Philipp Hahn

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Philipp Hahn

Philipp Hahn (also: Philippus Gallus, Han ; born May 1, 1558 in Halle (Saale) ; † July 6, 1616 in Magdeburg ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Philipp Hahn came from an influential bourgeois family. His grandfather Petrus Hahn († January 25, 1525 in Köthen) was a royal Anhalt court advisor and mayor of Köthen. His father Georg Hahn (born April 6, 1520 in Köthen; † July 23, 1602 in Halle (Saale)), who acted as secretary and clerk of the council in Halle (Saale), comes from his marriage to Anna Gottschalk. From his second marriage, on May 29, 1552, to Clara Wesner (* 1523 in Halle (Saale); † October 9, 1576 in Halle (Saale)), the daughter of the princely Magdeburg mayor in Halle Wolfgang Wesner (* 1494; † July 24, 1557 in Halle) and his wife Clara geb. von Quetz, came the Philip mentioned here. His uncles Nicolaus Gallus and Martin Chemnitz were already involved in the internal Protestant disputes of their time. Therefore Philip was likely to have been familiar with the realities of Lutheran orthodoxy since early childhood.

He received his first education from private teachers and at the grammar school in Halle, which was under the direction of Rector Jacob Fabricius (* Chemnitz; † March 19, 1572 in Halle (Saale)). On January 11, 1570 he switched to the school of the Berge monastery . This educational establishment was headed by Abbot Peter Ulner , who gave him a basic knowledge of theological contexts, the artes liberalis and languages. A year later he moved to the Magdeburg City School , where his teachers included Edo Hildericus , Georg Rollenhagen , Gallus Dreßler and Leonhart Schröter . Due to the plague that was rampant in Magdeburg, he left the city in 1576 to complete further training at the Martino-Katharineum Braunschweig .

With this prior education , he moved to the University of Jena in the winter semester of 1577 , where he initially pursued philosophical studies and lived in the household of Kaspar Arnurus . Due to an epidemic, he moved to the University of Wittenberg the following year . Here he found acceptance in the household of Abdias Praetorius and continued his philosophical studies. At the time, Johann Major held the chair of poetry in the philosophy faculty ; Logic was written by Albert Lemeier , ethics by Johann Grün (also Grunius; 1535 in Nürnberg; † 1596 in Wittenberg), history and rhetoric by Andreas Franckenberger , the Greek by Nicolaus Todaeus, the Hebrew by Valentin Schindler , physics by Aristotle by Valentin Espich and mathematics taught by Andreas Schato and Valentinus Otho .

From 1580 Hahn focused more on theological studies, for which he moved to the household of Polykarp Leyser . In addition to Leyser, Johann Sagittarius , Johannes Matthaeus , Martin Heinrich (theologian) and Johannes Bugenhagen the Younger also worked at the theological faculty, whose lectures he may also have attended. After adequate training, he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy on March 20, 1582. On Leyser's advice, he moved to Heidelberg University in 1583 and then to Tübingen University , where Jakob Andreae , Stephan Gerlach and Dietrich Schnepf continued his education. In 1585 he returned to Wittenberg, received a private teaching position from the young nobleman August Löser in Eutzsch and continued his theological training, among others with Georg Mylius .

In 1589 he was given the post of deacon at the Ulrichskirche in his native Halle . He was ordained on March 3rd and gave his suit sermon on March 12th. In 1591 he was promoted to archdeacon . In 1598 he was the first preacher to move to Magdeburg Cathedral . In order to meet the requirements of the office, he received his doctorate in theology on October 26, 1599 at the Alma Mater in Jena.

Hahn wrote some occasional theological writings, literature on Christian edification, homiletics, liturgy, and history. He also wrote the foreword to a Magdeburg hymn book. His work was published several times until the end of the 17th century.


