Pyotr Olev

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Pjotr ​​Olev , Russian Пётр Олев , (born January 3, 1955 in Moscow ) is a Russian actor and director .


Olev studied acting at the Shchukin Drama School of the Vakhtangov Theater and the Moscow Art Theater School . Later he studied film directing in the postgraduate course of the Committee of Cinematography of the USSR and theater directing at the State Institute of Theater Arts of the USSR. He did his doctorate with the topic “Targeted improvisation as a method of practical analysis. Improvisation in a fixed form ” .

From 1977 to 1985 he was a member of the ensemble of the Moscow Sovremennik Theater and a lecturer at the Moscow Art Theater Academy. In 1987, at the age of 32, he became the artistic director and chief stage director of the 1st Moscow Regional Theater . He worked as a cabaret artist , radio presenter and screenwriter . In 1988, Olev des was relieved of his position as artistic director due to his political commitment and emigrated to Austria . In the following years he worked as a director, author and lecturer in Vienna , Linz and (West) Berlin . In 1990 he founded the Stanislavski School in Berlin , a training center for actors. In the same year he began his international work as a film and television actor. In 1991 he was appointed professor at the Hanover University of Music and Drama . A year later, he was offered the chair at the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg . In 2003 the Theaterakademie Hamburg (TAH, Studiendekanat II of the University of Music and Theater) was founded through his initiative . Until 2005, Olev was director of the Hamburg Theater Academy and dean of the Dean of Studies II at the University of Music and Theater.

He currently works as an actor , speaker , director , television presenter , author , translator and theater producer . He produced publications and productions in Russia , Latvia and Germany .

Pyotr Olev is the father of the actor Fyodor Olev .


In 1993, the movie Karakum , in which Olev plays Piotr , won the UNESCO Prize of the Berlinale and other prizes. The Russian magazine Muzhskaya Gazeta chose him for the talk show Factor Success at TV6 Man of 2001.


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Individual evidence

  1. Gottschalk Behrens Agency, Pjotr ​​Olev ( Memento from December 9, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Alexandra Werdes: Cleaning the handle is part of it . The time. 1999. Retrieved December 2, 2008.
  3. Klaus Witzeling: A moderator should mediate . Hamburger Abendblatt. March 2004. Retrieved December 2, 2008.
  4. Russian language, Russian voice, Russian speaker
  5. Karakum. In: . German Film Institute , accessed April 1, 2016 .
  6. IMDb Awards