Pomoran language

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Pomoran or Baltic Slavic is:

  • In a narrower sense, the Pomeranian language is (sgn. West Pomoranisch ) a collective name for extinct West Slavic ( lechische ) dialects along the Baltic Sea east of the Travelodge , about the current German Vorpommern and Polish West Pomerania .
  • In a broader sense, Pomoran also includes the Kashubian and Slovincian languages , i.e. H. Slovincian-Kashubian, or its historical predecessors (so-called Eastern Pomoran ), whereby Slovincian is often only understood as a dialect of Kashubian and Kashubian has been a regional language in Poland since 2005 .
  • In the broadest (rare) sense, the Pomoran language is a collective term for all Slavic (also typically Polish) dialects of Pomerania .

The first definition is an extinct language and the second (and third) definition is a living language. Kashubian (often including Slovinsian, which died out around 1945) is today often referred to as “Pomoran” in the sense of the second definition, as it is the only remaining “part” of Pomoran.

Pomoran in the narrower sense

The Pomoranische in the narrow sense bordered on the west by Polabisch , on the south by Polish and east to Kashubian-Slovincian or Ostpomoranisch. It was in the 6th until about the 18th century spoken, but the majority of pomoranisch speaking population at the beginning of the modern era linguistically Germanized was.

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Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Lorentz , Slovinzisches Dictionary (Second part, Vorworth), St. Petersburg 1912
  2. Ustawa z dnia 6 stycznia 2005 r. o mniejszościach narodowych i etnicznych oraz o języku regionalnym (Dz. U. z dnia 31 stycznia 2005 r.)