Hahn met on July 22, 1589 in Halle (Saale) with Barbara Ludwiger, the daughter of the princely Magdeburg'schen Schöppen, Pfänner and church father to St. Moritz in Halle Caspar Ludwiger († May 21, 1572 in Halle) and his 1550 married Mrs. Anna Freudemann († April 11, 1603 in Magdeburg), married. Numerous children result from the marriage. We know of these:

  1. So. Georg Hahn (born October 23, 1590 in Halle (Saale)) Mag. Phil., Became pastor in Middelburg / Zealand
  2. So. Caspar Hahn (born October 22, 1592 in Halle (Saale)) was count. Barby servant
  3. So. Philipp Hahn (born February 14, 1594 in Halle (Saale)) Vicar Cathedral Halle & St. Sebastian, Lector at the Cathedral in Magdeburg
  4. Sun. Wolfgang Hahn (born August 18, 1595 in Halle (Saale); † November 24, 1607 in Ampfurth)
  5. To. Anna Hahn (born December 9, 1596 in Halle (Saale); † April 23, 1683 ibid) married. with the gräfl. Barby and Stolberg Council, later Princely Court Councilor in Halle Adolph Marx
  6. To. Maria Hahn (born January 4, 1599 in Halle (Saale); † October 14, 1677 Gut Karsdorf) married. August 31, 1614 in Halle (Saale) with the theologian Paul Röber
  7. Sun. Ludwig Hahn (* March 7, 1600 in Magdeburg; † March 21, 1600 there)
  8. So. Peter Hahn (* February 22, 1601 in Magdeburg; † April 3, 1601 ibid)
  9. To. Barbara Hahn (born March 4, 1602 in Magdeburg; † May 16, 1603 ibid)
  10. To. Euphrosina Hahn (born November 3, 1603 in Magdeburg) married. January 27, 1629 in Braunschweig with the archdeacon in Heringen Daniel Mönchmeier (born November 27, 1582 in Groß-Salze, † June 6, 1635 in Braunschweig), married. II December 5, 1637 with the Mayor of Braunschweig Tobias Olfen (also: Olffen; * August 9, 1597 in Braunschweig; † September 25, 1654 in Braunschweig; c. October 1, 1654 Martinikirche Braunschweig)
  11. Sun. Cuno Hahn (born September 26, 1606 in Magdeburg; † May 17, 1607 ibid)
  12. To. Barbara Catharina Hahn (* 1608 in Magdeburg; † 1620)
  13. To. Clara Sophia Hahn (born September 14, 1609 in Magdeburg) married. 1629 with the superintendent Dr. Balthasar Balduin (born February 5, 1605 in Dresden, † April 29, 1652 in Regensburg)

Works (selection)

  • Insignia Regis Sion, Domini Nostri Iesu Christi ... consecrata, Reverendissimo ... D.Petro Ulnero, Dei gratia, Abbati montis Parthenopolitani .... Johann Krafft (heirs), Wittenberg, 1581
  • Disputatio XXV. De coena Domini. Pres .: Polycarp Leyser. Johann Krafft (heirs), Wittenberg, 1586
  • Summa Doctrinæ Christianæ, Articvlis XXI. Confessionis Augustanæ prioribus comprehensa. Item Tria Symbola Catholica seu Oecumenica, Apostolicum, Nicenum & D. Athanasij, Germanice, Latine. Graece & Ebraice. Edita studio & opera. Johann Krafft (heirs), Wittenberg, 1588
  • S. Georgens Sermon from the 13th Cap. of the Holy Prophet Hosea. In it the legend of the knight S. Georgen / Sampt is explained in one piece about its interpretation and correct use. Zacharias Lehmann, Wittenberg, 1593
  • Collatio Jonae et Lutheri. Sermon in memory of the holy prophet Jonae, and the divine man of God D. Martini Lutheri. Which two doctrine and life are compared in several work pieces. Johann Beyer, Leipzig, 1595 ( online )
  • A Christian funeral sermon / From the Euangelio S. Marc. 10. ... Bey der Sepultur / des ... Knäbleins Hans Christians. Des ... Ehrnvesten / Mr. Johan von || Arnims / the Ertzbischöfflichen Primatkirchen zu Mag = || deburg Canonici vnd Cellarij / much beloved ... Söhnleins. Which on Shrove Tuesday ... in Magdeburg ... various / and following ... was buried ... Feb. 24th Anno Christi 1599. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1599 ( Online )
  • Christian sermon / From Abrahams ... Begrebnuss / from the first book of Moses ... Bey of the funeral / Des Weiland Edlen ... Joachim von Rohr / Churfuerstlichen Brandenburgischen Heuptmans zu Ziesar / vnd before the time of the primate primacy ... inherited Schrepkaw. Which the four days of Augusti ... in Magdeburg auff der Freyheit / ... separated ... Anno Christi 1599. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1599 ( Online )
