move out, first killing Phegeus' sons and finally Phegeus himself and his wife. According to two badly recorded passages in Hygin , Phegeus also killed his son-in-law, a Eurypylos, or his granddaughter, the daughter of his daughter Alphesiboia.

In the certamen Homeri et Hesiodi , Hesiod is murdered at the court of Phegeus by his sons Amphiphanes and Ganyktor and thrown into the sea because he is said to have had a relationship with their sister.



  1. Stephanos Byzantios sv Φηγεία ; Hyginus , Fabulae 244 and 245.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 7, 6.
  3. ^ Pausanias 8:24 , 10.
  4. Herodotus, Histories 9, 26.
  5. Suda sv Πενθερά
  6. In Hyginus, Fabulae 245, Phegeus kills Alkmaion.
  7. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 7, 6; Ovid , Metamorphosen 9, 413; Pausanias 6, 17, 6 and 8, 24, 10.
  8. Hygin, fabulae 245.
  9. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae 244.
  10. certamen Homeri et Hesiodi 246 (ed. Rzach) ( Internet Archive ).