  • Christian sermon / From the 68th Psalm ... Vber der Leich / Des Weylandt Hoch vnd Venerable ... Mr. CHRISTIAN von HOPKORFFS, Dom Mr. vnd Scholastici, also Archidiaconi Banni Calbensis of the primacy of the Ertz Episcopal Churches / and the Collegiate Stiffts Churches ad S. Nicolaum zu Magdeburgk / Praepositi. Which the thirteenth of July ... passed away blissfully from this world: ... was buried in the cathedral churches there in Magdeburgk ... the 24th of July / ... 1599. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1599 ( online )
  • Euthanasia Simeonis. The ingenious choir psalm or hymn of praise of the old pious and God-fearing Simeonis, so that he could hold his completorium in the StifftKirchen in Hierusalem / Luc. 2. cap. At the funeral / Des ... Mr. CHRISTOPHORI von Metzrad, the Col- || legiat StifftKirchen S. Nicolai zu Magdeburgk Decani & c. Which on the 6th of March ... fell asleep / and ... the 17th of March ... of this 1600th year ... was buried honestly ... Christian. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1600 ( online )
  • Bridal sermon ... Bey on the wedding day of honor. The ... Junckern Severin Syboldt Counts Barbeyischen Hoffmeister and the ... Virgin Anna des ... Christoph von Bieren blessed posthumous daughter. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1600 ( online )
  • Postilla prophetica. Prophetic saying postil; This is a declaration. Proverbs of Moses, the Prophets, etc. Psalms. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602, 2nd vol .; ibid. 1603 vol. 1 ( online ), vol. 2 ( online );
  • Antidotum Wellerianum Oder / Geistliche Artzney / against all kinds of temptation and tribulation of pious Christians / from Mr Doct. Hieronymi Welleri Latin Trostbüchlin translates ... All trustworthy servants ... useful to use. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602 ( online )
  • In addition to the 2nd epistle S. Pauli to Corinth. on the 12th cap. : At the desire of ... Jungckern / Daniel von Arnimbs / Moritzen blessed son / auff Stasfurt un [d] hereditary seat to Crossaw: Which has been in truth for a long time / But finally ... come back to good reason / and on the day S. Laurentii in Magdeburg / in the Lord gently and blissfully asleep / there was also buried at the cathedral churches ... on August 25th Anno Christi 1602. Therefore in this sermon a special message story / how to get into such and [d ] to judge / and judge such cases. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602 ( online )
  • Christian sermon From the 103rd Psalm / Man is like grass in his life / etc .. About the corpse / The former noble young journeymen / Jobst Casparn von Metzradt blessed. Which the 1st Martij ... in Magdeburgk ... fell asleep / and ... the 5th Martij / at S. Sebastian ... was buried. Anno Christi 1602. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon: From the 71st Psalm of the Royal Prophet David. Bey der Sepultur der Noble ... frawen Lucretiae / born of Quitzaw / des ... Moritzen von Arnims ... widows left behind. Which at Magdeburg ... the 14th January ... fell asleep / and ... the 4th February ... laid in a hereditary burial / and ... were buried / Anno Christi, 1602. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602 ( Online )
  • Christian funeral sermon Except the 144th Psalm of the royal prophet David. At the popular funeral / the former Gestrengen / Noble and Manhafften / Serious von Mandelßloe / for the Colonel of the War / etc.: Which Sundays Trinity / May 30th / after noon at 3 p.m. / to Hederßleben in the Graffschaff Manßfeld ... fall asleep / his body was transported from there to Magdeburgk / and there on the day of Johannis Baptistae / in the cathedral churches ... was buried with Christian ceremonies / Anno Christi 1602. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1602 ( online ); ibid 1603 ( online )
  • Christodōron = Christmas presents / That is / Declaration by the old church hymn / From the little child so praiseworthy: In three Christmas sermons. In it the whole main doctrine of the holy Christmas / of the new bodily birth of the Son of God / from the pure virgin Mary ... is composed; In addition, a short disposition has been attached to each sermon in a table next to a useful register. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1603 ( online )
  • Mons Thvris Et Myrrhae = clergyman Weyrauchhügel, vnd Myrrhenbergk. That is: Prayer and supplication of Christ Jesus to our Lord: Johan. on 17th Cap. described. Sampt of the histories of his bitter Leyden and dying, drawn from the four evangelists. Thus explained and explained in various sermons. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1603 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / From the Psal. 31st of the royal prophet David. Bey der Sepultur / des ... Mr Christoph. Werner / der CollegiatStifftkirchen S. Sebastiani zu Magdeburgk Canonici blessed: which Sunday before Luciae December 12th. ... fall asleep / and his body / next Friday / December 7th. ... was buried / Anno Christi 1602. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1603 ( Online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / Except the 73rd psalm of the royal prophet David: About the corpse of ... Johan Georgen von Arnims / Canon and Archidiaconi Banni Halensis, The Primacy Ertzbischöfflichen Kirchen zu Magdeburgk / Erbgesessen auff Tretzel / etc. Which the 27th May. .. fall asleep. But then the 9th of June ... in Magdeburgk ... was buried / Anno Christi 1603. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1603 ( online )
  • Exequiae Bulovianae, Christian funeral sermon / Bey der ... Burial / Der ... Fredeken / Geborner von der Asseburgk / Des ... Busso von Bülowen / Weiland owners of the Obissfelde family / and to Gartaw hereditary estates / Christian remembrance / postulated widows. : Which on the day of Francisci the 4th of October ... in Magdeburgk on the Praelatenberg in your dwelling ... fell asleep: And on you commit / by your handicapped son and heir / Heinrichen von Bülowen / following the 24th of October, your corpse. .. taken away and accompanied by Magdeburgk / And October 26th, Friday before Simeonis and Iudae, to Obissfeldt in the city churches / in front of the altar next to their blessed Junkers / placed in a bed / and ... buried / Anno Christi 1604. Andreas Duncker , Magdeburg, 1604 ( online )
  • Christian widows' mirror / or / Kurtzer report from God's word / from Christians and widows. 1. Virtue and godliness / 2. Creutz and disgrace. 3. Consolation and splendor: Bey der Sepultur / der ... Frawen Armgard born Schenckin / des ... Hansen von der Schulenburgk auff Drebsen ... widows. Which in the evening S. Thomae / at Magdeburgk ... fell asleep / and following January 3rd of the ... 1604th year ... was buried there in S. Nicolai Stifft's churches ... Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1604 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / Bey dem Begrebnis / the venerable / Noble and Ehrnvesten / Mr. Johan Zyringks / Weiland Kriegsheuptmans / and later Canonici Senioris, Scholastici and Cellarii of the Collegiat Stifftskirchen S. Nicolai in Magdeburgk / as the last of this generation: Which ... the 8 Iunii ... fall asleep / and the following ... the 14th June, this current 1604th year ... there in S. Nicolai churches ... buried / also shield and helmet were laid in the grave. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1604 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / From Psalm 38 of the royal prophet David. Bey der Sepultur / of ... Christoff von Arnims ... Canon and Camerarij ... who fell asleep on the 27th of September ... / and ... on the 11th of Octobris in the cathedral church there / Christian and honest white town / Anno Christi / 1604. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1604 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / Bey dem Begrebnis / Der Noble ... Frawen / Anna, Born von Bartenßleben / Des ... Hansen Kotzen ... Married Haußfrawen / blessed: Who fell asleep on April 17th / and May 1st. .. M.DC.IIII. Year ... been buried / Gethan by Nicolaum Hartungum, servant at the word of the Lord there, Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1604 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / Bey der Sepultur / der ... Mariae / Geborner Freyin zu Warberge / Des ... Wernern / Edlen von Plotho ... the primacy of Ertzbischöfflichen churches in Magdeburgk Domhern ... Witfrawen / Christmilder Gedechtniß: Which on Shrovetide Sunday Sleeping gently and blissfully in the Lord God the night / and following Thursday before Oculi on February 28th in the cathedral church next to her blessed Lord ... was buried. Anno Domini. 1605. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1605 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / Bey der Sepultur / the noble ... Frawen Feliciae, Born von Hopkorff / Des ... Mr. Lüdolffen von Hakenborns / Senioris Canonici of the CollegiatStifftsKirchen S. Nicolai zu Magdeburgk / conjugal Haußfrawen: which on the day Mariae Liechtmeß / suddenly from this World demanded / and following February 14th ... was buried on earth in pre-booked churches / Anno Christi 1605. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1605 ( Online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / outside the 5th cap. S. Johannis of the Holy Evangelist. Bey of the rich people Sepultur / Des Ehrworthigen / Ehrnvesten / Achtbarn und Hochgelarten Mr. Sylvester Lehmans / Ertzstifftischen Magdeburgischen / old wolverdienten Officials: Which Thursday before Burcardi was the 11th Octobris ... to Magdeburgk ... fell asleep / and the following ... the 18 Octobris ... buried and interred there by the cathedral churches / Anno 1604. Andreas Duncker, 1605 ( Online )
  • Christian funeral sermon: Bey der Sepultur / of the noble and honorable Hildebrand Rauchhäupts / who at Magdeburgk on the Freyheit / the 12th Ianuarii ... fell asleep / and the 29th Januarii, there in the monastery churches to our dear Frawen ... was buried / Anno Christi. 1605. Andreas Duncker, Magdeburg, 1605 ( online )
  • Honorary crown from Angel Margaretae von Arnstedts. That is: Christian funeral sermon / From the short proverb of the 127 psalm ... Beym Begrebnis the noble child and tender maiden / Angel Margaretae / Des ... Mr. Friderichen von Arnstedts / the primacy of the Ertzbischofflichen Kirchen zu Magdeburgk Canon ... Little daughter: Which the 7th of October ... fell asleep / and then the 17th of October ... was buried in the cathedral churches of Magdeburgk ... Anno Christi 1605. Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1605 ( online )
  • Marital trawung and Christian bridal sermon / Bey the wedding feast days of ... Mr. Esaiae Becken ... And the Thugentsamen Jungfrawen Elisabeth / Mr. Nicolai Henckels ... daughter. Mondays and Tuesdays after the birth of Mary / was the 9th and 10th day of September / in the churches of Hundesburgk ... performed / Anno Christi 1605, Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1605 ( online )
  • Funeral sermons / Bey Christian burial of a number of canons and other clergy / rulers of the nobility / men and women-persons / old and young / etc.: majority in the primacy of Ortzbischöfflichen / also collegiate churches / parts but other places of the laudable Ertzstiffts Magdeburgk ... so kept different / and itzo in total ordered for printing. Magdeburg 1605 vol. 1, ( online ); ibid. vol. 2 ( online ), new edition 1616 vol. 1 ( online ), vol. 3 ( online ); 1618 vol. 3 ( online )
  • XXX. Homiliae, Philippi Galli D. Ecclesiastis Metropolitan. Magdeb. In Prophetam Jonam. Ambrosius Kirchner & Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1606 ( online )
  • Pestis Triduana, That is: Thorough interpretation of the histories of the rapid and great land deaths / in King David's time / in 2.Sam.24 and I.Chron.24.Cap. described. Ambrosius Kirchner & Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1606
  • Christian funeral sermon / From the saying 1. Joh. 1. Cap. The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God / makes us clean from all sin: Bey the Sepultur der Mercy ... Matron / Frawen Elisabethae Rhodin / des ... Ludwigen Trauterbulen / the chapels S. Gangolphi and B. Virginis Canonici, and Protonotarii Magdeburgk blessed / posthumous widows. : Which January 31st. ... fall asleep / and following the 4th of February, Anno Christi 1607. at the cathedral churches of Magdeb. ... was buried. Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1607 ( online )
  • A happy Laetare. That is: Christian investiture preaching: Tuesday after Laetare, was the 17th Martii, Anno Christi 1607. As a ... council in the Sudenburgk Magdeburgk ... the newly appointed preachers of their churches / both pastors and chaplain / Mr. Zachariam Weseman / and Mr. Petrum Homelium, invested in its office, instructed and confirmed / ... held / and ordered for printing. Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1607 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon outside the 41 cap. of the little book Jesus Syrachs: Bey der Sepultur / Der Noble ... Matron / Frawen Barbarae / born von Bodenhausen / Des ... Serious von Almond Löen ... posthumous widows. Which on June 13th ... in Magdeburgk ... fell asleep / And following on the day of S. Johannis des Teuffers ... was placed in her decreed grave / Anno Christi 1607 ... Salomon Richtzenhan, Magdeburg, 1607 ( online )
  • Five short sermons / On the twentieth psalm of the royal prophet David. Ambrosius Kirchner & Zacharias Dörffer, Magdeburg, 1608 ( online )
  • Christian Landtag sermon / Except for the twentieth psalm of the royal prophet David: On the 27th day of Septemb. Anno Christi 1608. At the state parliament in Hall in Saxony; With the arrival and confirmation of the Ertzbischofflichen government / that ... Mr. Christian Wilhelm, postulated Ertzbischoffen zu Magdeburg / ... so held ... ... Sampt several Carminibus congratulations. Ambrosius Kichner & Zacharias Dörffer, Magdeburg, 1608 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / From the words S. Pauli Rome. 14. Our nobody lives himself / And our nobody dies himself / etc.: Bey der Sepultur / Des ... Mr. Friederichs von Arnstedt / the primacy of the Ertzbischöfflichen churches to Magdeburgk Cathedral Lord / etc. Which ... the 22 Febr ... fell asleep / and ... on 6th Martii ... in the cathedral church there ... buried / and was put in his bed / Anno Christi 1608. Andreas Gehne (heirs), Magdeburg, 1608 ( online )
  • Christian funeral sermon / From the 91st Psalm: Bey der Sepultur / des ... Mr. / Petri Homelii, The Christian Churches and Community in the Sudenburg Magdeburg Diaconi. Which Saturday / August 29th ... fall asleep. And the following Monday, September 1st ... in the church there ... buried / and ... buried / Anno 1607. Andreas Gehne (heirs), Magdeburg, 1608 ( online )
  • Postilla Evangelica. That is: Explanation of the Ordinary Evangelical Lessons / Open the Sundays and High Feasts / Throughout the year: In two different parts / as winter and summer part / so write / each sermon a short disposition in a table / and to find a proper register for each part ; As a testimony to the doctrine / as it is unanimously stated in the Ertzstifft Magdeburgk / and for common use / itzo is put into print on the Newe. Ambrosius Kirchner, Magdeburg, 1609 2nd vol .; ibid 1611
  • Christian corpse sermon and honorary memorial: Bey der Sepultur / The noble and much honorary virtue matron / Frawen Elisabeth Geborner von Meltzing / the high and venerable / noble and honorary vests of Mr. Georgen von Plato / the primacy of Ertzbischofflichen churches to Magdeburgk canons and the chapels S. Gangolphi un [ d] B. Virginis sub aula Archiepiscopali of the same Thesaurii; Hereditary seat at Grabaw in the land of Luneburgk Christ-Blessed memory of post-mortem widows. Which Sundays Judica, April 2nd, in the evening after 8 clocks / gently and blissfully secluded from this world / and on Mondays after Quasimodogeniti on April 24th / in the cathedral churches of Magdeburgk / next to your blessed lord / in a resting bed / and Christian white town / Anno Christi 1609. Andreas Gehne (heirs), Magdeburg, 1609 ( online )
  • Three Christian corpse sermons: Bey more respectable and very crowded town hall, two canons / Mr Wicharts von Bredown Senioris / [et] c. And Mr. Johan von Arnimbs Cellarii / [et] c. Also Syndici, Mr. Nicolai Gericii / [et] c. Bey the primacy of Ertz Bischofflichen Kirchen zu Magdeburgk / held differently / and itzo in total decreed for printing. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1610 ( online )
  • Christian corpse sermon / Outside the Evangelical Historia / Daughters who died and were raised by the Colonel in Capernaum. Matth. 9. Bey of the trawling Sepultur, the two noble virgins and little sister / Mariae Elisabeth, and Dorotheae, Born Spitznaß. The ... Mr. Wolffgang Spitznaß / The primacy of the ErtzBischofflichen Kirchen zu Magdeburgk Canon ... Little daughters: Which two / short crazy days / fell asleep happily in the Lord / And on November 14th / in the cathedral church in Magdeburgk ... buried / at their bedlinen brought / and placed in a grave with one another. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1611 ( online )
  • Catechism Kleinoth. That is / Kurtze Sum [m] Arian and Ordinary Declaration of the Five Chiefs Piece of the Holy Catechism / Or Enchiridij D. Martini Lutheri: Out of H. Göttlicher Schrifft / In six sermons thus negotiated. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1611
  • Appendix Postillae Evangelicae, that is / explanation of the ordinary lessons / on the apostles and other H. Feasts and times: as they are ordinarily ordained in winter and summer / throughout the year / and also held in a number of Reformed churches / thus writes / that each sermon is briefly set up in a table beforehand / to finally find a proper register / and thus the third part of The Evangelical Postil is completed / and itzo is now in print. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1612 ( online )
  • Christian corpse sermon / Outside the XXV. Psalm of the royal prophet David: Bey of the respectable Sepultur, The ... Frawen Sabina / Born von Holtzhausen / Deß ... H. Johan Kecken von Schwartzbach ... Heart love / Married Haußfrawen / Christseliger Gedechtniß. Which the 21st day of Aprilis ... separated / And then the 30th day of Aprilis ... accompanied to her resting betlin / and was buried / Anno Chtisti M.DC.XII.Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1612 ( online )
  • Christ Vera Vita ac unica via Beatitudinis. That is: Christian funeral sermon / From the golden saying of the Lord Christ / Johan. 14. ...: Bey of the noble Sepultur / deß ... Mr. Cuno Wilhelmen von Werdensleben / ... Which on May 28th / ... fell asleep / And the following Friday / June 4th / there in merged StifftsKirchen .. . has been occupied ... Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1613 ( online )
  • Memoria. Exitus Conversationis Christianae. That is / Christian dying thoughts / out of the beautiful Advent verse S. Pauli / 1. Tim. 1. cap. That is ever certain was ...: Bey der ... Sepultur, Deß ... Mr. / Adami Löders / First Evangelical / Wolverdieneten Praepositi, deß Reformed Closters to our dear Frawen / Ordinis de Praemonstra called / in Magdeburgk. Which ... November 22nd. ... fall asleep / and ... November 30th in painted Closters churches ... Anno Christi M.DC.XII. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1613 ( online )
  • Precatio Viri-Iuvenis Proatōnios. This is / Christian death bed / Still young prospective people / apart from the beginning and conclusion of the Psal. 102.: Bey of the trawlers ... Bestadtung / Deß ... Theodorici Löders / Newerwehleten ... Praepositi deß Closters our dear Frawen in Magdeburgk. Which ... the 6th Martii. ... separated / also ... the 11th Martii ... in the closters church ... buried ... Anno Christi M.DC.XIII. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1613 ( online )
  • Certa Salutis in Christo impetrandae Scientia, That is: The infallible Christian art to inherit Eternal Life: Bey of the respectable and popular Sepultur, Deß ... Mr. Pauli Godefridi ... Which on December 21st. ... fall asleep / and then December 30th. ... was buried and buried. Anno CoaDIVtor BergensIs MorItur. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1614 ( online )
  • Church Book D. Philip. Hanen / DomPredigers zu Magdeburgk: In it the usual ceremonies, in addition to a number of short sermons outside of God's word / salutary consiliis, bedencken and memories of Mr. D. Lutheri ... are composed: Which of Christian baptisms / consecration of the six-week-old woman ... In the churches of this Ertzstiffts Magdeburgk ... to be common / and to be used by preachers ... useful; Divided into nine different treatises .... Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1615 ( Online )
  • Mystokatoptron, That is: Preacher mirror / Or / Christian remembrance of the Preacher Ampt and withering: From the prayer of Christ Jesus / Johan. 17. Cap. In a short funeral sermon / Tuesdays to Oculi, the 5th Martii, Anno Domini 1616, was therefore carried for. Bey of the very people-rich Sepultur, Deß ... M. Matthaei Harder / Der StifftsKirchen SS. Petri Pauli, & S. Nicolai, in the Newstadt Magdeburgk / getrewen Pastoris and Canonici Senioris, blessed Gedechtniß ... / Uff weird begeren ... prescribed to the truck. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1616 ( online )
  • Salutare Panaces Et Antidotum peccati, That is: Healing Sins Plaster / Out 1. Joh. 2. cap. Whether someone sins / so we have an advocate by the father / Jesus Christ / etc. In a Christian corpse sermon / Tuesdays to Palmen / Anno Domini 1616. thus supported. Bey der Volkreich Sepultur / Deß Weyland Venerable / Eightbars and Wolgelarten / Herr Hermanni Crantzen, Der Primat-Ertz-Bischöfflichen Kirchen zu Magdeburgk Diaconi, his friendly / much-loved Collegae and Gefattern / now blessed memory, etc. Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1616 ( online )
  • Postilla Apostolica. Harmonious summary and explanation of the Sunday and Feyertag Gospels with the epistles of the whole year / in certain chief teachings ... Part / held and preached in the year 1614 / in the cathedral in Magdeburgk. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1620, 3rd vol.


  • Paul Röber : Artis non - Moriendi precognitum Secundum. Distinguishes itself from the beautifully consoling, between the death of the righteous and the unjust. Ambrosius Kirchner & Andreas Betzel, Magdeburg, 1617 ( online )
  • Friedrich Gottlieb Kettner: Clerus Mauritianus or the Evangelical Lutheran clergy of the Hohen Stiffts Church of S. Mauritii. Which here in Magdeburg, the blessed Reformation Lutheri taught the pure word of God and salvation. Has served sacraments after Christ's institution. For the price of divine honor, who want to promote their kingdom of grace in this community, and for the preservation of the blessed memory of faithful teachers with their descendants. Colligiret with diligence, and gathered from those oldest watch customers. Christian Lebrecht Faber, Magdeburg, 1726, p. 8 ff. ( Online )
  • Hahn or Gallus, Philipp .. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 12, Leipzig 1735, column 209.
  • Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt : Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and Ertz-Stifft, but now secularized by the Duchy of Magdeburg, which belongs to the Duchy of Magdeburg, and of all the cities, palaces, offices, Manors, aristocratic families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, especially the cities of Halle, Neumarckt, Glaucha, Wettin, Löbegün, Cönnern and Alsleben; From Actis publicis and credible ... news, collected diligently, reinforced with many unprinted documents, adorned with copperplate engravings and abstracts, and provided with the necessary registers. Emanuel Schneider, Halle, 1755, p. 627 ( online )
  • Fritz Roth : Complete evaluations of funeral sermons and personal documents for genealogical and cultural-historical purposes. Boppard / Rhein, 1962/64, vol. 3, p. 386 ff., R 2738
  • Veronika Albrecht-Birkner: Pastors book of the church province of Saxony. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2005, ISBN 3-374-02135-2 , Vol. 3, p. 488

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